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Boys Director (BD) 1)With the ED establish the annual budget for the boys program 2)Prepare & ensure timely dissemination of NCJLA communications 3)Manage.

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3 Boys Director (BD) 1)With the ED establish the annual budget for the boys program 2)Prepare & ensure timely dissemination of NCJLA communications 3)Manage the activities of the regular season 4)Work w/ ED to select locations for NCJLA sponsored play 5)Work w/ ED in the development of new P&P’s 6)Hold 2 face-to-face boys representative meetings

4 BD ( Cont.) 7) ID and recruit commissioners for board approval 8)Review and propose post season playoff qualifications for Board approval 9)Respond to email and phone requests w/ in 24 hours 10)Perform other duties, projects, and tasks assigned by the ED 11)Provide assistance for all clubs as needed

5 Division Commissioners 1) Commissioner’s duties: - Assist & actively communicate w/ BD - Respond to communications from BD and their division within 24 hrs - Investigate ejections, SIR’s, and coach/official reports as required - Assist BD with End of Year Tournament & Festival - Attend end of season events for their division and NCJLA mtgs 2) Time commitment: - 10-15 hours/week from Dec thru May (fluctuates by div.) 3) In need of a U13 Commissioner. Call me to discuss of you are interested

6 Communication Chain Club Members: Players, Coaches, & Parents Boy’s Rep Division Commissioner Director of Boy’s Lacrosse * Encourage your club constituents to refer to the NCJLA Official Operations Guide first

7 2011 & 2012 Boys Calendar September: 9/24 - Delegates Meeting October: 10/1 – Team registration opens November: 11/6 - Coaches Level 1 Clinic @ Menlo Atherton 11/27 – Boys team registration closes

8 Schedule (Cont.) December: 12/1 – Boys conferences finalized and released 12/2 – Clubs start scheduling boys games 12/2 – 12/15 - Regional Scheduling mtgs. Date, time, and location to be communicated to all clubs upon coordination of each meeting. 12/4 – North Bay Scheduling Meeting. Location and time TBD and will be communicated to all clubs upon receipt of final details. 12/15 – Last day to withdraw a boys team (1/2 fee refunded)

9 Schedule (Cont.) January: 1/15 - Coaches Level 1 Clinic @ Fair Oaks TBD - Coaches Level 1 Clinic @ Diablo 1/19 – All boys game schedules entered into NCJLA website for download to Arbiter 1/21 – California Lacrosse Convention in Vallejo February: 2/5 - Coaches Level 2 Clinic @ Fair Oaks TBD - Coaches Level 2 Clinic @ Diablo 2/13, 2/15, 2/16 – Boys Representative Regional Meetings 2/12 – Team rosters due 2/25 - Start of boys regular season

10 Schedule (Cont.) March: 3/20 – 3/22 – Boys Representative Regional Meetings April: 4/29 – Boys HS end of regular season 4/30 – Boys HS seedings finalized and released May: 5/2 – 5/6 – Boys HS quarterfinals at the higher seed team scheduled between Weds 5/2 to Sun 5/6

11 Schedule (Cont.) May (Cont.) 5/6 – End of regular season for… - Boys A level & C level teams - Boys U11B 5/7 – A level seedings finalized and released 5/9 – 5/13 – Semifinals at the higher seed team scheduled between Weds 5/9 to Sun 5/13 5/12 & 5/13 - Boys A level quarterfinals at the higher seed team - Boys C level and U11B Festival

12 Schedule (Cont.) 5/13 – U15B & U13B end of regular season 5/19 – Boys HS finals & A level semifinals & V All Star Game 5/20 – Boys A level final championships 5/19 & 20 – Boys U15B & U13B tournaments June 6/2 & 6/3 – Boys Varsity State Championships (in NorCal)

13 Why do boys participate in lacrosse? 1)It’s fast paced & action packed 2)It combines speed, strength & finesse 1)Size & shape don’t matter 2)It builds self esteem 3)For exercise and fitness 4)To make friends, learn to work as a team, and become a leader in the community 5)It’s not baseball 6)You can fly like Superman

14 Perseverance, Resilience, Sustained Effort, & Interest

15 New Scientific Research Shows… 1)Our talents are not fixed and determined 2)Exercise and nutrition can grow neurons 3)The capacity for memory and focus increase significantly after vigorous daily exercise

16 Conclusion… 1)Our capacity to learn and enhance natural talents is limitless, regardless of genetics, stereotypes, and societal gestalts 2)Daily exercise is really good for you 3)Run more sprints in practice!!

