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Center for Quantum Information ROCHESTER HARVARD CORNELL STANFORD RUTGERS LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES Spin effects and decoherence in high-mobility Si MOSFETs.

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Presentation on theme: "Center for Quantum Information ROCHESTER HARVARD CORNELL STANFORD RUTGERS LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES Spin effects and decoherence in high-mobility Si MOSFETs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Center for Quantum Information ROCHESTER HARVARD CORNELL STANFORD RUTGERS LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES Spin effects and decoherence in high-mobility Si MOSFETs Michael Gershenson Rutgers University in collaboration with Harry Kojima (Rutgers) Vladimir Pudalov (Lebedev Inst.) Grad. Student:Vitaly Podzorov Undergrad. Students: Nick Butch, Taro Sato, Donglai Gong

2 Center for Quantum Information ROCHESTER HARVARD CORNELL STANFORD RUTGERS LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES Quantum computing Spintronics Physics of Strongly Correlated (  dilute) Electron Systems  Spin Effects, Interaction-Driven Magnetic Instabilities Apparent Metal-Insulator Transition in 2D; Ground State of a Strongly Interacting Electron System; Decoherence in a Strongly Interacting System

3 Center for Quantum Information ROCHESTER HARVARD CORNELL STANFORD RUTGERS LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES spin susceptibility g*-factor effective mass decoherence rate B II BB Mixing Chamber of Dilution Fridge Si MOSFET Novel cross-field technique - probing the spin and orbital degrees of freedom of a dilute electron system: High-mobility Si MOSFETs at low temperatures (0.05 – 1 K) and in the crossed magnetic fields (up to 8T)

4 Center for Quantum Information ROCHESTER HARVARD CORNELL STANFORD RUTGERS LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES SdH oscillations in B II - new tool to measure  *, g*, and m* Spin Susceptibility

5 Center for Quantum Information ROCHESTER HARVARD CORNELL STANFORD RUTGERS LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES Giant enhancement of the electron spin susceptibility in low-density 2DEG with decreasing carrier density, the el.-el. interactions are strongly enhanced Scaling Analysis: the apparent metal- insulator transition in 2D is not accompanied with a magnetic instability. This, however, does not exclude possibility of a magnetic transition at n  5x10 10 cm -2 an apparent 2D MIT M. Gershenson, an invited talk at the APS March Meeting, 2001; an invited talk at the EP2DS Conf, Physica E V. Pudalov et al., cond-mat/0105081, submitted to PRL; cond-mat/0110160; cond-mat/0201001

6 Center for Quantum Information ROCHESTER HARVARD CORNELL STANFORD RUTGERS LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES Decoherence in a strongly interacting system Weak Localization MR L  =  D    L H The weak localization corrections in the 2DEG with r s up to 8 (r s, the ratio of the Coulomb energy to the kinetic energy, characterizes the strength of el.-el. interactions)

7 Center for Quantum Information ROCHESTER HARVARD CORNELL STANFORD RUTGERS LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES a strongly interacting system – is still a Fermi-liquid system The first (diffusive) term becomes comparable to the second (ballistic) term when T  ~ 1 The singlet + triplet channels – Narozhny, Zala, Aleiner, ‘02 Decoherence in two dimensions due to el.-el. interactions

8 Center for Quantum Information ROCHESTER HARVARD CORNELL STANFORD RUTGERS LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES Effect of the parallel magnetic field on decoherence In strong fields,   is reduced by an order of magnitude! M. Gershenson, an invited talk at the Conference “Macroscopic Quantum Coherence and Dissipation”, Aspen, February 2002.

9 Center for Quantum Information ROCHESTER HARVARD CORNELL STANFORD RUTGERS LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES Mechanisms of enhancement of the decoherence rate in B II  due to the Si-SiO 2 interface roughness an electron picks up a random Berry’s phase  the electron sees uniform B II as random B  Mensz at al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 50, 603 (1987) Mensz and Wheeler, Phys. Rev. B 35, 2844 (1987) Mathur and Baranger, Phys. Rev. B 64, 235325 (2001)  a) asymmetric scatterers with respect to the middle of a quantum well + b) B II, which breaks the time-reversal symmetry and couples different sub-bands of size quantization Fal’ko, J. Phys. Condens Matter 2, 3797 (1990) Meyer, Altland, and Altshuler, cond-mat/0105623

10 Center for Quantum Information ROCHESTER HARVARD CORNELL STANFORD RUTGERS LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES M. Gershenson et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 2049 (2001) Electron-phonon coupling in low-dimensional conductors cooling of mesoscopic systems promising applications in hot-electron devices operating at T < 1 K The electron cooling time for ultra-thin Hf and Ti films  - Hf, d = 25nm, R  = 38   - Ti, d = 20nm, R  = 14.7  ultra-long (up to 1 s !!) el.-ph. scattering time good agreement with the q T l << 1 theory sensitivity of state-of-the-art FIR bolometers can be improved by ~ 10 2

11 Center for Quantum Information ROCHESTER HARVARD CORNELL STANFORD RUTGERS LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES Future directions: Organic-molecular-crystal based FETs (unique opportunity to explore the ultra-strong interaction regime, r s ~ 100) Quantum dots in Si Nano-sensors and nano-calorimeters based on hot-electron effects at low temperatures New undergraduate course in nanoscience and quantum computing Facility for nano-fabrication Hiring in nano-science + quantum computing

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