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Enhancing the Student Experience: Top 10 Education for Exeter Janice Kay, Ashley Petrons, Michele Shoebridge, Keith Zimmerman.

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancing the Student Experience: Top 10 Education for Exeter Janice Kay, Ashley Petrons, Michele Shoebridge, Keith Zimmerman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancing the Student Experience: Top 10 Education for Exeter Janice Kay, Ashley Petrons, Michele Shoebridge, Keith Zimmerman

2  Students enjoy their experience at Exeter  11th in NSS 2006, 4th in NSS 2007  Top quality teaching and academic experience  High level of engagement in extra-curricula:  Volunteering and CA  Sport  Music, Arts & Culture  Guild Societies  Participation (e.g. in Guild Elections)  A strong sense of community: The ‘Exeter Bubble’ Exeter Student Experience

3  We excel in some things  NSS  Completion Rates  % ‘Good’ Degrees  Student Engagement & Representation (e.g. SSLCs, Committees, Faculty Boards, UGLG)  But not in others  Graduate Prospects  Entry Standards  International Population  SSR

4  Sharpen current Education Strategy:  Immediate (e.g. Entry Standards & Graduate Prospects)  Longer Term  Sustain and develop what we’re good at  Improve and develop what we’re less good at:  “long hard grind of improvement”  Illustrate our Strategy for Education  A Joined Up Student Journey Strategy for Education and Education Strategy: Challenges and Opportunities

5  UK/SW Recruitment Strategy  Professionalised Admissions Service  City/Regional (shortlisted for THES award)  Bursaries & Scholarships  Recruitment Literature (Web, Prospectus, Fact Files)  Decliners’ Survey  Entry Standards & Graduate Prospects  Programme Portfolio Review & Development  International & INTO Marketing, Recruitment & Admissions

6  Approaching 400 tariff points (3 A+ at AL)  Admissions Policies  Raise entry grades and ranges where possible  IB  Scholarships (e.g. Jubilee Science, VC Excellence)  Quality Control at Confirmation and Clearing  Programme Portfolio Development:  BMBS, Zoology  Quota  League Table Position (Proxy for Quality) Raising UG Entry Standards

7  Top Quality Teaching and Learning  Research-Led, Research-Like  Research-Intensive Staff + Engaged Students = Research-Led, Active Learners  Top Quality Learning Resources and Support  Staff Development (e.g. PCAP)  Enhanced Educational Enhancement Unit (£123k in new staff for 07/08) Academic Experience

8 Exeter Student Experience: Monitoring and Review  Academic Standards and Infrastructure  Student Feedback (e.g. SSLC)  Student Evaluation (15+ Institutional Surveys!)  NSS  Penultimate Year  First Year  PGT  PGR  i-Graduate  Quantitative & Qualitative Feedback (cross campuses)

9 NSS: Management  Comprehensive Data Analyses  By Category, By Question, By ‘Subject’  Top 20 Competitors, Subject Rankings  Comparative (2007 v 2006; NSS v PYS)  Senior Management Group (& Away Day)  School Planning Groups  School/Subject Teaching Committees  Student/Staff Liaison Committees  Information Sharing and Monitoring  Within School and by Senior Management

10  Engagement and Community  Volunteering and CA  Sport  Guild Societies  Arts & Culture  Representation  Links with CSR  Take to Another Level (e.g. VC Excellence Scholarships, EXCEL@, VC Teaching Excellence Awards) Engagement in Extra-Curricula

11  Student & Academic Services  (new Heads of Educational Enhancement and Student Experience)  Career & Employment Service (£110k recurrent)  Pastoral Support (e.g. Disability and Mental Health)  Review of Personal Tutorial System  New ePDP System  Needs to be joined up with extra-curricula  Employability  EXCEL@ Student Support

12  Further Study (stable at 30%, increase % at Exeter)  Graduate Level Employment (59% to 68.5% in 3 years)  Increased C&E Advisors  Involved Schools more, started earlier (Year 1 & earlier)  More Application & Interview Training  Step Change Needed  Increase work placements & internships  Increase vocational programmes  Influence graduate recruiters  Change performance indicator!  After-Care Service & Role of Alumni Employment & Post Exeter

13  Strong Management of NSS and other surveys  Roadshows (Development of Education Strategy)  Addressing immediate challenges (e.g. entry standards, graduate prospects)  Students as Engaged, ‘Change Agents’  Additional investment (300k p.a.) Strategic Actions: Immediate

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