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WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE 15 ► $1 MILLION 14 ►$500,000 13 ►$250,000 12 ►$100,000 11 ►$50,000 10 ► $25,000 9 ►$16,000 8 ►$8,000 7 ►$4,000 6 ►$2,000.

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Presentation on theme: "WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE 15 ► $1 MILLION 14 ►$500,000 13 ►$250,000 12 ►$100,000 11 ►$50,000 10 ► $25,000 9 ►$16,000 8 ►$8,000 7 ►$4,000 6 ►$2,000."— Presentation transcript:



3 WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE 15 ► $1 MILLION 14 ►$500,000 13 ►$250,000 12 ►$100,000 11 ►$50,000 10 ► $25,000 9 ►$16,000 8 ►$8,000 7 ►$4,000 6 ►$2,000 5 ► $1000 4 ►$500 3 ►$300 2 ►$200 1►1►$100 Game Rules Form two teams One teams starts and plays until they miss a question, then play switches to opponent Players on each team will rotate to answer questions individually (without HELP) Each team has one 50:50, one “call-out”, and one “Team-help” during each game Whichever team wins the $1 MILLION question wins the game

4 15 ► $1 MILLION 14 ►$500,000 13 ►$250,000 12 ►$100,00 11 ►$50,000 10 ► $25,000 9 ►$16,000 8 ►$8,000 7 ►$4,000 6 ►$2,000 5 ► $1000 4 ►$500 3 ►$300 2 ►$200 1►1►$100 WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE 50:50 TEAM 1 TEAM 2 Phone Team 50:50 Phone Team

5 $100 Question A. TerritoryB. Downsizing C. MigrationD. Exploration ◄ 50:50 Team All of the following are terms associated with Manifest Destiny EXCEPT:

6 $200 Question A. Late 20 th CenturyB. Middle 1600s C. Early 19 th CenturyD. Early 2000s ◄ 50:50 Team During which time period did most territorial expansion of the U.S. take place?

7 $300 Question A. 1803B. 1899 C. 1776D. 1845 ◄ 50:50 Team In What year did the U.S. purchase the Louisiana Territory?

8 $500 Question A. Made all areas a stateB. Provided procedures for establishing territories and creating new states C. Great Lakes became a state D. Let areas decide when they wanted to become a state ◄ 50:50 Team The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 provided for the orderly expansion of the U.S. how?

9 $1000 Question A. Treaty of VelascoB. Treaty of Paris C. Treaty of GhentD. Treaty of Guadalupe- Hidalgo ◄ 50:50 Team What was the name of the peace treaty that ended the U.S. Mexican War? Forcing Mexico to recognize Texas as part of the U.S., Rio Grande as the border, and forcing Mexico to give up land

10 $2000 Question A. Spread of goldB. To become a giant kingdom C. Spread of democracyD. Spread of Christianity ◄ 50:50 Team John O’Sullivan coined the phrase “Manifest Destiny,” and wanted the U.S. to expand west. What justification does he provide for this?

11 $4000 Question A. More farmsB. More factories C. More slavesD. More population ◄ 50:50 Team If a territory located in the Northwest Territory region has a population of 50,000, what does the territory still need before applying for statehood?

12 Why does President Polk argue California Should become part of the U.S.? $8000 A. The land may produce great riches B. Because the 49ers might go to the Super Bowl in 2012 C. To use the Indian slavesD. He liked the state’s proximity to Mexico ◄ 50:50 Team

13 $16,000 Question A. Many decided to write about it B. Some settlers decided to build their own factories in the North instead C. Many settlers went to the South D. Many settlers moved west ◄ 50:50 Team How did many Americans act on their belief in the Manifest Destiny of the U.S. in the 1800s?

14 $25,000 Question A. The soldiers were swimming in their river B. Soldiers were throwing fireworks across the border C. The region was disputed and Mexico considered it their own territory D. Mexican soldiers were always looking for a fight because of San Jacinto ◄ 50:50 Team When President Polk placed soldiers along the Rio Grande, why did Mexico become angry?

15 $50,000 Question A. Mexican Give-AwayB. Louisiana Purchase C. Mexican CessionD. Seward’s Folly ◄ 50:50 Team What was the name of the lands given up by Mexico as a result of the Mexican War?

16 $100,000 Question A. Gadsen PurchaseB. Alaska C. CaliforniaD. Oregon Territory ◄ 50:50 Team What completed the southern boundary of the U.S.? Hint: Cost $10 million

17 $250,000 Question A. East of the Mississippi River B. West of the Mississippi River C. East of the Rocky Mountains D. South of the Rio Grande ◄ 50:50 Team Where was most of the territory the U.S. acquired during the era of Manifest Destiny?

18 $500,000 Question A. Joseph Smith, Mormon Trail B. Pacific Northwest, Oregon Trail C. Slaves, Rocky Mountain Trail D. Southwest, Santa Fe Trail ◄ 50:50 Team All of the following are similar EXCEPT:

19 $1 MILLION Question A. Rio Grande along the Gulf of Mexico B. Appalachian Mountains C. Rocky MountainsD. California along the Pacific Ocean ◄ 50:50 Team Which geographic location allowed for increased labor from a great number of immigrants from Asia?

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