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1 Copyright Jennifer MacDougall and Gregory Palmer, 2002. This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Copyright Jennifer MacDougall and Gregory Palmer, 2002. This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Copyright Jennifer MacDougall and Gregory Palmer, 2002. This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

2 2 MAGPI and Internet2 in Higher Education Greg Palmer, Director Jennifer MacDougall, Apps Coordinator

3 3 What is Internet2? Consortium led by over 190 universities working with industry and government Consortium led by over 190 universities working with industry and government High performance network intended for research into new generation protocols and applications High performance network intended for research into new generation protocols and applications “Born” in 1996, 34 original participants “Born” in 1996, 34 original participants

4 4

5 5

6 6 Why Internet2? The Regular or Commodity Internet was not designed for: The Regular or Commodity Internet was not designed for: –Millions of users –Congestion –Multimedia –Real time interaction

7 7 High Performance vs. Commodity Internet High congestion High congestion Unpredictibility Unpredictibility No prioritization No prioritization Low speeds Low speeds High cost to bandwidth (i.e., $ per Mbps) ratio High cost to bandwidth (i.e., $ per Mbps) ratio High bandwidth High bandwidth Low latency/jitter Low latency/jitter Real-time Real-time Scalability Scalability Multicasting Multicasting Commodity High Performance

8 8 Internet2 Applications Teleimmersion Teleimmersion Virtual Laboratories Virtual Laboratories Digital Libraries Digital Libraries Distributed Computation Distributed Computation Distributed Instruction/Learning Distributed Instruction/Learning Digital Video Digital Video K20 Initiative K20 Initiative

9 9 Teleimmersion

10 10 Virtual Laboratories

11 11 Digital Libraries

12 12 Distributed Computation E.g., Pittsburgh Super Computing Center E.g., Pittsburgh Super Computing Center Mass Storage and Archival Services Mass Storage and Archival Services Real Time Computing Real Time Computing

13 13 Distributed Instruction/Learning

14 14 Digital Video Videoconferencing Videoconferencing Video on Demand Video on Demand Live Transmission Live Transmission

15 15 K20 Initiative Internet2 now welcoming K-12s onto the High Speed Network New K20 Consortium Established MAGPI outreach to K-12s and IUs Bridging K-12 to Higher Ed Increased opportunities for joint funding

16 16 What is MAGPI? MAGPI is a GigaPoP MAGPI is a GigaPoP –Regional GigaPoP or network connector i.e., a network aggregation point –Connects member institutions to regional, national, and international high performance networks

17 17

18 18 MAGPI is also… A private network, created for the sole purpose of promoting education and research for its member institutions A private network, created for the sole purpose of promoting education and research for its member institutions

19 19 MAGPI Members 5 Current Subscribers 5 Current Subscribers –Chester County IU –Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals –Lehigh University –Princeton University –Univ. of Pennsylvania

20 20 Members Coming Soon University of Delaware University of Delaware Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Temple University/Hospital Temple University/Hospital Thomas Jefferson University/Hospital Thomas Jefferson University/Hospital Widener Widener Fox Chase Cancer Center Fox Chase Cancer Center

21 21 Five County Initiative Chester County IU already connected Chester County IU already connected Delaware Delaware Bucks Bucks Montgomery Montgomery Philadelphia Philadelphia E-rateable E-rateable

22 22 MAGPI Growth Pattern

23 23 Regional and National Applications Interactive High Speed Videoconferencing (Regional, National and Intl.) Interactive High Speed Videoconferencing (Regional, National and Intl.) Video on Demand and Digital Libraries Video on Demand and Digital Libraries National/International Virtual Tours National/International Virtual Tours Remote Instrumentation (Lehigh’s Electron Microscope) Remote Instrumentation (Lehigh’s Electron Microscope) AP Type University Coursework AP Type University Coursework Collaborative Programs with K-12 Collaborative Programs with K-12 Continuing Education Continuing Education (Content Delivery Off-Campus)

24 24 Application Sharing Point: Information Simplifying Communications Issues Simplifying Communications Issues –What regional initiatives are in progress? –What opportunities exist for collaboration? “International Business Management School in Southeastern PA looking for native Chinese language speakers to exchange language and culture”

25 25 Application Sharing Point: Information Clearinghouse A national research clearinghouse already exists: A national research clearinghouse already exists: There appears to be a strong need to provide this same type of service on a local level. There appears to be a strong need to provide this same type of service on a local level. Share/showcase regional MAGPI member projects and initiatives to national and international community. Share/showcase regional MAGPI member projects and initiatives to national and international community.

