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THE KIEVAN RUSSIAN STATE. BEGINNING OF DECLINE  Death of Iaroslav the Wise, 1054  State divided up among 5 sons  Civil war ensues until 1113  External.

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Presentation on theme: "THE KIEVAN RUSSIAN STATE. BEGINNING OF DECLINE  Death of Iaroslav the Wise, 1054  State divided up among 5 sons  Civil war ensues until 1113  External."— Presentation transcript:


2 BEGINNING OF DECLINE  Death of Iaroslav the Wise, 1054  State divided up among 5 sons  Civil war ensues until 1113  External enemies like Polovtsy attack

3 THE KIEVAN RUSSIAN STATE RESURGENCE  Vladimir Monomakh (r. 1113-1125)  Temporarily stems decline  Patron of learning & church  Able ruler & administrator  But preoccupied with war: with Polovtsy, Finns, Poles, Byzantines

4 THE KIEVAN RUSSIAN STATE CONTINUED DETERIORATION  MSTISLAV (r. 1125-1132)  IAROPOLK (r. 1132-1139)  Further civil war  Andrei Bogoliubskii, Prince of Rostov & Suzdal, sacks Kiev, 1169  Moves seat of Grand Prince to Vladimir  Kiev sacked again, 1203

5 THE KIEVAN RUSSIAN STATE SOCIAL STRUCTURE  Population @ 7-8 million  Ethnically diverse  Social hierarchy:  Princes/royal families  Boyars (nobles)  Clergy  Liudi (Freeman)  Smerdy (Semi-free)  Slaves

6 THE KIEVAN RUSSIAN STATE POLITICAL STRUCTURE  Lose federation of city-states  3 basic forms of government  Monarchic rule by Grand Princes  Aristocratic rule by Boyar DUMA (council) Boyars members of Prince’s DRUZHINA (guard)  Democratic/oligarchic rule by VECHE (city assembly)

7 THE KIEVAN RUSSIAN STATE ECONOMIC STRUCTURE  Trade & Commerce  Extensive foreign & domestic, exports & imports  Princes & Boyars also merchants

8 THE KIEVAN RUSSIAN STATE ECONOMIC STRUCTURE  Agriculture  Cultivated land in both steppe & forest zones  Adoption of 3-field system led to increased productivity  Princes, boyars, church = large land holders  Labor organized around OBSHCHINA (commune)

9 THE KIEVAN RUSSIAN STATE ECONOMIC STRUCTURE  Promysly (industries & crafts)  Engaged in wide variety of productive activities  Used to supplement income  Overall, economically prosperous period

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