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A Multi-Level Parallel Implementation of a Program for Finding Frequent Patterns in a Large Sparse Graph Steve Reinhardt, Interactive Supercomputing George Karypis, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Minnesota
Outline Problem definition Prior work Problem and Approach Results Issues and Conclusions
Graph Datasets Flexible and powerful representation Evidence extraction and link discovery (EELD) Social Networks/Web graphs Chemical compounds Protein structures Biological Pathways Object recognition and retrieval Multi-relational datasets
Finding Patterns in Graphs Many Dimensions Structure of the graph dataset many small graphs graph transaction setting one large graph single-graph setting Type of patterns connected subgraphs induced subgraphs Nature of the algorithm Finds all patterns that satisfy the minimum support requirement Complete Finds some of the patterns Incomplete Nature of the pattern’s occurrence The pattern occurs exactly in the input graph Exact algorithms There is a sufficiently similar embedding of the pattern in the graph Inexact algorithms MIS calculation for frequency exact approximate upper bound Algorithm vertical (depth-first) horizontal (breadth-first) M. Kuramochi and G. Karypis. Finding frequent patterns in a large sparse graph. In SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM-04), 2004.
Single Graph Setting Find all frequent subgraphs from a single sparse graph. Choice of frequency definition Input Graph Size 7 Frequency = 6 Size 6 Frequency = 1
vS I G RA M: Vertical Solution Candidate generation by extension Add one more edge to a current embedding. Solve MIS on embeddings in the same equivalence class. No downward-closure-based pruning Two important components Frequency-based pruning of extensions Treefication based on canonical labeling
vS I G RA M: Connection Table Frequency-based pruning. Trying every possible extension is expensive and inefficient. A particular extension might have been tested before. Categorize extensions into equivalent classes (in terms of isomorphism), and record if each class is frequent or not. If a class becomes infrequent, never try it in later exploration.
Parallelization Two clear sources of parallelism in the algorithm Amount of parallelism from each source not known in advance The code is typical C code structs, pointers, frequent mallocs/frees of small areas, etc. nothing like the “Fortran”-like (dense linear algebra) examples shown for many parallel programming methods Parallel structures need to accommodate dynamic parallelism Dynamic specification of parallel work Dynamic allocation of processors to work Chose OpenMP taskq/task constructs Proposed extensions to OpenMP standard Support parallel work being defined in multiple places in a program, but be placed on a single conceptual queue and executed accordingly ~20 lines of code changes in ~15,000 line program Electric Fence was very useful in finding coding errors
Algorithmic Parallelism vSiGraM (G, MIS_type, f) 1.F ← 2.F 1 ← all frequent size-1 subgraphs in G 3.for each F 1 in F 1 do 4.M(F 1 ) ← all embeddings of F 1 5. for each F 1 in F 1 do// high-level parallelism 6.F ← F vSiGraM-Extend(F 1, G, f) return F vSiGraM-Extend(F k, G, f) 1.F ← 2.for each embedding m in M(F k ) do// low-level parallelism 3.C k+1 ← C k+1 {all (k+1)-subgraphs of G containing m} 4.for each C k+1 in C k+1 do 5.if F k is not the generating parent of C k+1 then 6.continue 7.compute C k+1.freq from M(C k+1 ) 8.if C k+1.freq < f then 9.continue 10.F ← F vSiGraM-Extend(C k+1, G, f) 11.return F
Simple Taskq/Task Example main() { int val; #pragma intel omp taskq val = fib(12345); } fib(int n) { int partret[2]; if (n>2) #pragma intel omp task for(i=n-2; i<n; i++) { partret[n-2-i] = fib(i); } return (partret[0] + partret[1]); } else { return 1; }
High-Level Parallelism with taskq/task // At the bottom of expand_subgraph, after all child // subgraphs have been identified, start them all. #pragma intel omp taskq for (ii=0; ii<sg_set_size(child); ii++) { #pragma intel omp task captureprivate(ii) { SubGraph *csg = sg_set_at(child,ii); expand_subgraph(csg, csg->ct, lg, ls, o); } // end-task }
Low-Level Parallelism with taskq/task #pragma omp parallel shared(nt, priv_es) { #pragma omp master { nt = omp_get_num_threads(); //#threads in par priv_es = (ExtensionSet **)kmp_calloc(nt, sizeof(ExtensionSet *)); } #pragma omp barrier #pragma intel omp taskq { for (i = 0; i < sg_vmap_size(sg); i++) { #pragma intel omp task captureprivate(i) { int th = omp_get_thread_num(); if (priv_es[th] == NULL) { priv_es[th] = exset_init(128); } expand_map(sg, ct, ams, i, priv_es[th], lg); } }// end parallel section; next loop is serial reduction for (i=0; i < nt; i++) { if (priv_es[i] != NULL) { exset_merge(priv_es[i],es); } kmp_free(priv_es); } Implementation due to Grant Haab and colleagues from Intel OpenMP library group
