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MIT Lincoln Laboratory Purchase of Wafer Aligner/Bonder Andrew Loomis April 7, 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "MIT Lincoln Laboratory Purchase of Wafer Aligner/Bonder Andrew Loomis April 7, 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 MIT Lincoln Laboratory Purchase of Wafer Aligner/Bonder Andrew Loomis April 7, 2000

2 MIT Lincoln Laboratory Outline System objectives Alignment options Principles of alignment Bonder functions Available systems Summary

3 MIT Lincoln Laboratory System Objectives Face to face wafer alignment  0.25  m alignment accuracy Hold alignment and bond Robust and void free bond Various bonding options –Anodic –Silicon Fusion –Eutectic –Adhesive

4 MIT Lincoln Laboratory Alignment Options Bottom Side Alignment (BSA) Inter Substrate Alignment (ISA) Top Side Alignment (TSA) Infrared Alignment (IR)

5 MIT Lincoln Laboratory Principles of Alignment

6 MIT Lincoln Laboratory Bonder Functions Max. bond temperature- 550ºC Max. pressure- 1000 lbs Anodic bonding- 1200V/ 50ma Vacuum- 5 E-3 mbar

7 MIT Lincoln Laboratory Available Systems Only two companies make wafer align and bond equipment –Karl Suss –Electronic Visions Systems Both claim +/- 1  m accuracy Both companies have similar platforms Barely satisfactory for existing program New system development will be necessary

8 MIT Lincoln Laboratory Summary Current status –Visited with both companies –RFQ being placed –Lack of market needs for high precision aligner/bonder –Present systems available will work with relaxed design tolerances 3D program will demonstrate the need for advanced systems Technology already exists for high precision systems –Stepper alignment technology –Interferometric alignment stages and precision air bearing tables

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