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Nyack - Geophysical Characterization Problem - determine subsurface parameters, relevant to fluid flow and basin evolution, from non-invasive observations.

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Presentation on theme: "Nyack - Geophysical Characterization Problem - determine subsurface parameters, relevant to fluid flow and basin evolution, from non-invasive observations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nyack - Geophysical Characterization Problem - determine subsurface parameters, relevant to fluid flow and basin evolution, from non-invasive observations made on the surface. Expectations - simple visual observation indicates a bed load dominated, glacial fluvial system. Thus one expects a fairly thin valley fill dominated by non-continuous, coarse grained fluvial components.

2 Two Geophysical Methods Gravity for bedrock configuration. Gravity is the measure of the mutual attraction of masses. The valley fill is significantly less dense than the surrounding bedrock. Radar for characterization of very shallow stratigraphy. Different mixes of valley fill have slightly different dielectric properties which affect the propagation of radar waves according to Maxwell’s equations.


4 We measure gz, the vertical component of gravity: Integrate over all mass in a distant volume to get the anomalous gravity at a point, P:


6 Gravity anomaly from equal bodies, different depths. Area under the curves is equal.

7 Here’s where we currently have gravity observations

8 Gravity Observations - collect and process Collect observations, GPS gives +/- 30 cm elevation control Correct observations for: instrumental and tidal drift (+/- 0.002 mgal) latitude (+/- 0.001 mgal) elevation above mean sea level (+/- 0.1 mgal) local/regional deviations in topography Thus total error is ~ +/- 0.11 milligal d/d(horizontal) +/- 0.05 mgal/km for terrain correction

9 Color is terrain correction; contours are topography Terrain corrections are largest source of error but not random error

10 Complete Bouguer Anomaly on Topography

11 Processing ends and interpretation begins A subjective step Probably the most important step in gravity methods Observed Gravity - Regional Gravity = Residual Gravity Knowns for the Nyack Valley: We are looking for the anomaly caused by the lower density valley fill. Thus at the bedrock contacts at the valley’s edge, the residual gravity must be near zero Bedrock density is around 2800 kg/m^3 (experience) Glaciation post dates faulting - valley is roughly U-shaped Model results must fit gradients and volume of anomaly values

12 Gravity from Beyond ~ Planar

13 Regional Gravity as Best Fit Plane

14 Residual at Small Scale Residual, from shallow sources, centers on zero milligals.

15 Residual - After Adjusting for Known Zeroes Magenta = zero residual contour; green = known zeroes; cyan = data

16 Color is Residual; Contours on Topography

17 Compare Complete Bouguer Anomaly and Residual Removed planar regional Residual’s zero (faint magenta line) approximates bedrock contact


19 Poor fit - density contrast too low High gradients and short-radius curvature require high density contrast and help bound density contrast. This was delta-rho = -250 kg/m^3; higher delta rho means shallower basin

20 Profile A-A’; with delta rho = -700 kg/m^3 Maximum depth ~ 109 meters

21 Profile B-B’; with delta rho = -700 kg/m^3 Maximum depth ~ 150 meters; close to gravity minimum

22 Gravity - that’s where we are


24 Maxwell’s Equations


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