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Introduction Upani  ads. Upani  ads: Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction Upani  ads. Upani  ads: Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction Upani  ads

2 Upani  ads: Introduction

3 If the early Veda is primarily concerned with the ritual (karman-), the Upanisads (or later Veda emphasizes the actor (kart  -) Nonetheless, the Upani  ads belong to the same cultural milieu as the early Vedas, so carry forth ideas in the earlier texts The Actor

4 What is Accepted in the Early Veda The gods are still recognized Ritual actions are still accepted: –Sometimes disparagingly (MU I.ii,7-10) –Sometimes giving the ritual a more allegorical or philosophical meaning such as those in the  ra  yakas (B  U: on the A  vamedha) –Sometimes in a more accommodating mode (  v 2.6-7)

5 The Upani  ads as Link between Vedism and Hinduism The Upani  ads connect the Veda with later Hinduism: –As the last or final word of the one (Veda) –As the prime source for the other (especially of the later Ved  nta philosophy)

6 Upanisads: –Literal sense: upa- (‘near’); ni (‘down’); *sad (‘sit’): > ‘sit down near’; teachings that should be reserved for those qualified to hear the teachings –Expanded: “Secret” Teachings (based upon the etymology given above) –Based upon Context: “Connections” (the teachings are primarily concerned with establishing connections between the micro- and macro-cosm, and especially between  tman and Brahman. Meaning and Number

7 Upani  ads are also called Ved  nta ‘end of the Veda’ –‘End’ > ‘final portion of the Veda’ –‘End’ > (metaphorically) as the final teaching (> perhaps implying the highest or most advanced teaching) Ved  nta

8 There are traditionally 108 (Muktika U I. 30-39) Some accounts estimate over 200 Eight or Nine are true Vedic Upani  ads The rest are late or sectarian in nature Number of Upani  ads

9 B  had-  ra  yaka-upani  ad, Ch  ndogya Upani  ad, Aitareya Upani  ad, Kausitaki Upani  ad, Taittiriya Upani  ad, Kena Upani  ad, Katha Upani  ad, Isa Upani  ad Others are also included such as Prasna, Mu  aka, M  ukya, Maitrayaniya and Svetasvatara Upani  ads. The Mah  nar  yana Upani  ad may also be included Early Upani  ads

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