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Pixel Testbeam at Fermilab Jianchun Wang Syracuse University.

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Presentation on theme: "Pixel Testbeam at Fermilab Jianchun Wang Syracuse University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pixel Testbeam at Fermilab Jianchun Wang Syracuse University

2 02/27/2009Jianchun Wang2

3 02/27/2009Jianchun Wang3

4 02/27/2009Jianchun Wang4

5 02/27/2009Jianchun Wang5 Online/Offline Display of Raw Hits X (mm) Y (mm) X (mm) Y (mm) Number of TBDBs Some chips were disabled due to noisy cells.

6 02/27/2009Jianchun Wang6 Form Seed Tracks Y 3 -Y 1 -Offset (mm) Use hits in stations 1 & 3 (X precision stations) as seeds to form tracks. The window is  1 mm in both X and Y directions. X 3 -X 1 -Offset (mm) (X 3 -X 1 ) / (Z 3 -Z 1 ) (Y 3 -Y 1 ) / (Z 3 -Z 1 ) Use theoretical positions. No alignment yet.

7 02/27/2009Jianchun Wang7 Pick Up Hits From Other Stations X 2 -X projection (mm)Y 2 -Y projection (mm) X 4 -X projection (mm) Y 4 -Y projection (mm)

8 02/27/2009Jianchun Wang8 Basics on Tracks Number of Planes of Each Track Number of Tracks in The Event With Trigger

9 02/27/2009Jianchun Wang9 Cluster Size Num of Columns Num of Rows Plane 1 Plane 2 Plane 3 Plane 4

10 02/27/2009Jianchun Wang10 Summary  There are significant improvements.  We took about half million good tracks. They are useful to develop alignment codes and produce some convincing plots to get our European colleagues committed.  There are still problems need to be solved. These problem are not vital to our VELO test. Reset router frequently ( solved on 02/25 test ). E chip drops off. Kill mask ( had a successful attempt ).  Dave and I had a half day testbeam with me remotely. It worked fine and we will continue from time to time.  We are pushing for an April VELO testbeam.

11 02/27/2009Jianchun Wang11 Fermilab MT6 Schedule

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