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New eagerness for energy efficiency Guro Hauge, Lavenergiprogrammet.

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Presentation on theme: "New eagerness for energy efficiency Guro Hauge, Lavenergiprogrammet."— Presentation transcript:

1 New eagerness for energy efficiency Guro Hauge, Lavenergiprogrammet

2 The Low Energy Programme  Cooperation programme between government agencies and the business associations.  Main purpose: increased competence level in the construction industry about energy efficiency.

3 Norway - the big energy producer  Large export of oil and gas  Large production of hydro power  Why energy efficiency?

4 New eagerness for energy efficiency  40% of the stationary energy consumption is in buildings  Conflict between new production and environmental considerations  New directives from EU  Kyoto agreement

5 What’s happening in Norway?  New building codes  Pilot projects  Grant schemes  Focus on increased competence in the building industry

6 Building codes  25 % less total energy demand in all new buildings, including hot water, lightening, equipment etc.  40 % increase in the specific requirements concerning U-values, glass area, thermal bridges, air tightness etc.  Minimum 40 % of heating demand from new renewable energy sources

7 Building codes  The Technical Regulations are revised as a minimum every five years  Passive house as building standard within 2020

8 Pilot Projects  Much effort in building pilot projects – passive house level  Many passive house projects are finished or under planning Many initiativs:

9 Grant schemes  Pilot projects: Grant up to 40% of additional cost for building passive house Favourable loan from the Housing Bank  Energy efficiency: Grants pr kWh pr m2, projects that reduce minimum 100 000 kWh

10 The structure of the construction industry  300 000 thousand employees in the construction industry  97% of the companies under 20 employees  We need the big companies as locomotives

11 Increased competence level  Development of knowledge  Have made a plan  Dissemination of knowledge  Systematic further education of sector  Incorporate into building sector education system

12 Challenges ahead  How to trigger measures in households?  How to increase competence level in 40 000 small companies?  Rehabilitation measures to passive house level

13 Thank you for your attention!

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