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Solar cycle variation in the peak asymmetry: solar or artefact? S. J. Jiménez-Reyes IAC 13-sept-2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar cycle variation in the peak asymmetry: solar or artefact? S. J. Jiménez-Reyes IAC 13-sept-2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar cycle variation in the peak asymmetry: solar or artefact? S. J. Jiménez-Reyes IAC 13-sept-2004

2 Variation of peak asymmetry. It is real? Our previous studies (Jiménez Reyes et al. 2003) uncovered a clear evidence for a systematic variation over the solar cycle. However, such conclusion ignores any potential contribution from the change in operating configuration through the GOLF lifetime. Blue Red BlueRed The convective overshoot in the photosphere makes the asymmetries less negative. It should be stronger in the blue period, when observations are sensitive to variations close to the base of the photosphere. ?

3 A one year modulation is visible due to the orbital velocity of the spacecraft. This is what we can expect if the changes are due to the measurements make at different depths in the solar atmosphere. Blue and red wing measurements

4 Blue Wing (mA) D1:129.7Vmax 109.8Vmin D2a:155.9 136.0 D2b:102.9 83.0 Variation of peak asymmetry. It is real? Red Wing (mA) D1: 82.5Vmax 102.5Vmin D2a:108.8 128.7 D2b: 55.8 75.7 Given the annual variation of the line-of-sight velocity of the spacecrafts we should see a periodic modulation in the asymmetry variations. Indeed, this modulation should be of the order of height difference between both operating configurations. However, such height-dependent is not found.

5 Variation of peak asymmetry. How can we proceed? Extent the observations of GOLF. Analyze the results obtained from both configuration modes separately. Compare results obtained from time series with larger length. Perform a contemporaneous analysis of different datasets such as MDI, BiSON, etc. Study a possible progressive intensity contamination of the velocity measurement (phase difference V-V). Carry out a realistic simulation of the GOLF signal.

6 GOLF observations 2975 days: Start: 1996 April 11 End: 2004 June 2 Duty cycle: 92% Series of 100-days Shifted 25 days 116 – 4 = 112 series l=0, 1, 2 and 3 f=2.4 to 3.4 mHz Blue Red Cycle 23 Note that in terms of level of solar activity, there is not overlapping between blue and red-wing periods.

7 Extraction of the mode parameters Nigam & Kosovichev (1998) This is a traditional peak fitting in the sense that the asymmetrical frequency shifts of the multiplet is not taken into account. Maximum height Fractional asymmetry Width Central frequency Rotational splitting fixed to 400 nHz. Same linewidth for all the components of the multiplets. Fixed theoretical values for the instrumental sensitivity. Same peak asymmetry for both multiplets.

8 Frequency shift of low degree Using this results it is possible to identify some of the main characteristics of the solar magnetic fields. Thus, differential analysis of the frequency shifts of different low-degree modes can provide information on the distribution of high-latitude fields.

9 Mean change in height and weight The result found could be explained on the basis of changes in damping affecting both the mode with and the velocity power. No long-term variations

10 Variation of peak asymmetry. It is real? The new data confirms our previous results. We do not find any dramatic variation between both operating configuration modes.

11 0.60,3.06e-2 -0.02,9.40e-1 0.57,1.34e-3 -0.40, 1.74e-1 -0.38, 1.44e-1 -0.83,1.99e-8 0.77, 1.87e-03 0.84, 3.93e-05 0.92, 2.45e-12 -0.68,1.12e-2 -0.07,7.95e-1 -0.65,1.57e-4 Blue... Red... All... Blue vs Red wing

12 Time series of 432d long 2975 days: Start: 1996 May 5 Duty cyle: 87% Series of 432-days Shifted 216 days 14 series l=0, 1, 2 and 3 f=1.8 to 3.7 mHz Given the higher SNR, we have fitted an asymmetry parameter for each mode degree.

13 GOLF vs MDI. 100d and 432d

14 GOLF versus MDI. 100d and 432d We can confirm an asymmetry variation of l=1,3 in both datasets although the peak-to- peak change does not agree. The higher sensitivity found for GOLF might arises from an additional contribution due to the observed depth in the solar atmosphere.

15 In principle, the variation of the asymmetry could be explained as part of a progressive intensity contamination of the velocity measurement. When I c b Let suppose first, that the long-term asymmetry variation is due to the observed depth in the solar atmosphere. Can be explained the short-term variation as part of an intensity contamination? We compute the phase difference between two simultaneous velocity measurements (GOLF-MDI) Phase difference V-V A clear phase difference of around 20º between both operating configurations is found, which coincides with initial estimations (Pallé et al. 1999). However, we did not find any trend of this parameter with time.

16 Variation of peak asymmetry. Summarize CONFIRMED PARTIALLY CONFIRMED ??????? Extent the observations of GOLF. Analize the results obtained from both configuration modes separately. Compare results obtained from time series with larger different length. Perform a contemporaneous of different datasets such as MDI. Study a possible progresive intensity contamination of the velocity measurement (phase difference V-V). Carry out a realistic simulation of the GOLF signal.

17 Artificial data The asymmetrical frequency shifts of the multiplets (l=2 and 3). The window function (BiSON and GONG). Possible systematic bias in the peak asymmetry determination. Variation with the SNR of the power spectra. Leakage from higher mode degrees, mainly from l=4 and 5. Different issues need to take into account in the simulation:

18 What about l=4 and 5?

19 (l,m)=(2,0) (l,m)=(2,2) Artificial data 1. Empirical model of the p-mode parameters extracted from previous results. 2. Empirical model of the p-mode parameter variations normalized to the Radio Flux changes. 3. Relative instrumental sensitivity up to l=5 (theoretical values) 4. Asymmetrical frequency shifts of the multiplets (l=2 and 3).

20 Artificial data. Results (i)

21 Artificial data. Results (ii) Mean asymmetryMean noise The leakage from l=4 and 5 might affect the asymmetry determination of l=0,2 since the level of noise cannot be estimated correctly.

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