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Chapter 2 1 SIMD-MIMD Real-Time Comparisons (Chapter 7) References: –Stankovic, Spuri, Ramamritham, Buttazzo, “Deadline Scheduling for Real-Time Systems”,

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1 Chapter 2 1 SIMD-MIMD Real-Time Comparisons (Chapter 7) References: –Stankovic, Spuri, Ramamritham, Buttazzo, “Deadline Scheduling for Real-Time Systems”, Kluwer, 1998, ISBN 0-7923-8269-2. –Stankovic, Spuri, Natale, Buttazzo, “Implications of Classical Scheduling Results for Real-Time Systems”, IEEE Computer, Vol. 28, No 6, pp. 16-25, June 1995. –Meilander, Jin, Baker, “Tractable Real-Time Air Traffic Control Automation”, Fourteenth IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS’02), pp. 483-488, November 2002. –Importance of SIMD Computation Reconsidered, Meilander, Baker, Jin, International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Workshop on Massively Parallel Processing. Initially we will go through most of the slides used for the presentation of the paper, “Tractable Real- Time Air Traffic Control Automation”. –Presentation was given by Will Meilander at PDCS Conference in November 2002. –The PDCS slides will follow this set of slides. –This slides describe a polynomial time solution for the ATC problem. A polynomial time multiprocessor (MP) solution to the ATC is not believed possible. In particular, –MP solutions to virtually all real-time problems today include an online solution to one or more dynamic scheduling problems.

2 Chapter 2 2 –Most dynamic scheduling problems are NP- hard. –The MP cannot use static scheduling to solve most real-time problems (to avoid using dynamic scheduling). Observation: A widely accepted principle in parallel computing is that MIMDs (or MPs) are more powerful than SIMDs. From a modeling point of view, this would mean that a MIMD could simulate a SIMD (of the same relative “size”) in constant time. –Since SIMD processors are small ALU units, a fair interpretation of “same size” is needed. –In general, only sketchy reasons are given for this claim such as A MIMD is a SIMD with fewer restrictions (i.e. no synchronization requirements) so anything a SIMD can do, a MIMD can do in no more time. Many MIMDs have extra hardware to provide fast synchronization to allow efficient simulation of SIMDs. (See [25, Kumar et. al.] SIMD topics) Each MIMD processor can execute the SIMD program and synchronize at points where this is required.

3 Chapter 2 3 A discussion along this line occurs in [31, Smith, The Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms, pgs 62-65. –Due to mass production, general purpose computers can be used as MIMD processors, but SIMD computers (due to low usage) have to be specially designed.

4 Chapter 2 4 –If an AP (an enhanced SIMD) can solve the ATC problem in polynomial time, but no such solution is expected for a MIMD computer, then this casts doubt on a MIMD being able to efficiently simulate an AP. –Since a SIMD can simulate an AP relatively efficiently, the preceding bullet seems to raise doubts as to whether the simulation of a SIMD by a MIMD can be very efficient. This work raises other open questions as well, both practical and theoretical. –Can a MASC model be built that can efficiently execute current data parallel solutions for MPs but which avoid some additional work that MPs do (in addition to executing the solution steps). Dynamic scheduling of tasks Load balancing Synchronization Cache/memory coherency problems involving keeping multiple copies of data. –In particular, how can the multiple instruction streams for MASC interact so as to avoid this MP difficulty?

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