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Notes to Users This sample presentation is designed to serve as a customizable template to present NSSE, BCSSE, or FSSE results on your campus. The presentation is divided into the following topical sections to help you quickly select the slides most appropriate for a particular audience: NSSE and the Concept of Student Engagement NSSE 2010 & Selected [Institution] Results BCSSE 2009, BCSSE 2009-NSSE 2010, and Selected [Institution] Results FSSE 2010 & Selected [Institution] Results What is the NSSE Institute? Using Your NSSE-BCSSE-FSSE Data Questions & Discussion Contact Information Replace the cover slide and the red text throughout this presentation with the name of your school and your own data. Use slides from the “selected [Institution] results” sections for ideas on how to present your campus results. View the notes section of each slide for additional information or relevant talking points (in the PowerPoint tool bar select “view” then “notes page”)
Insert Presenter Name(s) Here Insert Presentation Date
Presentation Overview NSSE and the Concept of Student Engagement NSSE 2010 & Selected [Institution] Results BCSSE 2009, BCSSE 2009-NSSE 2010, and Selected [Institution] Results FSSE 2010 & Selected [Institution] Results What is the NSSE Institute? Using Your NSSE-BCSSE-FSSE Data Questions & Discussion Contact Information
NSSE and the Concept of Student Engagement
What is Student Engagement? What students do -- time and energy devoted to studies and other educationally purposeful activities What institutions do -- using resources and effective educational practices to induce students to do the right things Educationally effective institutions channel student energy toward the right activities
Seven Principles of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education Student-faculty contact Active learning Prompt feedback Time on task High expectations Experiences with diversity Cooperation among students Chickering, A. W. & Gamson, Z. F. (1987). Seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education. AAHE: Bulletin, 39 (7), 3-7.
Other Supporting Literature After reviewing approximately 2,500 studies on college students from the 1990s, in addition to the more than 2,600 studies from 1970 to 1990, Ernest Pascarella and Patrick Terenzini concluded student engagement is a central component of student learning. Pascarella, E. & Terenzini, P (2005). How college affects students: A third decade of research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Presents institutional policies, programs, and practices that promote student success. Provides practical guidance on implementation of effective institutional practice in a variety of contexts. Kuh, G. D., Kinzie, J., Schuh, J. H., Whitt, E.J., & Associates (2005). Student success in college: Creating conditions that matter. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
NSSE Background YearInstitutions 2001321 2002367 2003437 2004473 2005529 2006557 2007610 2008769 2009640 2010595 Launched with grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts in 1999, supported by institutional participation fees since 2002. More than 2,395,000 students from over 1,400 colleges and universities have participated to date. Institution types, sizes, and locations represented in NSSE are largely representative of U.S. baccalaureate institutions.
Goals of NSSE Project Focus conversations on undergraduate quality Enhance institutional practice and improvement initiatives Foster comparative and consortium activity Provide systematic national data on “good educational practices”
NSSE Survey Content Student Behaviors in College Student Behaviors in College Institutional Actions And Requirements Institutional Actions And Requirements Student Reactions to College Student Reactions to College Student Background Information Student Background Information Student Learning & Development
NSSE Indicators of Effective Educational Practice Active & Collaborative Learning Enriching Educational Experiences Student – Faculty Interaction Supportive Campus Environment Level of Academic Challenge
Survey Administration Randomly sampled first-year & senior students (includes some census administrations) Administration in spring term Paper or Web-based Multiple follow-ups to increase response rates Consortia participation enables addition of custom questions
A Commitment to Data Quality NSSE’s Psychometric Portfolio serves as a framework for presenting evidence of validity, reliability, and other indicators of data quality. It is intended to serve higher education leaders, researchers, and professionals who use NSSE. See the Psychometric Portfolio
Looking Ahead: “NSSE 2.0” Coming in 2013 Building on a decade of student engagement research, a revised and updated survey instrument will launch in 2013. “NSSE 2.0” will be pilot tested in 2011 & 2012. Enhancements may include revisions to current questions, new survey content to complement existing items, and changes to one or more benchmarks. Changes will be evaluated on their ability to improve and expand assessment of student engagement and to provide actionable results for institutional improvement. Plan your administration cycle now for the launch of NSSE 2.0 in 2013!
