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Proposal: Use AIA data to study wave behavior in atmosphere Requires: Images every 10 (20) seconds Wave studies with AIA.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposal: Use AIA data to study wave behavior in atmosphere Requires: Images every 10 (20) seconds Wave studies with AIA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposal: Use AIA data to study wave behavior in atmosphere Requires: Images every 10 (20) seconds Wave studies with AIA

2 I. Travel times provide constraint on magnetic field topology 4 mHz - B inclination angle 7 mHz -  ~1 surface 107 hours of Na & K Data from South Pole

3 II. Seismology Dispersion curves should allow identification of wave type

4 III. Wave contribution to dynamics of upper atmosphere EIT 19.5 nm - “Event” 4 mHz - “wave travel time” Detect magnetic reconnection?


6 “Monitoring the chromospheric energy flux” 107 hours of South Pole data

7 “Monitoring the chromospheric energy flux”

8 “Acoustic Portals” Multi-colored overlay of 3(red), 4(green), & 5(blue) mHz PTTs 3minute running waves leaking from sunspot umbra. Progression to lower frequencies (5minute) visible in the penumbra.  “coronal” wave leakage. “acoustic portals” on SG boundaries. “rainbows” in SG interiors  advected magnetic dipoles? Need: full disk, long duration obs. In B, V and I Potential overlap with Coronal Seismology


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