17 New Research – Performance Anxiety 1) Mental and Physical Tests 2) “Fight or Flight” 3) Catecholamines (Epinephrine, Adrenaline, Dopamine) – Hormones released by the adrenal gland in response to stress. 4) Threat vs. Challenge Response – Decrease/increased performance

18 New Research – Performance Anxiety 5) Catecholamines & Performance – The more the better 6) Emotional Response Reframing – Best done subtly 7) GRE Performance Experiment 8) Errors Are Expected, Respected, and Inspected

19 Conclusions… 1) Anxieties, “butterflies”, or other arousals can be presented as positives if subtle rephrasing is used correctly 2) Subtle positive messaging enhances performance and helps remove and/or change behavior in individuals and groups

20 Importance of the “Coach” 1)Teach life lessons through sport 2)NCJLA Requires… - US LAX membership valid thru the end of the season - PCA certified w/ in 3 years of the start of the season - Background check and completed and passed - US LAX Level 1 online course - Coaches Code of Conduct 3) A Coach Should: - Be honest- Be consistent - Be empathetic- Be open to & seek feedback - Have their new NCJLA Certified Coach lanyards on during games

21 Coaching Resources 1.US Lacrosse 2.NCJLA Coaches Corner 3.Positive Coaching Alliance 4.Northern California Lacrosse Referees Association 5.Play Sports TV 6.Lacrosse Coaching Videos 7.KUDDA

22 Concussions 1)16 reported 2)HS = 5 3)U15A = 4 4)U15B = 1 5)U13A = 2 6)U13B = 2 7)U13C = 1 8)U11B = 1 Doesn’t include practices

23 Proper Hitting Drills & Techniques 1)Conduct hitting drills in a controlled environment Two lines 5 yds across and have players at 30 to 40% speed hit each other using proper techniques. Use football tackle shields ($60) or dummies ($150) for hitting drills -training-blocking.html -training-blocking.html 2)Coach a “heads up” approach to contact during ground balls and body checks

24 Shield Pads and Blocking Dummies +

25 Scheduling 1)Conferences finalized on 12/1/11 and Scheduling can commence on 12/2/11 2)All regional scheduling meetings must be scheduled after conferences are finalized and dates/times/locations sent into the BD and communicated to all clubs 3)HS, A, & B teams must play all teams in their division once and play 2 teams outside their division, and play at least 10 games to be eligible for post season play 4)A teams can only play A teams & B teams can only play B teams

26 Scheduling (Cont.) 5)C teams must play everyone in their division once 6)All new games added after schedule lock must be sent to the NCJLA Webmaster who will send them to the BD for approval prior to being added as an official game 7)All game changes after schedule lock must go thru the NCJLA Webmaster 8)If there is a last minute change due to a change in venue or weather related change, the officials and visiting team should be notified first… then send in the change to the webmaster

27 Pre- Game Protocols 1)Be Courteous & JUST DO IT!! 2)A club may appoint someone other than the head coach or team manager to attend to these matters 3)The Official NCJLA Pre-Game Protocol document can be found on the NCJLA website

28 Disciplinary Issues Ejections 1)Players & Coaches - See NFHS Rule 5-10. No changes to last season 2)If a parent is ejected from a game the clubs will determine the appropriate disciplinary action 3)An official shall eject from the game any player, substitute, non-playing member of a team, coach, assistant coach or anyone officially connected with a competing team or fan using a racial slur or derogatory term related to race, color, gender, sexual orientation, religion or ethnicity.

29 Disciplinary Issues (Cont.) Unsportsmanlike Conduct 4)Players & Coaches - See NFHS Rule 5-9. No changes to last season 5)If a parent receives an unsportsmanlike conduct foul or conducts themselves in an unsportsmanlike manner the clubs will determine the appropriate disciplinary action.

