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Turbulence After the Bend

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1 Turbulence After the Bend
Jeffery Aguiar Drew Hayes University of the Pacific CVL-130 Fluid Mechanics Dr. Camilla Saviz

2 Presentation Topics Purpose Background theory Experimental design
Results Analysis Suggested improvements Conclusion

3 Introduction Constructed 3 water pipes that tested the theory of turbulence after a bend Measured the length of turbulence for each pipe a total of three times Analyzed results & compared with theory Implemented & suggested further improvements of the experiment

4 Purpose Theory predicts that ~20 diameters away from a 90º bend a turbulent regime is witnessed iff the flow is laminar before the bend After the set length of turbulence the flow then transitions back to laminar

5 Theory Calculate flow rate using manometer Q = Ko(H/G)1/2 where
Ko= Constant H = displaced height in manometer [in] G = 1

6 Theory (cont’d) Reynolds Number (<2300, laminar) vd Re =  where
v = velocity [ft/s]  = viscosity [ft2/s] d = diameter [ft]

7 Experimental Design Design of a single apparatus
Figure 1- Experimental apparatus used to measure turbulent regime

8 Actual Design Figure 2- Apparatus used to measure turbulent regime before drilling injection points

9 Procedure Set up the system Check for laminar flow Inject dye
Measure turbulent zone length Three for each apparatus & three manometer readings Repeat with varying pipe diameters

10 Results Figure 3- Plot of the calculated of L/D values versus Reynolds

11 Results (cont’d) Figure 4- Plot of the calculated of the length of the turbulent regime values as function of pipe diameter

12 Analysis Agreement with the theory (~20)
Direct relationship between l/d values & pipe diameter Accuracy of l/d values (avg. D=1.03,max D=2.33)

13 Suggested Improvements
Problem Solution Wall friction Smooth pipe (e/d) Injection point Longer needle Transition point Larger diam. pipe Air bubbles Air release valve Measured Length Ruler along pipe

14 Conclusion Observed turbulence after the bend
Measured the length of turbulence Confirmed the theory

15 Now please enjoy our video !
Acknowledgements Dr. Camilla Saviz Adrian Now please enjoy our video !

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