NSSE 2010 & Selected [Institution] Results
NSSE 2010 Institutions by Carnegie Classification
NSSE 2010 Respondents by Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality NSSE 2010 Respondents NSSE 2010 Population U.S. Baccalaureate African American/Black 11%14%12% Amer. Indian/Alaskan Native 1% Asian/Asian Amer./Pacific Isl. 6% 7% Caucasian/White 73%66%67% Hispanic 9%10% Other 1%<1%- Multiracial/Ethnic <1% - International 6%2%3% Totals may not sum to 100% due to rounding. NSSE 2010 population data are provided by participating institutions. U.S. percentages are unweighted and based on data from the 2009 IPEDS Institutional Characteristics and Enrollment File. IPEDS and NSSE categories for race and ethnicity differ. Percentages exclude students whose ethnicity was unknown or not provided.
NSSE 2010 Survey Population and Respondents More than 1.2 million students were invited to participate in NSSE 2010, with 393,630 responding x [Institution] students were invited to participate, with x responding
NSSE 2010 Institution Response Rates [Your institution’s] response rate = x% NSSE 2010 Institutional Response Rates All NSSE 2010 institutions = 37% Paper mode institutions = 33% Web-only institutions = 38% Web+ institutions = 35%
NSSE 2010 Results Sample Slides The following three slides are examples of how your institution might share selected NSSE results with various institutional constituencies. Expand this section to highlight items of interest to your audience.
NSSE 2010 [Institution] Results Thinking about your overall experience at this institution, how would you rate the quality of relationships with faculty and administrative personnel and offices?
NSSE 2008 & NSSE 2010 [Institution] Results Thinking about your overall experience at this institution, to what extent does the college encourage contact between students from different economic, social, and racial or ethnic backgrounds?
Selected Peer Comparison with [Institution] Results In thinking about your undergraduate program as a whole, including your major, have you done a culminating senior experience (e.g., senior comprehensive exam, capstone course, thesis or project)?
NSSE 2010 [Institution] Findings Class[Institution]Selected Peers First-YearMore than x% SeniorMore than x% What percentage of our students (in comparison to selected peers) participate in community service or volunteer work?
NSSE 2010 [Institution] Findings Class[Institution]Selected Peers First-YearMore than x% SeniorMore than x% What percentage of [Institution] students spent more than 5 hours per week participating in co- curricular activities?
BCSSE 2009, BCSSE 2009-NSSE 2010, & Selected [Institution] Results
BCSSE Purpose BCSSE measures entering first-year students’ pre-college academic and co-curricular experiences as well as their expectations and attitudes for participating in educationally purposeful activities during the first college year.
BCSSE Survey Content There are 3 sections to the BCSSE survey First section asks students about their high school experiences Second section asks students about their expectations and beliefs regarding their first-year of college The last section asks students about background characteristics.
Administration Modes Paper, Web, or Mixed Modes Paper group administration Orientation, Welcome Week, etc. Web group administration While students are in computer lab, etc. Web email administration Web link emailed to students
High School Experiences Survey Content
First-Year Expectations Survey Content
Many of these questions are designed to be matched with NSSE data. NSS E BCSSE
Survey Content BCSS E NSS E
BCSSE Scales High School Academic Engagement Engagement in educationally relevant behaviors during the last year of high school. Expected Academic Engagement Expected engagement in educationally relevant behaviors during the first year of college. Expected Academic Perseverance Student certainty that they will persist in the face of academic adversity. Expected Academic Difficulty Expected academic difficulty during the first year of college. Perceived Academic Preparation Student perception of their academic preparation. Importance of Campus Environment Student-rated importance that the institution provides a challenging and supportive environment.
BCSSE Reports Four reports were provided: BCSSE Report (Summer/Fall 2009) BCSSE Advising Report (Summer/Fall 2009) Grand Frequencies and Means (Fall 2009) Overall Institution types BCSSE/NSSE Combined Report (Summer 2010)
BCSSE 2009 [Institution] Results During your last year of high school, about how many hours did you spend in a typical 7-day week doing each of the following? Preparing for class (studying, doing homework, rehearsing, etc.)
BCSSE 2009 [Institution] Results During the coming school year, how difficult do you expect the following to be? Learning course material
BCSSE 2009-NSSE 2010 [Institution] Results How often did you do or expect to do each of the following? Ask questions in class or contributed to class discussions.
BCSSE 2009-NSSE 2010 [Institution] Results NSSE Student-Faculty Interaction (SFI) by BCSSE Scale Academic Preparation NSSE Student-Faculty Interaction BCSSE Academic Preparation
FSSE 2010 & Selected [Institution] Results
Faculty Survey of Student Engagement College faculty survey that measures faculty members’ perceptions and expectations of students engagement in educational practices that are empirically linked with high level of learning and development (FSSE is pronounced “fessie”)
FSSE Survey Content Faculty perceptions of how often their students engage in different activities The importance faculty place on various areas of learning and development The nature and frequency of interactions faculty have with students How faculty members organize their time
FSSE 2010 Project Scope In 2010, more than 19,000 faculty members from 154 institutions responded to the survey. 71% of institutions used the course-based instrument; 29% used the typical student instrument. The 2010 average institutional response rate was 48%.
