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10. Sustainable Development: The Problem of Land Conservation in Developing Countries (DCs)

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1 10. Sustainable Development: The Problem of Land Conservation in Developing Countries (DCs)

2 10.1. Sustainable Development? Sustainable development  “meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the needs of future generations” Sustainable development  “if only if the stock of overall capital assets remains constant or rises over time”

3 10.2. Land and Natural Resources Conservation as Key To Sustainable Devt. in DCs Economic base of DCs  Agriculture (crops, animal husbandry, fisheries, and forestry)  Primary industry (oil and mineral mining) Basic inputs for economic base  Land and other natural resources Sustainability of development path in DCs  Conservation of land, and other natural resources

4 10.3. Basic Theory of Land Conservation (1) Land conservation as investment activity  stream of cost and benefit  discount factor  investment decision Patterns of flow of cost and benefits is crucial for decision to invest

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