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Or: how I learned to stop controlling and share alike. By Noel Laviolette.

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Presentation on theme: "Or: how I learned to stop controlling and share alike. By Noel Laviolette."— Presentation transcript:

1 Or: how I learned to stop controlling and share alike. By Noel Laviolette

2 What is intellectual property?  The state-enforced monopoly of certain intangible assets.  Examples include but are not limited to; Music, Literature, Art, Discoveries, Inventions, Words, Phrases, Symbols, and Designs.  Motivation for Creativity  Creates artificial scarcity  Rewards innovation

3 What is Fair Use?  An instance in which use of protected intellectual property by another requires no consent on behalf of the copyright holder.  Evaluated by consideration of four questions:  1: What is the purpose and character of the use?  2: What is the nature of the copyrighted work?  3: What is the amount and substantiality of the portion used?  4: What is the effect of the use upon the value of the copyrighted work?

4 Purpose and Character of the Use  Purpose: Commercial vs. Educational  Character: Transformational vs. Derivative

5 Nature of the Copyrighted Work  Not in terms of success (profitable or unprofitable, good or bad)  Published or Unpublished?  Fiction or Nonfiction?

6 Amount and Substantiality of Use  Most clear-cut of the four  The amount of the copy in proportion to the whole of the copyrighted work  The importance of the copied segment to the original work

7 The effect upon the original value  Most ill-defined of the four  Nearly no way to measure definitively  Burden of proof Shifts between Commercial and noncommercial use  Represents the heart of fair use

8 Digital Millennium Copyright Act  The Laws Concerning Digital Media  Many take-down notices target instances of fair use  Disproportionately affects small, independent producers

9 Best Practices  _use _use  Covering Documentary Film, Education, and Online Video

10 Considerations: Youtube  Content ID Tool  Uses ‘fingerprints’ to match audio to copyrighted material  Advertisement Revenue  Privately Owned Website  Recent Conflict with Music Labels  Now Similar to Radio

11 Deeplinking  Linking to a Specific Page  Bypasses Homepage/Advertising  Arguably Usurps Original Content  All links are functionally equivalent  HTTP Makes No Distinction  Fundamental to Internet Architecture  URL Legally Equal to Street Adress

12 Excerpting  Usually accompanies Deeplinking  Taking a piece of the linked page, and displaying it as advertisement of content on linked page  Much more problematic then Deeplinking, crux of fair use defense

13 Google News  Popular News Indexing Service  Uses crawling technology similar to its search engine, Storyrank news aggregator  Come under fire from news sites it links  Sued by Agence France Presse Mar 2005 17.5mil  Opt out function  Selectively paying organizations  Associated Press leaves Dec 2009

14 In Conclusion  The Internet is the New Frontier  Intellectual Property Law Murky at Best  Fair Use Follows Trends  Knowledge as Always is Best Defense

15 References  "Copyright’s fair use doctrine and digital data" Pamela Samuelson, 1995 Publishing Research Quarterly 11 (1): 27–39.  Fair use and free inquiry : copyright law and the new media, ed. John Shelton Lawrence and Bernard Timberg, 1989 Norwood, N.J.  Copyright in the age of new technology, Hope Roland Botterbusch,1996 Bloomington, Ind      

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