Experimental Results SGI Altix™ 32 Itanium2™ sockets (64 cores), 1.6GHz 64 GBytes (though not memory limited) Linux No special dplace/cpuset configuration Minimum frequencies chosen to illuminate scaling behavior, not provide maximum performance
Dataset 1 - Chemical GraphFrequencyType of Parallelism Number of processors 1248163060 Time in seconds (speed-up) dtp 500 High 31.9417.01 (2.03) 14.76 (2.40) 13.89 (2.58) 14.00 (2.56) 13.97 (2.57) Low 32.51 (0.98) 31.52 (1.01) 37.95 (0.83) 42.18 (0.74) 49.56 (0.63) Both 17.52 (1.96) 14.88 (2.37) 15.80 (2.21) 29.85 (1.08) 44.37 (0.70) 100 High 93.9648.86 (1.97) 27.12 (3.71) 16.82 (6.39) 15.05 (7.29) 14.52 (7.61) Low 94.36 (1.00) 92.18 (1.02) 112.17 (0.83) 133.40 (0.70) 116.31 (0.80) Both 48.38 (1.99) 27.27 (3.69) 61.52 (1.55) 315.94 (0.29) 281.83 (0.33) 50 High 282.15142.02 (2.00) 62.73 (4.64) 34.44 (8.76) 19.40 (16.56) 15.06 (22.27) 15.80 (21.03) Low 283.19 (1.00) 293.6 (0.96) 400.55 (0.70) 262.82 (1.07) 197.27 (1.44) Both 140.47 (2.03) 81.18 (3.55) 242.09 (1.17) 513.39 (0.55) 581.04 (0.48)
Dataset 2 – aviation GraphFrequencyType of Parallelism Number of processors 1248163060 Time in seconds (speed-up) air1 1750 High 358.27 54.92 (7.19) 21.74 (22.30) 18.85 (27.29) Low 171.04 (2.13) 1500High 771.82112.30 (7.20) 39.40 (22.89) 33.99 (27.30) 1250High 1503.49209.08 (7.37) 67.54 (24.31) 56.56 (29.58) 1000 High 3909.95490.38 (8.06) 155.33 (26.13) 158.14 (25.65)
Performance of High-level Parallelism When sufficient quantity of work (i.e., frequency threshold is low enough) Good speed-ups to 16P Reasonable speed-ups to 30P Little or no benefit above 30P No insight into performance plateau
Poor Performance of Low-level Parallelism Several possible effects ruled out Granularity of data allocation Barrier before master-only reduction Source: highly variable times for register_extension ~100X slower in parallel than serial, … but different instances from execution to execution Apparently due to highly variable run-times for malloc Not understood
Issues and Conclusions OpenMP taskq/task were straightforward to use in this program and implemented the desired model Performance was good to a medium range of processor counts (best 26X on 30P) Difficult to gain insight into lack of performance High-level parallelism 30P and above Low-level parallelism
Datasets Dataset Connected Components VerticesEdges Vertex Labels Edge Labels Aviation2,703101,18598,4826,17351 Credit70014,70014,0005920 Citation16,99929,01442,0645012 VLSI2,63312,75211,542231
Datasets Dataset Connected Components VerticesEdges Vertex Labels Edge Labels Aviation2,703101,18598,4826,17351 Citation16,99929,01442,0645012 VLSI2,63312,75211,542231
Generally, vS I G RA M is 2-5 times faster than hS I G RA M (with exact and upper bound MIS) Largest pattern contained 13 edges. Aviation Dataset
Credit Dataset Generally, vS I G RA M is 2-5 times faster than hS I G RA M (with exact and upper bound MIS). Largest pattern contained 13 edges.
But, hS I G RA M can be more efficient especially with upper bound MIS (ub). Largest pattern contained 16 edges. Citation Dataset
Contact Map Dataset
DTP Dataset
VLSI Dataset Exact MIS never finished. Longest pattern contained 5 edges (constraint).
SUBDUE D. J. Cook and L. B. Holder. J. Artificial Intelligence Research, vol. 1, 1994. Heuristic pattern discovery system based on MDL, written in C. Version 5.0.6 With the default setting, finds 3 most interesting patterns. No overlaps are allowed.
Comparison with SUBDUE Dataset SUBDUEvS I G RA M (approximate MIS) Freq.Size Runtime [sec] Freq. Largest Size Patterns Runtime [sec] Credit 341 395 387 655655 517 200911,6964 2013613,884461 DTP 4,957 4,807 1,950 226226 1,525 500719020 1021112,535311 VLSI 773 244 111111 16 20051373 2551,45218 Similar results with SEuS
Comparison With SEuS S. Ghazizadeh and S. Chawathe. DS2002. Pattern discovery algorithm using the summary data structure. Allows overlaps when counting frequency. Tends to produce more number of patterns, because the frequency of each patterns becomes generally higher. Written in JAVA From Credit Dataset, SEuS discovered 48 patterns for 50 seconds (the support threshold unknown). vS I G RA M (apprx) spent 20 seconds to find 11,696 patterns.
