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Page 1 PEP-II D&D Planning & Costing Exercises John Seeman Accelerator Systems Division SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Page 2 Topics *PEP-II Components –What is to be removed and what remains. –Inventory of parts –Weights –Volumes –Waste categories *Costs –Removal –Shipping –Storage in a new building –Offsite burial *Possible “zoning” of accelerator components *Parametric costs estimates
Page 3 Parametric Cost Estimates *Make parametric estimated costs for: – Removal of all PEP-II components from the tunnel. –A) Store all suspension parts at SLAC in a new minimal building. –B) Rezoned with “release criteria”: Store “inside” zone parts and release the rest. –C) Ship requested parts to FNAL. Store remaining suspension parts at SLAC. –D) Ship requested parts to INFN. Store remaining suspension parts at SLAC. –E) Ship requested parts to INFN+FNAL. Store remaining suspension parts at SLAC.
Page 4 Contributors to PEP-II MMS-D&D Weekly Meeting *K. Burrows *S. DeBarger *G. Diaz *K. Fant *T. Galetto *A. Jacob *D. Kharakh *J. Krebs *O. Ligeti *H. Lynch *D. MacFarlane *Y. Pilastro *S. Rokni *A. Sabourov *J. Seeman *M. Sullivan *J. Vollaire *U. Wienands *W. Wisniewski *W. Wittmer
Page 5 PEP-II B Factory at SLAC Located at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Page 6 Beam Line Lengths *HER = 2200 m *LER = 2200 m *HER injection line = 2300 m *LER injection line = 2900 m *Total length of beam line = 9600 m –( 6.0 miles)
Page 7 Magnets Vacuum chambers Lights Cable trays Sprinkler pipes Fire sensors Utility pipes Supports PEP-II Tunnel Components
Page 8 Summary: What stays & What is removed *Stays: –Tunnel walls –Fire system –Fire detection –Cable trays –Cooling-water piping –Lights –Communication equipment –Drainage system –PPS system –IR hall shielding blocks *Removed: –Magnets –Vacuum chambers –Power cables –Mechanical supports –Power supplies –Controls –Floor grout and bolts –Local radiation shielding
Page 9 Tunnel End State *
Page 10 * PEP-II HER dipoles in 1994 ready for installation (75 magnets shown) Removal sequence
Page 11 * B-Factory RF Klystrons C. Pearson
Page 12 PEP-II Klystron Building and High Voltage Power Supply *
Page 13 PEP-II RF Cavities
Page 14 PEP-II Power Supply Buildings (nine) * RF HVPS Magnet Power Supplies
Page 15 PEP-II Injection Lines *
Page 16 Example of Components NOT Reused * LER pumping chambers “One-off” injection components IR magnet rafts
Page 17 Remove PEP-II Cable Distribution *
Page 18 ES&H discourages outdoor storage of suspension materials *
Page 19 INFN Requests for PEP-II Components *
Page 20 INFN Requests (cont) *
Page 21 INFN Requests (cont) (outside this review) *Polarized e- gun *Polarized laser *Spin rotators *Sub-harmonic bunchers *Transport magnets *Kicker magnets *Polarization monitors
Page 22 FNAL request *100 HER dipoles *Supports for 100 dipoles *Possible quadrupoles –For this exercise we will assume 50 quadrupoles and supports. *No vacuum chambers.
Page 23 Best choice: Shipping Containers * Must manage the risks! 20 foot box To FNAL To INFN
Page 24 Educated estimates for costing calculations *Shipping container holds 35,000 lbs with 1000 cubic feet of volume, with 150 square feet of floor space. –Shipping cost from SLAC to FNAL: $5000. –Shipping cost from SLAC to Civitavecchia, Italy: $6000. –Shipping cost from Civitavecchia to Tor Vergata: $1000. –Shipping cost from SLAC to Clive, Utah, burial site: $4000. *Minimal storage building costs 200 $/square foot from LCLS conventional facility staff. –Concrete slab floor –Steel sides and roof –Lights, fire sprinklers, fire alarms, and lockable doors –(Compare to 500$ for an office-laboratory building) *Release materials costs: –Assume: The income from selling released metals for reuse will exactly offset the SLAC costs for organizing that release, i.e. cost neutral. *Burial costs –590$ / cubic-yard = 22$ / cubic foot for low radioactive metallic parts –174$ / cubic foot for mixed wastes.
Page 25 Calculation of Weight, Storage Area, Containers *Group components in common blocks. *Measure width, length, and height. *Measure weight. *Determine stacking factor for storage. *Determine suspension or release materials. *Calculate total weight. *Calculate total volume. *Calculate total shipping or storage foot print area.