FSSE Administration Third-party administration Institutions choose faculty to be surveyed Faculty responses are kept anonymous Faculty surveyed in the spring Administered online as a Web-only survey Survey options Course-based questions Typical student questions
Survey Option: Course-based Each faculty member responds to questions about student engagement based on a course taught during the current academic year Key Question: Please respond to the following questions based on one particular undergraduate course section you are teaching or have taught this academic year Lower division (mostly first-year students and sophomores) Upper division (mostly juniors and seniors)
About what percent of students in your selected course section do the following? (None, 1-24%, 25-49%, 50-74%, 75% or higher) Frequently ask questions in class or contribute to class discussions Frequently come to class without completing readings or assignments Receive prompt written or oral feedback from you on their academic performance Have serious conversations in your course with students who are very different from them in terms of their religious beliefs, political opinions, or personal values Survey Option: Course-based Sample Question & Items
Survey Option: Typical Student Each faculty member responds to questions about student engagement based on the typical first-year student or senior taught during the current academic year Key Question: During the current academic year, have you had more first-year students or seniors in your classes?
Survey Option: Typical Student Sample Question & Items About how often has the typical [first-year student, senior student] done each of the following? (Never, Sometimes, Often, Very often) Asked questions in class or contributed to class discussions Come to class without completing readings or assignments Received prompt written or oral feedback from faculty on his or her academic performance Had serious conversations with students of a different race or ethnicity than his or her own
Time Spent Preparing for Class Each Week by Discipline Course-Based Results Faculty Expectations of Hrs/Wk Faculty Beliefs of Hrs/Wk Student-Reported Hrs/Wk c General Academic Discipline a,b INSTFSSEINSTFSSEINSTFSSE Arts & Humanities5. Biological science6. Business5. Education4. Engineering6. 4.3 Physical science6. Professional6.0 Social science5. Other5. Total5. a General area of faculty members’ reported selected course selection. b General area of students’ reported major C full-time, eligible students
FSSE 2010 [Institution] Results First-YearSenior More than x% What percentage of [Institution] students spent more than 6 hours per week preparing for each of their classes? One-third (32%) of faculty expect students to spend greater than 6 hours preparing for each class in a week Less than one-tenth (8%) actually think that students spend this amount of time While slightly over one-tenth (12%) of full-time students actually spend this amount of time
Time Spent by FT Faculty on Professional Activities by Discipline Time Spent on Research Time Spent Teaching Time Spent Other Activities Area of Academic Appointment INSTUS a INSTUS a INSTUS a Arts & Humanities14%17%66%64%20%19% Biological science17%44%60%39%23%17% Business14%22%64%60%22%19% Education12%15%60%58%28%27% Engineering23%28%53%54%24%18% Physical science16%26%64%58%21%16% Professional12%21%60%47%28%32% Social science18%27%58%54%24%20% Other13%20%61%54%26%27% Total15%24%62%54%23% a U.S. percentages come from the 2004 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty and are based on faculty at U.S. postsecondary institutions that award baccalaureate degrees
What is the NSSE Institute?
