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Effective Indexing and Filtering for Similarity Search in Large Biosequence Databases O. Ozturk and H. Ferhatosmanoglu. IEEE International Symp. on Bioinformatics.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Indexing and Filtering for Similarity Search in Large Biosequence Databases O. Ozturk and H. Ferhatosmanoglu. IEEE International Symp. on Bioinformatics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Indexing and Filtering for Similarity Search in Large Biosequence Databases O. Ozturk and H. Ferhatosmanoglu. IEEE International Symp. on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE '03), pp. 359-366. Washington, DC. March 2003.

2 BMI 731 - Winter'042 Overview Applications of queries Background on queries Current problem Solutions and our solution Comparison experiments and results Future work

3 BMI 731 - Winter'043 Queries in general We need a metric distance function –To measure the (dis)similarity btw objects Dynamic programming Algorithm –O( |string 1 | * |string 2 | ) time and space i.e. O(n 2 ) where n is length of the strings –Especially bad for genetic sequence queries where you have long sequences

4 BMI 731 - Winter'044 2 kinds of queries  -range queries –Retrieve all objects similar to query more than a certain degree  

5 BMI 731 - Winter'045 2 kinds of queries k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) queries –Retrieve k most similar objects No domain knowledge necessary Ex: 4 NN 

6 BMI 731 - Winter'046 2 kinds of queries  -range queries Requires domain knowledge –Data distribution & Distance definition   too small None returned

7 BMI 731 - Winter'047 2 kinds of queries  -range queries   too large All returned

8 BMI 731 - Winter'048 Measuring similarity We need a metric distance function –To measure the (dis)similarity btw objects Edit Distance (ED) –Three kinds of operations Insert, delete, replace –ACTTAGC to AATGATAG –A C T - - T A G C R I I D  ED = 4 A A T G A T A G - – Dynamic programming Algorithm – O(mn) time and space

9 BMI 731 - Winter'049 DPA

10 BMI 731 - Winter'0410 DPA 2

11 BMI 731 - Winter'0411 String/Genome Data Asks the most similar substrings in the database to the given string. BLAST has  -range queries –Naïve search (linear scan) –scalability problems How to Handle Size –Partial information rather than whole database Approximate the string data (compress)  may fit in memory  may be used for indexing, clustering

12 BMI 731 - Winter'0412 How to Handle Size 3 approaches to make use of compressed data 1.Prune irrelevant data, I/O for non-pruned entries  calculate exact values for non-pruned (especially  -range queries) 2.Get approximate answers, virtually no I/O (I/O only for answers) (especially k-NN queries) 3.Approximate pruning for  -range queries

13 BMI 731 - Winter'0413 Overview Background on queries Current problem Transformation and Indexing Comparison experiments and results Future work

14 BMI 731 - Winter'0414 Big Picture General Approach step by step Transform (large) string data into (hopefully smaller sized) multi-dimensional vectors Develop a distance function df in vector spaces to approximate the string similarity Build a multi-dimensional indexing technique on top of multi-dimensional vectors -Preprocessing- Implement one of the three approaches mentioned -Query-

15 BMI 731 - Winter'0415 String Database Overlapping Windows Windowing 1 Multidimentional Vectors Indexed with respect to some distance function Transformation Into vector Space Indexing 3 2 Preprocessing

16 BMI 731 - Winter'0416 Index of vectors Transformation Approximate Query (k-NN or  -range ) Query sequence 1 Index of vectors Exact Query (k-NN or  -range ) 2a 2b Done The vectors returned represent most of k-NN (or vectors in  - range ) + some false positives Candidate set Using the index Continued 

17 BMI 731 - Winter'0417 Calculate ED for each of them. (Remove false positives.) Refine I/O for strings represented by those vectors. 3 Candidate set Using the index

18 BMI 731 - Winter'0418 1 ST Step: Partitioning into overlapping Windows AACCGGTTACGTACGT… e.g W=6 e.g  =2

19 BMI 731 - Winter'0419 2 ND Step: Mapping Windows into Vector Space Choose a tuple size k Associate an int to each 4 k k-tuples Frequencies of those k-tuples, is the vector If k=2  4 k= 16 k-tuples AA, AC, AG, AT, CA, CC, CG, CT TA, TC, TG, TT GA, GC, GG, GT

20 BMI 731 - Winter'0420 Example Mapping The integers assigned AA=0, AC=1, AG=2, AT=3, CA=4, CC=5, CG=6, CT=7 TA=8, TC=9, TG=10, TT=11 GA=12, GC=13, GG=14, GT=15 Assume window AACCGG AA, AC, CC, CG, GG all occur once 1100011000100000 is the matching vector.