Summary With approximate and exact MIS, vS I G RA M is 2-5 times faster than hS I G RA M. With upper bound MIS, however, hS I G RA M can prune a larger number of infrequent patterns. The downward closure property plays the role. For some datasets, using exact MIS for frequency counting is just intractable. Compared to SUBDUE, S I G RA M finds more and longer patterns in shorter amount of runtime.
Thank You! Slightly longer version of this paper is also available as a technical report. S I G RA M executables will be available for download soon from
Complete Frequent Subgraph Mining— Existing Work So Far Input: A set of graphs (transactions) + support threshold Goal: Find all frequently occurring subgraphs in the input dataset. AGM (Inokuchi et al., 2000), vertex-based, may not be connected. FSG (Kuramochi et. al., 2001), edge-based, only connected subgraphs AcGM (Inokuchi et al., 2002), gSpan (Yan & Han, 2002), FFSM (Huan et al., 2003), etc. follow FSG’s problem definition. Frequency of each subgraph The number of supporting transactions. Does not matter how many embeddings are in each transaction.
Frequency Under Transaction Setting Transaction 1 Transaction 2Transaction 3 Frequency = 2 ( T 1, T 2 ) Convenient assumption No need to care multiple embeddings per transaction
Wait! What happens if there is no notion of transactions in input datasets? Many real graph datasets are not in the transaction format. Network-related, VLSI design, etc. Graphs created from data with temporal nature (e.g., link discovery, intrusion detection)
What is the reasonable frequency definition? Two reasonable choices: The frequency is determined by the total number of embeddings. Not downward closed. Too many patterns. Artificially high frequency of certain patterns. The frequency is determined by the number of edge-disjoint embeddings (Vanetik et al, ICDM 2002). Downward closed. Since each occurrence utilizes different sets of edges, occurrence frequencies are bounded. Solved by finding the maximum independent set (MIS) of the embedding overlap graph.
Embedding Overlap and MIS Edge-disjoint embeddings { E 1, E 2, E 3 } { E 1, E 2, E 4 } Create an overlap graph and solve MIS Vertex Embedding Edge Overlap E1E1 E2E2 E3E3 E4E4
OK. Definition is Fine, but … MIS-based frequency seems reasonable. Next question: How to develop mining algorithms for the single graph setting.
How to Handle Single Graph Setting? Issue 1: Frequency counting Exact MIS is often intractable. Issue 2: Choice of search scheme Horizontal (breadth-first) Vertical (depth-first)
Issue 1: MIS-Based Frequency We considered approximate (greedy) and upper bound MIS too. Approximate MIS may underestimate the frequency. Upper bound MIS may overestimate the frequency. MIS is NP-complete and not be approximated. Practically simple greedy scheme works pretty well. Halldórsson and Radhakrishnan. Greed is good, 1997.
Approximate and Upper Bound MIS Greedy MIS Successively remove lowest degree vertices
Issue 2: Search Scheme Frequent subgraph mining Exploration in the lattice of subgraphs Horizontal Level-wise Candidate generation and pruning Joining Downward closure property Frequency counting Vertical Traverse the lattice as if it were a tree.
Stop to Summarize for the moment Type of MIS for frequency counting Approximate (greedy) Exact Upper bound Search scheme Horizontal Vertical
hS I G RA M: Horizontal Method Natural extension of FSG to the single graph setting. Candidate generation and pruning. Downward closure property Tighter pruning than vertical method Two-phase frequency counting All embeddings by subgraph isomorphism Anchor edge list intersection, instead of TID list intersection. Localize subgraph isomorphism MIS for the embeddings Approximate and upper bound MIS give subset and superset respectively.
TID List Recap Lattice of Subgraphs size k size k + 1 TID( ) = { T 1, T 3 } TID( ) = { T 1, T 2, T 3 } T1T1 T2T2 T3T3 TID( ) TID( ) ∩ TID( ) ∩ TID( ) = { T 1, T 3 } TID( ) = { T 1, T 2, T 3 }
Anchor Edges Each subgraph must appear close enough together. Keep one edge for each. Complete embeddings require too much memory. Localize subgraph isomorphism. Lattice of Subgraphs size k size k + 1
Treefication Lattice of Subgraphs Treefied Lattice size k - 1 size k size k + 1 : a node in the search space (i.e., a subgraph) Based on subgraph/supergraph relation Avoid visiting the same node in the lattice more than once.
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