NSSE Institute for Effective Educational Practice The Institute collects and disseminates research on promising practices in higher education and assists schools in using data for institutional improvement and student success initiatives. Resources of the NSSE Institute Web include: Accreditation Toolkits Using NSSE Data Facilitator’s Guide to Using NSSE Data Guide to Contextualizing Data Pocket Guide to Choosing a College Free Webinars NSSE Users Workshops
NSSE Institute Projects & Activities Campus Audits: Comprehensive or targeted campus audits to identify institutional strengths & challenges Workshops: Institution-based, regional, and consortium workshops to assist with improvement initiatives Ongoing Research and Evaluation: Focused inquiry related to improvement initiatives and specific campus evaluation needs User Resources: Develops resources and tools that enable institutions to more effectively use assessment results in practice (e.g. Accreditation Toolkits, Pocket Guides, Facilitator’s Guide to Using NSSE Data)
A Pocket Guide to Choosing a College* For Students and Families: NSSE’s A Pocket Guide to Choosing a College helps students ask questions during a campus visit that help them know how they might learn and develop at a given institution. For NSSE Institutions: A data report, The Student Experience in Brief, provides NSSE schools with a consistent template for sharing results with admission officers, orientation staff, prospective students and their families, and for presenting student engagement results on institutional Web sites. * Also available in Spanish
Using NSSE-BCSSE-FSSE Data Discovering and sharing ways student engagement results are being used is one of NSSE’s most important activities. NSSE results are being used across all types of institutions. The following slides illustrate how NSSE data can inform educational policy and practice and provide examples of how specific institutions have used their NSSE results in productive ways. Areas of Effective Educational Practice Areas for Institutional Improvement
Internal Campus Uses Gauge status of campus priorities Examine changes in student engagement between first and senior years Assess campus progress over time Encourage dialogue about good practice Link with other data to test hypotheses, evaluate programs Improve curricula, instruction, services Institutional Improvement Learning Communities 1 ST Year and Senior Experience Academic Affairs Learning Assessment Faculty Development Academic Advising Peer Comparison Student Affairs Institutional Research Enrollment Management
External Campus Uses Assess status vis-à-vis peers, competitors Identify, develop, market distinctive competencies Encourage collaboration in consortia (e.g., statewide NSSE conference) Provide evidence of accountability for good processes (while awaiting improvement in outcomes) Public Accountability Fund Raising Governing Boards Prospective Students Alumni State Policy Makers Performance Indicators Focus on Right Things Accrediting Bodies Media Parents
Level of Academic Challenge FAYETTVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY Finding: Student reported levels of writing and time spent preparing for class were lower than institution desired. Action: Began providing NSSE data disaggregated by major to department chairs so that areas of potential improvement could be identified in various fields of study. The institution also increased its investment in learning communities and development of capstone courses to strengthen writing across the curriculum and levels of class preparation.
Active & Collaborative Learning WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY Finding: NSSE results indicated the campus was not meeting student expectations for collaborative learning, student-faculty interaction, and enriching educational experiences. Action: Freshman Focus learning communities were created to provide all incoming freshmen the opportunity to engage in an extensive living-learning community system.
Student – Faculty Interaction CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY - FRESNO Finding: NSSE results showed that student-faculty interaction was lower than expected. Action: Student success task force identified ways to improve student success. Participated in Building Engagement and Attainment for Minority Students (BEAMS) program to develop Mentoring Institute. Now 200+ faculty members, staff and student mentors have been trained.
Enriching Educational Experiences JACKSONVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY Finding: Student reported engagement in enriching educational experiences was not as high as institution desired. Action: A new Office of Leadership and Service was created to coordinate service learning opportunities, promote service learning, and provide support to faculty interested in developing service learning courses.
Supportive Campus Environment SOUTHERN CONNECTICUT STATE UNIVERSITY Finding: BCSSE and NSSE data from multiple years showed that non- returning students had different levels of relationships with faculty, peers, and administrative personnel than returning students. Action: The Supportive Campus Environment benchmark was used as an indicator of how likely a student is to persist and thereby aids in guiding retention efforts.
Faculty and Staff Development ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY Finding: Needed to increase campus dialogue relevant to student learning among students, faculty, and student affairs personnel alike. Action: A four-part series, focusing on manageable methods to improve the quality of student writing, was developed for faculty based on the data from the FSSE and NSSE surveys.
Foster Collaboration and Focus TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY Finding: Initially saw lower NSSE and FSSE scores than desired on various engagement activities. Action: Increased institutional attention and energy surrounding student engagement. Worked to increase collaborative initiatives between Academic and Student Affairs to enhance student engagement in and out of the classroom.
Questions & Discussion
Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research 1900 East Tenth Street, Suite 419 Bloomington, IN 47406-7512 Phone: 812-856-5824 Fax: 812-856-5150 E-mail: Web: [Institution] NSSE Contact: [Contact name] [contact email address]. Contact Information
. Institutional Photo Credits Thank you to the following NSSE participating schools for the use of their institutional photos in the development of this PowerPoint template. We encourage you to insert your own campus photos for use in presentations. Title SlideBall State University, Southern Arkansas University, Georgian Court University Slide # 6 Hendrix College Slide # 9College of Saint Benedict Slide # 18University of North Dakota Slide # 28 Carleton University Slide # 29 Alma College Slide # 60 Austin College Slide # 61 California State University, Los Angeles Slide # 62Bethany College Slide # 63Elon University Slide # 64Sweet Briar College Slide # 65Agnes Scott College Slide # 66University of Tampa
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