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7th Annual National Value-Added Ag Conference Indianapolis, Indiana June 16-17, 2005 Creating an Entrepreneurial Culture/Community Dr. Deborah M. Markley.

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Presentation on theme: "7th Annual National Value-Added Ag Conference Indianapolis, Indiana June 16-17, 2005 Creating an Entrepreneurial Culture/Community Dr. Deborah M. Markley."— Presentation transcript:

1 7th Annual National Value-Added Ag Conference Indianapolis, Indiana June 16-17, 2005 Creating an Entrepreneurial Culture/Community Dr. Deborah M. Markley Co-Director RUPRI Center for Rural Entrepreneurship

2 Unique Challenges to Rural Entrepreneurship Culture often does not support entrepreneurship Entrepreneurs are isolated from peers and mentors – networking difficult Entrepreneurs fly below the radar screen of local economic development officials Rural communities “waiting to be saved” – dependency alive and well Need to take a portfolio approach to investing in entrepreneurship - challenging

3 Why create an entrepreneurial culture/community? Entrepreneurs thrive in a supportive environment In a supportive culture, leaders accept losses that WILL occur but continue support for entrepreneurship anyway Outcomes from entrepreneurship occur over the long term – need a culture of entrepreneurship to stay in the game for the long haul

4 How to create an entrepreneurial culture/community Leadership Youth engagement Celebrate Success Learning from others

5 Leadership Broad based: immigrants, women, new arrivals, young people Involve entrepreneurs: “by and for entrepreneurs”, engage them where they are Engage community in strategy development: seek input; share results Policy change: entrepreneur-friendly policies send a message (e.g., zoning for home- based businesses)

6 Example: Georgia’s Entrepreneur Friendly Communities Statewide, community-based Entrepreneur Network (ENet): GA Tech in partnership with state ED Community process to establish entrepreneur support program: review visit to determine E Readiness; strongly focused on assets Learning network of E Friendly communities

7 Example: Home Town Competitiveness Leaders are made, not born Ord Nebraska: Leadership Quest program – Formal, skill building program: 20-25 people annually (including youth) – Meet monthly for 9 months – More people running for office, working on community projects, serving on boards – Recognized by Nebraska as top rural development strategy in 2003

8 Youth Engagement View youth as change agents Leadership (as in HTC) Entrepreneurship education in schools, after school programs Need to move from “teacher driven” to institutionalized approach – Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education national standards

9 Examples: Curriculum and WV Dreamquest Rural Entrepreneurship through Action Learning (REAL): curriculum for K-16; experiential learning ( Mini-Society: 8-12 year olds; experiential ( WV Dreamquest: high school business plan competition ( – 1 st year, over 150 students participated

10 Celebrate Success Celebrate to reinforce cultural change (news stories about entrepreneurship) Celebrate to maintain and build momentum (highlight successful entrepreneurs, E of the year) Celebrate to influence policy makers (joint ribbon cuttings) Encourage innovation (business plan competitions, youth entrepreneurship awards)

11 Example: Fairfield Iowa’s Entrepreneurs’ Association FEA created in 1989 – by and for entrepreneurs (mentoring, networking, seminars, “boot camp for entrepreneurs”) Celebrate E of the year, E Hall of Fame, new start ups Over 20 years: created 2,000 jobs; tripled per capita income; rank in top 5 in per capita charitable giving; “Silicorn Valley;” headquarters location for 50 companies

12 Where do you begin? Important to get started – don’t need elaborate strategy to write a story or feature entrepreneurs at a chamber dinner There are tools and resources available – coming soon! E 2 Energizing Entrepreneurs: Charting a Course for Rural Communities Visit our website –

13 Right now… Start by networking – Find one person in this room who you DO NOT KNOW – Introduce yourself and ask what is happening in his/her hometown to encourage entrepreneurship or to build an entrepreneurial community – Share what you are doing in your community – Exchange business cards, follow up!

14 For More Information Deb Markley – Don Macke – Brian Dabson –

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