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Winds that Sail on Starlight Stan Owocki Bartol Research Institute University of Delaware Collaborators: – Asif Ud-Doula, U. Delaware – Vikram Dwarkadas, U. Del. – Ken Gayley, U. Iowa – David Cohen, Swarthmore – Steve Cranmer, CfA – Joachim Puls, U. Munich – Luc Dessart, Utrecht – Mark Runacres, U. Brussels
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 2 Wind-Blown Bubbles in ISM Some key scalings: WR wind bubble NGC 2359 Superbubble in the Large Magellanic Cloud Henize 70: LMC SuperBubble
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 3 Pistol Nebula
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 4 Eta Carinae
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 5 P-Cygni Line Profiles
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 6 Sailing vs. Radiative Driving Modern sails –asymmetric form + keel –can tack against wind –unstable to “keeling over” Line-driving ca. 2000 –asymmetric velocity gradient –force not || flux spindown & disk inhibition ablation & disk winds –radiative braking –small-scale instability CAK 1975 –1D spherically symmetric –radially driven outflow Early sails –symmetric form –sail mainly with wind
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 7 Light transports energy (& information) But it also has momentum, p=E/c Usually neglected, because c is so high But becomes significant for very bright objects, e.g. Lasers, Hot stars, QSO/AGN’s Key question: how big is force vs. gravity?? Light’s Momentum
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 8 Free Electron Scattering Thompson Cross Section th e-e- Th = 2/3 barn= 0.66 x 10 -24 cm 2
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 9 How big is electron scattering force vs. gravity?? Expressed through a star’s Eddington parameter ~ g el g grav e L 4 GMGMc Eddington Parameter For sun, O ~ 2 x 10 -5 But for hot-stars with L~ 10 6 L O ; M=10-50 M O r L 4 r 2 c Th e GM 2
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 10 Q~ ~ 10 15 Hz * 10 -8 s ~ 10 7 Q ~ Z Q ~ 10 -4 10 7 ~ 10 3 Line Scattering: Bound Electron Resonance lines ~Q Th g lines ~10 3 g el L L thin } if lines ~10 3 el 1 for high Quality Line Resonance, cross section >> electron scattering
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 11 Optically Thick Line-Absorption in an Accelerating Stellar Wind L sob For strong, optically thick lines:
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 12 CAK model of steady-state wind inertiagravityCAK line-accel. Equation of motion: < 1 CAK ensemble of thick & thin lines Mass loss rate Wind-Momentum Luminosity Law Velocity law * fix M to make line-accel. order gravity *.
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 13 CAK model of steady-state wind inertiagravityCAK line-force Equation of motion: < 1 CAK ensemble of thick & thin lines
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 14 CAK steady wind solution Mass loss rate Wind-Momentum Luminosity Law Velocity law
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 15 Wolf-Rayet Winds “Momentum #” =Mv /(L/c) > 1 Requires multiple scattering. Need line spacing overlap v / v= > 1
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 16 Multi-line scattering “Bunched” line- distribution photon “leakage” “Effectively gray” line-distribution
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 17 Inward-propagating Abbott waves ±vªe i(kr°!t) ° @v 0 i!±v= @g rad ±v 0 ¥Uik±v w=k=°U U= @g rad @v 0 ª g r v 0 ª vv 0 v 0 ªv @v @t =g r v r g~ v’ Abbott speed
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 18 Pulsation-induced wind variability Velocity Radius radiative driving modulated by brightness variations Abbott-mode“kinks” velocity “plateaus” shock compression
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 19 Wind variations from base perturbations in density and brightness log(Density) Velocity Radius wind base perturbed by ~ 50 radiative driving modulated by brightness variations Abbott-mode“kinks” velocity “plateaus” shock compression
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 20 BW Vul: Observations vs. Model C IVModel line
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 21 HD64760 Monitored during IUE “Mega” Campaign ¥Monitoring campaigns of P-Cygni lines formed in hot-star winds also often show modulation at periods comparable to the stellar rotation period. ¥These may stem from large-scale surface structure that induces spiral wind variation analogous to solar Corotating Interaction Regions. Radiation hydrodynamics simulation of CIRs in a hot-star wind Rotational Modulation of Hot-Star Winds
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 22 WR6 - wind modulation model m=4 dynamical model NIV in WR 6
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 23 Line-Driven Instability u=v/v th for < L sob : g ~ u Instability with growth rate ~ g/v th ~ v/L sob ~100 v/R => e 100 growth!
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 24 Bridging law ±g ±v =≠ ikl 1+ l ±g=≠±v kl¿1 ±g=≠ l±v = U±v klø1 lºL ¥ v th dv=dr Abbott/Sobolev limit Instability limit
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 25 Local vs. Nonlocal Line-Force Sobolev approximation Local Sobolev optical depth Nonlocal ray optical depth
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 26 Time snapshot of wind instability simulation Velocity Density CAK
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 27 3-Ray Grid for 2D Nonlocal Rad-Hydro Diagram: N = 9 ; = 10 o Actual code: N =157 ; = 0.01 rad I-I- IoIo I+I+ g ~ I - - I +
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 28 2D Simulation of Co-rotating Interaction Regions local CAK model nonlocal smooth model nonlocal structured model c. log(Density) b. a.