30 Disciplinary Issues (Cont.) 7) The NCJLA board has the ability to review all new rules and determine if there will be any stricter rules than those developed by USLacrosse

31 Disciplinary Communication Process Communication Requirement 1)Referee will eject the offending person(s) 2)If it is a player, remove him from the game, have him remove all gear, and sit at the end of the bench area without talking until the game is over 3)If it is a coach or parent, remove them from the field area

32 Disciplinary Commo. (Continued) 6)The BD will follow-up with the required Club President 7)Referee will document issue in Arbiter within 48 hrs which will alert the Head of Officials, Alex Snaider 8)The Head of Officials will forward all incident reports to the club president, the age group commissioner, the BD, ED and NCJLA Board President.

33 Sportsmanship Athletes & coaches should strive to: 1)Treat teammates, opponents, coaches, and officials w/ respect 2)Abide by the rules 3) Play everyone 4) Avoid arguments 5) Encourage teammates 6) Avoid poor attitudes towards participation

34 2011 Ejections 1)12 Total = 12 Too Many 2)HS = 5 Total (4 Players; 1 Coach) 3)U15A = 2 Players 4)U13B = 3 Players 5)U11B = 2 Total (Same Coach Twice)

35 2011 Sportsmanship Incident Reports 1)17 Reports submitted 2)Coaches Conduct = 8 3)Racial Slurs = 3 4)Player Conduct = 3 5)Referee(s) = 1 6)4 Goal Rule = 1 7)Roster Submittal = 1

36 Tournament Seeding Process 1)HS & A Division Year End Seeding - The BD and the respective commissioners will develop the seeding process for each division. We will have a seeding process disseminated by November 30 th 2)The NCJLA Board will review and approve the final process prior to distribution

37 2011 Rules Changes 1)The minimum stick length at the U11 and U9 levels will decrease from 40 to 37 inches (maximum of 42 inches). Long poles will be prohibited at the U9 level, and they will not be recommended for U11 2)Strings or leathers will be limited to a hanging length of 2 inches. All goalies will be required to wear arm pads and a protective cup

38 2011 Rule Changes (Cont.) 3) At the U9 level, given mutual agreement of the teams, one coach per team may step onto the field during play to provide instruction. 4) Depending on the age level, the length of game quarters may vary from 10 minutes of stop time (U15, U13) to eight minutes of stop time (U11) to 12 minutes of running time (U9). In the last two minutes of regulation at the U11 and U9 age levels only, rules dictating that the offensive team must keep the ball

39 2011 Rule Changes (Cont.) in the attack zone will be waived. However, game officials may warn against and penalize stalling tactics. Also in the U11 and U9 divisions, should the score differential become four or more goals, the trailing team will be given the ball at midfield following a goal (unless the trailing team opts for a standard faceoff). 5) The defensive 20-second count and the offensive 10-second count will not be used in U11 and U9 play.

40 2011 Rule Changes (Cont.) 6) The distance from a player to a loose ball within which legal stick checks, holds, body checks and pushes may occur will be reduced from 5 yards to 3 yards at all age levels. 7) Violent, purposeful collisions, particularly those targeted at unsuspecting players and that feature one player intentionally putting another player on the ground or inflicting injury, will be prohibited at all age levels. This would include an illegal body check on a player in a defenseless

41 2011 Rule Changes (Cont.) position — one whose blind side is exposed to the hit, who has his head turned for a pass or who has his head down playing a loose ball. Body checking will be prohibited at the U11 and U9 age levels. 8) At the U13, U11 and U9 levels, any one-handed check will be considered a slash, regardless if the attempt makes contact with the opposing player. 9) Honoring the game remains an important part of the youth lacrosse exp., and USLacrosse added examples of USC’s

42 2011 Rule Changes (Cont.) conduct — including verbal language and body language — that may be penalized by game officials. 10) A U15 or a U13 player that accumulates four personal fouls or five minutes in personal foul penalty time will be disqualified. At the U11 and U9 level, three personal fouls would warrant disqualification.

43 2011 Rule Changes (Cont.) 11) In games where running time is used, penalties also will be running time and will begin with the resumption of play whistle. Penalty time will stop for all timeouts and end of periods. At the U9 level only, the offending player must leave the field for his designated penalty time, but a substitute should enter at the time of the penalty. There will be no extra-man situations at the U9 level.

44 Follow On Speakers 1)Brian Silcott, Men’s Game Director, USLacrosse 2)Alex Snaider, NCJLA Referee Assigner, NorCal Lacrosse Referee Assoc. (Replaces Steve Walker)

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