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THE UHLE BERKELEY Presented by Shelby, Kelly, Cecilia May 5th, 2005 SIMS 213.

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Presentation on theme: "THE UHLE BERKELEY Presented by Shelby, Kelly, Cecilia May 5th, 2005 SIMS 213."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE UHLE COLLECTIONS @ BERKELEY Presented by Shelby, Kelly, Cecilia May 5th, 2005 SIMS 213

2 Motivation & Project Goal Motivation of the Project Uhle Collections at The Hearst Museum of Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley Allow researchers to view items in the collection without accessing the physical objects.

3 Motivation & Project Goal Goals of the Project To create a research tool which represents the relationship between artifacts and their metadata in a way that is useful to archaeologists. To provide a front-end to a digital collection.

4 Heuristic Evaluation Total Entries by PhotoCat: 32 Opening up the new window Help Link The expanding lists of metadata items Map browser

5 Pilot Study Goal To see if our system supports: different levels of archaeology knowledge different levels of computer experience

6 Pilot Study Test subjects Male Professor of Architecture w/ interest in ancient civilization Female undergraduate student in Anthropology Male PhD student in Anthropology Tasks Find jars with sooting on them Find how many artifacts there are in Chincha, Site E, Grave 13 Print a list of ceramic vessels w/o the thumbnail view

7 Pilot Study Test Measures Time Navigation Errors Preference of Search Results Users were exploratory Rarely made errors Check box navigation

8 Pilot Study Qualitative vs. Quantitative Opening checkboxes causes too much scrolling Preference of Map location Help icon

9 Dream to Reality p1: p2: current prototype:

10 Dream to Reality p1 and p2 : current prototype:

11 Dream to Reality p1: p2:

12 Dream to Reality p1 p2

13 DemoDemo

14 Lessons Learned Time not a good measure for success of browsing interface Tasks may be too shallow Need a working database

15 Next Iteration Graphic design Map interface Connecting to database

16 Future Work Map testing Checkbox testing Data massaging Linking to other Uhle-related materials

17 Questions?Questions? Any Questions? Any Comments? Any Thoughts?

18 Thanks…Thanks…

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