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 29 WR Emission Line Variability WR 135WR 137WR 140
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 30 model Dessart & Owocki 2002 WR Star Emission Profile Variability WR 140 Lepine & Moffat 1999
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 31 Colliding Wind Momentum Balance Wind-wind balance Wind-radiation balance WR wind Symmetric or widely separated binaries Asymmetric (e.g.WR+O) close binaries O-star radiation O-star wind
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 32 WR+O Colliding wind * WR Star O Star “Radiative Braking” Pure Hydro * WR Star O Star Radiation Hydro e.g., V444 Cygni
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 33 Extended Evolution of Instability Structure t=430 ksec Time (ksec) 010203040 430 450 470 490 Height (R * ) log Density (g/cm3) 40 0 102030 430 450 470 490 Time (ksec) 010203040 Velocity (km/s) 010203040
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 34 Ion Runaway Instability Chandrasekhar function:
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 35 WR Wind Blobs Infer acceleration over extended scale: R * ~ 20-50 R O g rad ~ L * /4 r 2 c Requires radially increasing effective opacity ~ /m Possible from desaturation of optically thick blobs Yields ~ ~ r 2 g rad ~ constant! Lepine & Moffat 1999
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 36 Gravity Darkening increasing stellar rotation fast dense wind slower wind
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 37 Formation of Prolate Nebulae -limit Langer et al. 1999: Fast spherical wind into slow, dense equatorial flow Dwarkadas et al. 2001 Prolate fast wind into spherical medium Gravity darkening
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 38 Bipolar nebula from rotating hot-star wind without gravity darkening with gravity darkening
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 39 Wind Compressed Disk Model Bjorkman & Cassinelli 1993
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 40 Wind Compressed Disk Simulations Vrot (km/s) = 200 250 300 350 400 450 radial forces only WCD Inhibition by non-radial line-forces
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 41 Vector Line-Force dv n /dn Net poleward line force from: faster polar wind slower equatorial wind r Max[dv n /dn] (2) Pole-equator aymmetry in velocity gradient r Flux (1) Stellar oblateness => poleward tilt in radiative flux N
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 42 Wind rotation spindown from azimuthal line-torque g (10 3 cm/s 2 ) [V (nrf) - V (wcd)] *sin( )*r/R eq (km/s) a. b. -10 -30 -50 -70 -90 -0.1 -0.3 -0.5 -0.7 -0.9 azimuthal line-force ang. mom. loss
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 43 Azimuthal Line-Torque V + < V_ g ~ V + - V_ <
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 44 Line-Force in Keplerian Disk
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 45 Accretion Disk Winds from BAL QSOs
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 46 Line-Driven Ablation g lines ~ dv l /dl Net radiative Flux = 0, but g lines ~ dv l /dl > 0 !
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 47 Be disk formation by RDOME (Radiatively Driven Orbital Mass Ejection)
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 48 MHD simulation of line-driven wind Initialafter 2 days Zoom on final Zeta Puppis with B o =400 G
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 49 MHD simulation of line-driven wind Zoom on density Density Y- Velocity -1000 v y (km/s) 1000
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 50 Magnetic modulation of wind speed
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 51 295 G ; * = 1 Final state of ZPup isothermal models 1650 G ; * = 32 930 G ; * = 10 520 G ; * = 3.2 165 G ; * = 0.32 93 G ; * = 0.1
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 52 Summary Lines efficient way for radiation to drive mass –force depends of l.o.s. velocity gradient –for non-spherical geometry, anisotropic opacity –can get spindown, ablation, WCD inhibition, radiative braking, disk winds Line-driving very unstable for < L Sob << R * –leads to shocks, clumping, compressible turbulence –may explain X-rays Current work –effect of NRP, B-field on wind –application to BAL QSO/AGN disk winds –formation of Be disks –Super-Eddington Luminous Blue Variables
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 53 Chandra Observations Z Pup Z Ori Cassinelli et al. 2001 Waldron et al. 2001
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 54 Thin vs. Thick line-emission q=0 => f x =const. for r > R o =1, 3, 5, 10 cf. Ignace & Gayley 2001 for =0 case
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 55 Opacity in a porous (“blobby”) medium ø b =∑Ω b l=∑m b =l 2 =∑πΩfL 3 2 =∑πΩfh; f¥m b =m h¥L 3 =l 2 Effect on R 1 of constant velocity expansion R c ( =1) _______ R 1 h 0.975 0.9 0.95 0.925 f=1 ∑ b º∑ ∑ 1°e °ø b ø b ∏
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 56 Wind Magnetic Confinement Ratioofmagnetictokineticenergydensity: ¥(r)¥ B 2 =8º Ωv 2 =2 = B 2 r 2 _ Mv ¥¥ § (r=R § ) 2°2q (1°r=R § ) Ø forradial(monopole)Øeldq=2. WindmagneticconØnementnumber: ¥ § ¥ B 2 § R 2 § _ Mv 1 AlfvenicMachnumber: M A ¥ v v A = 1 p ¥ 22 ° =1:6 B 100 R 12 _ M 6 v 8 FordipoleØeld,q=; 3 ~ 300 G for ZPup B * ~ 150 G for 1 Ori C but for O-stars, to get * ~ 1, need:for solar wind, * ~ 150...
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 57 Magnetic modulation of wind speed * = 10 * = 1 * = 1/10
STScI 11/07/01 Winds that Sail on Starlight 58 Magnetic effects on solar coronal expansion 1991 Solar Eclipse Coronal streamers Coronal hole Closd loops Coronal hole Closd loops
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