Page 26 *
Page 27 Cost Estimate for Removal of PEP-II Components from the Tunnel *Task: –secure the equipment –preparation for removal –rigging and rolling equipment to IR hall –Use IR hall crane to load onto a truck. *People: –Management needs about 5 people for two years Manager, 2 technicians, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer –ESH needs about 3 people for two years –Total = 16 FTE-years = 4.0 M$ *Technical removal costs were studied with specific teams and durations per task. The result was about $1/lb for technical removal costs. –Total weight = 9.7 x 10 6 lb –Cost = 9.7 M$ *Total cost = 9.7 M$ + 4.0 M$ = 13.7 M$.
Page 28 Cost Estimate for moving PEP-II Components to SLAC Storage Building *Task: –Forklift components from IR hall into storage building *People: –Management needs about 2 person for two years Manager, technician (driver) –ESH needs about 1 person for two years –Total = 6 FTE-years = 1.5 M$ *Technical moving costs about $0.25/lb –Total weight = 9.7 x 10 6 lb –Cost = 2.4 M$ *Total cost = 2.4 M$ + 1.5 M$ = 3.9 M$.
Page 29 Cost of storage building at SLAC *Assume 200 $/square foot *From table storage area of 33k square feet to store all suspension PEP-II components *Add 10 % for aisle ways *SLAC management oversite = 0.8 M$ * Cost of primitive storage building=8.1 M$
Page 30 Storage Building Example * Possible location: Linac Sector 10
Page 31 Cost of shipping to FNAL and INFN *FNAL (full request): –For 100 dipoles –200 supports –50 quadrupoles and supports –66 containers x 5k$ per container = 0.33 M$. –Add 2 k$ ea for packing and packing materials = 0.13 M$ –Add 0.75 M$ for processing, documentation, permits –Total = 1.3 M$ *INFN (full request): –346 containers x (6+1) k$ ea = 2.42 M$ –Add 2 k$ ea for packing and packing materials = 0.69 M$ –Add 1.0 M$ for processing, documentation, permits –Total = 4.1 M$ *INFN (request with FNAL request removed): –306 containers x (6+1) k$ ea = 2.14 M$ –Add 2 k$ ea for packing and packing materials = 0.61 M$ –Add 1.0 M$ for processing, documentation, permits –Total = 3.7 M$
Page 32 Measured residual radioactivity in PEP-II (J. Allan) *
Page 33 Bury all PEP-II radioactive components in Utah (None of these parts are wanted by INFN or FNAL.) *Total PEP-II component volume = 104 k cf *Assume 5% radioactive waste: –Cost = 0.05 x 0.10 x 10 6 cf x 22$/cf = 0.11 M$ *Assume 1% mixed waste: –Cost = 1040 cf x 174$/cf = 0.19 M$ *Shipping –Cost= 30 containers x (4+2)k$ = 0.18 M$ *SLAC EDI (12 FTE-yr) –Manager, two technicians, four ESH professionals, engineer –Cost = 12 x 0.25 = 3.0 M$ *Total = 3.5 M$
Page 34 A): Store all suspension parts in a new minimal building at SLAC *Do minor release calculations. *Remove components. *Bury radioactive components (6%). *Build large storage building. *Move components to storage building. *Project management.
Page 35 B: “Inside zone” suspension parts for storage and release remainder *Determine “release criteria” in the tunnel by using FLUKA and other calculations requiring significant effort to determine release zone. *Example here: Release everything radially outside of the vacuum chambers except for dumps and collimators. *Remove components. *Bury radioactive components (6%) *Build small storage building. *Move remaining suspension components to storage building (mostly vacuum chambers). *Project management.
Page 36 C) Ship requested parts to FNAL and store remaining suspension parts. *Ship to FNAL requested components. *Do modest release calculations. *Remove components from the tunnel. *Bury radioactive components (6%). *Build small storage building. *Move components to storage building. *Project management.
Page 37 D) Ship all requested parts to INFN and Store the remaining suspension parts *Ship to INFN requested components. *Do modest release calculations. *Remove components from the tunnel. *Bury radioactive components (6%). *Build small storage building. *Move components to storage building. *Project management.
Page 38 E) Ship all requested parts to INFN and FNAL Store the remaining suspension parts *Ship to FNAL requested components. *Ship to INFN most of requested components. *Do modest release calculations. *Remove components from the tunnel. *Bury radioactive components (6%). *Build small storage building. *Move components to storage building. *Project management.
Page 39 Summary Cost Table *
Page 40 B Factory MMS/D&D budget
Page 41 Conclusions *A list of PEP-II components and their properties have been made. Components are released by an authorization process. *The base goal has been established: –Remove components –Recycle release materials (~20%) –Bury radioactive materials (~6%) –Keep suspension material (~74%) –Build a new (primitive) storage building for inventory control *Ship components to “Inside” or “Outside” requesters as appropriate. *Cost estimates have been made for the various scenarios. –Base goal costs are ~45 M$.
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