21 BMI 731 - Winter'0421 Different transformations & Distance Functions Tuple size  transformation size –1  4 (frequencies of A, C, G, T) FV 1 –2  16 (frequencies of 2-tuples)FV 2

22 BMI 731 - Winter'0422 Different transformations & Distance Functions 2 WV n transformation –String into halves x,y –FV n s for x,y  FV x,FV y –Concatenate addition and subtraction of them [ FV x + FV y, FV x -FV y ] Wavelet 1 on example –TCACTTAG –1 st : divide into halves & find FV 1 transformation x:TCAC  1 2 0 1 y:TTAG  1 0 1 2 –2 nd : add and subtract 2 2 1 3 0 2 –1 –1 WV 1 Same operations on 2- tuples WV 2

23 BMI 731 - Winter'0423 Distance Functions on the Vector Spaces All of them are proved to be lower-bounds to edit-distance FD 1  distance on FV 1 FD 2  distance on FV 2 WD 1  distance on WV 1 WD 2  distance on WV 2

24 BMI 731 - Winter'0424 Frequency Distance FD n AlgorithmExample (n=1) FD n (n-gram frequencies u,v) posDist:=negDist:=0 for all dimensions u i,v i –If u i >v i then posDist:=u i -v i –else negDist:=u i -v i Return max(posDist, negDist)/n u:ACTTAGC  2,2,1,2 v:AATGATAG  4,0,2,2 – 2-4<0 negDist+=|2-4| –2-0>0 posDist+=|2-0| –1-2<0 negDist+=|1-2| –2-2=0 posDist:2 negDist:3 FD 1 is 3

25 BMI 731 - Winter'0425 FD n Why lower bound? On example –need to incresase A by 2 G by 1  3 –need to decrease c by 2 We may “increase+decrease” if we can replace (back to slide #8) So in best case edit dist is only FD 1 But it may not be the case, you may need more operations, because of mismatch of locations… Divide by n is because a change in one character, updates frequency of n n-grams.

26 BMI 731 - Winter'0426 Wavelet Distance WD n AlgorithmExample (n=1) WD n (n-gram frequency wavelets u,v) Find posDist and negDist on u,v m:=min(posDist, negDist) d:= (posDist-negDist)/2 if m < d –Return d / n else –Return (d + (m-d )/2 )/n u:ACTC TAGC 1201 1111  2 3 1 2 0 1 –1 0 v:AATG ATAG 2011 2011  4 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 posDist: 3 + 1 = 4 negDist: 2 + 1 + 1 = 4 m:4 d:0 (0 + 4/2)/1 Return 2

27 BMI 731 - Winter'0427 WD n Why lower bound? Assume a string transformed into wavelet [a 1,…a , b 1,…b  ] Largest change posDist+=3 negDist-=1 or vice versa –So use this change whenever posDist<>negDist

28 BMI 731 - Winter'0428 Overview Background on queries Current problem Transformation and Indexing Comparison experiments and results Future work

29 BMI 731 - Winter'0429 Experiment Design Implemented transformations & distance functions Evaluated their pruning efficiency on  -range queries and approximation efficiency on k-NN queries experimentally on real genetic data Ran queries with different parameters –Varying string size W, shift amount  –Some containing exact match, some not –For  -range queries different  values –For k-NN queries different k values

30 BMI 731 - Winter'0430

31 BMI 731 - Winter'0431

32 BMI 731 - Winter'0432 Sorted Graphs To depict why our distance functions perform so good in k-NN Imitate what our k-NN approximation does, and graph the result –It sorts the data values in increasing order, and takes the k-nearest ones

33 BMI 731 - Winter'0433 20 nearest 50 nearest

34 BMI 731 - Winter'0434 20 nearest 50 nearest

35 BMI 731 - Winter'0435 Nature of the distance functions WD2 has very good performance in k-NN even though not so well pruning –Its variance of its ratio to edit distance is much lower than others as you would like for a distance function

36 BMI 731 - Winter'0436

37 BMI 731 - Winter'0437

38 BMI 731 - Winter'0438 Results Tested the parameters obtained by this random experiments, on real data. Then also did the parameter extraction using real data too.

39 BMI 731 - Winter'0439 Comparison of index structures

40 BMI 731 - Winter'0440 Future Work Check applicability of those methods to other kinds of sequence data. –Text –Image search Implement index structure in the standalone program, and make performance evaluation

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