26 26 Application Sharing Point: Resources Effective Utilization of Scarce Resources Effective Utilization of Scarce Resources –Remote Instrumentation –Curriculum –Faculty –Technologists –Digital Video Archive

27 27 Application Sharing Point: Funding Most Funding Agencies Prefer Collaborative Research Most Funding Agencies Prefer Collaborative Research –Greater Distribution of Dollars –Better Use of Sponsored Infrastructure –“Two Heads are Better Than One!” Sponsored Websites and Info Sharing that Heighten Awareness of Funding Opportunities Sponsored Websites and Info Sharing that Heighten Awareness of Funding Opportunities

28 28 Service Providers and Enablers Helping to Make Things Happen Helping to Make Things Happen –Network Design and Consulting –Shared Academic Resources Video Libraries Video Libraries Satellite Links Satellite Links –Funding and Support National & International links through Internet2 National & International links through Internet2

29 29 Community Resource Continuing Education, Lifelong Learning Continuing Education, Lifelong Learning –Higher Ed/Corporate as Content Providers Workforce Development Workforce Development –In Partnership with PBS stations –In the Workplace Shared Infrastructure Shared Infrastructure –K-12 Schools –Local, State Governments –Libraries

30 30 MAGPI/Internet2 Bridge Between K-12 & Higher Ed Higher Education Wants: Higher Education Wants: –Student Awareness of Their Institution –A Market for Academic Content –Field Research for Education K-12 Wants: K-12 Wants: –Best Possible Student Education –Continuing Education for Teachers, Staff –Improved State/National Test Scores –Technology Infusion

31 31 CCIU/MAGPI Virtual Panel Discussion No Longer a “Once in a Lifetime Opportunity”

32 32 CCIU/MAGPI Virtual Panel Discussion Project Example: Virtual Panel Discussion Project Example: Virtual Panel Discussion –Coping With Stress and Education –4 Panelists, experts in their fields –An audience of teachers, psychologists, and administrators –Interactive, H.323 Videoconferencing –Digitally Captured, Streaming, DVD formats for review and distribution

33 33 International High Performance Distance Education Project Real World Business Case Scenario Real World Business Case Scenario –Determine feasibility of a KFC franchise in Grenoble, France H.323 Interactive Video H.323 Interactive Video Used Internet2 and Renater2 Used Internet2 and Renater2 Speeds at 432 kbps Speeds at 432 kbps 1 faculty/3 student videoconferences 1 faculty/3 student videoconferences Integrated into Existing Course Curriculum Integrated into Existing Course Curriculum

34 34 aka “The French Project”

35 35 The French Project

36 36 Chester County IU “World Tour”

37 37 World Languages in K12 Students in US talking with students in Chile Students in US talking with students in Chile Using IP Based Video and H.323 Using IP Based Video and H.323 Learning foreign language through cultural exchange and problem based experiential learning Learning foreign language through cultural exchange and problem based experiential learning Opens literally a “world” of opportunity Opens literally a “world” of opportunity

38 38 Other Projects in Progress Chester County World Tour Chester County World Tour –Language and Cultural Exchange Math and Science Professional Development for Teachers using Interactive High Speed Video Math and Science Professional Development for Teachers using Interactive High Speed Video Health Sciences Career Symposium Health Sciences Career Symposium Higher Ed AP Coursework / Summer Sessions over High Speed Video Higher Ed AP Coursework / Summer Sessions over High Speed Video ASL Collaboration with Gallaudet Univ. ASL Collaboration with Gallaudet Univ. DIM Project DIM Project - Distributed grad level comp. science courses

39 39 Some Opportunities DIM Project DIM Project Nursing Content for K-12s and/or Continuing Ed and Hospitals Nursing Content for K-12s and/or Continuing Ed and Hospitals AP Type K-12 Coursework AP Type K-12 Coursework International Language and Business Culture International Language and Business Culture Professional Development for K12s Professional Development for K12s What else??? What else???

40 40 Our Goal… To enable your educational mission!

41 41 Conclusion Regional, National, and International Infrastructure Regional, National, and International Infrastructure Existing Applications and Content Existing Applications and Content Collaborative Focus Collaborative Focus Cost-effective Cost-effective

42 42 More Information

43 43 Thank You! Greg Palmer Greg Palmer – Jennifer MacDougall Jennifer MacDougall –

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