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Part 2: External Control of Solubility Temperature and Pressure Predictions: Will solubility increase or decrease with increasing temperature? Will solubility.

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Presentation on theme: "Part 2: External Control of Solubility Temperature and Pressure Predictions: Will solubility increase or decrease with increasing temperature? Will solubility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part 2: External Control of Solubility Temperature and Pressure Predictions: Will solubility increase or decrease with increasing temperature? Will solubility of a gas increase or decrease with increasing pressure?



4 Concentration Units Molarity Molality Mole Fraction Weight Percent ppm ppb


6 Colligative Propeties : Properties of the solvent that change upon dissolution Vapor Pressure of water at 20 o C is 20.1 mm Hg. What is the pressure of 100 g water mixed with 100 g ethylene glycol?

7 Distillation: Changing the composition of a mixture of volatile liquids Vapor Pressures at 50 o C Water99 mm Hg Ethanol232 mmHg Distill a 10% alcohol solution.

8 Boiling Point Elevation

9 Freezing Point Depression

10 Effect of Ions

11 Which is better at melting ice, per gram, NaCl or CaCl 2 ?


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