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1 JRA 3 // WP 24 European Modelling & Data Analysis Facility (EMDAF) development of a distributed computational and data analysis service for the European planetary science M.L.Khodachenko 1, S. Miller 2, R. Stöckler 1, F. Topf 1 1 IWF-OeAW, Graz, Austria; 2 UCL, London, UK EC Grant agreement n° 228319 Sept.14, 2009, EPSC-2009, Potsdam Germany
JRA-3 / EMDAF Data analysis & modeling – two basic components of scientific research Two aspects of modeling: -- Theoretical modelling -- Numerical modelling / simulation Variety of numerical models and data analysis algorithms is available now at the European planetary science community Each Numerical Code or Software is associated with a certain team or group of teams Know-how (i. e. local nature) - Development of software - Support of operation - Application to particular problems Need of specific knowledge & qualifications ● Motivation for proposing JRA-3 / EMDAF : Involvement of computing power & resource
JRA-3 / EMDAF Development / operation of complex advanced software tools requires professional expertise and full enga- gement of the staff Specialization of teams in particular kinds of M & DA software Other research groups dealt with theoretical and applied planetary science problems may need application of advanced DA & M methods in their study. Potential users Engagement into development of advanced & complex software not always can be easy combined with the efficient scientific research ● Motivation for proposing JRA-3 / EMDAF : The need to provide conditions under which development and applicatopn of numerical tools for observational data analysis and modeling are performed in close interrelation & coordination between software developers and scientific research teams Distributed and Coordinated Interdisciplinary Facility for Planetary Computational Modelling and Data Analysis a new type of Research Infrastructure (RI)
JRA-3 / EMDAF Creation of a distributed and coordinated RI, based on the existing in Europe computational modelling and data analysis centres, which will provide the scientific community with the dedicated services in the fields of their computational & data analysis expertise. To produce a step change in the infrastructure of European activities in planetary modelling and data analysis; To support European planetary space missions and ground-based observations with reliable models and data analysis tools; To support European Planetary Science modelling and data analysis with reliable algorithms and high-performance computing techniques; To bring together European computing and planetary science research groups into a distributed European infrastructure ● Main Strategic Goal : ● Objectives :
JRA-3 / EMDAF ● Matter of work : EMDAF will provide demonstrators and operational tests of interconnected modelling and multi-disciplinary data analysis service in key areas of European Planetary Science. EMDAF will: Develop web-based tools for planetary scientists to communicate with modelling and data analysis experts; Produce an Interactive Catalogue of planetary models & data analysis tools; Develop a Distributed Numerical Modelling Laboratory, to allow scientists to specify inputs for models to be run “on demand”, including coordinated, interconnected, multi-disciplinary simulations; Develop a Distributed Data Analysis Laboratory with services “on demand”; Enable the codes involved with the DNML and DDAL to run on HPC facilities, in cooperation with the European HPC Grid DEISA-2; Perform further elaboration of data analysis and modelling methods for their coodinated use by the scientific community.
JRA-3 / EMDAF ● Matter of work : EMDAF will provide a set demonstrators and opera- tional tests of interconnected Computational Modelling & multi-disciplinary Data Analysis service in key areas of European Planetary Science. 1)Space weather, incl. magnetospheric & atmospheric aspects; 2)Mars in time & space; 3)Environment of airless bodies, Mercury & Moon; 4)Comets
JRA-3 / EMDAF Task#2: ICPM&DAT Task#3: DNML Task#4: DDAL Task#5: HPC resources and standatds Task#1: Management of EMDAF (JRA3) Task#1 Coordination and Management Task#2 Interactive Catalogue of Planetary Models & Data Analysis Tools (ICPM&DAT) Task#3 Distributed Numerical Modelling Laboratory (DNML) Task#4 Distributed Data Analysis Laboratory (DDAL) Task#5 Enabling High Performance & Grid Computing Architec- tures, Codes Standardization ● Structure of the activity: Tasks / Sub-divisions
JRA-3 / EMDAF Each of 5 Working Tasks of JRA-3 / EMDAF has 2 responsible leaders and a team (group of scientists / labs); Coordination of EMDAF, as a distributed RI, will be performed by the Board of Experts (leaders of Tasks); To reach its goals on establishing dedicated modelling and data analysis services, JRA3 / EMDAF will develop and provide: - Specialized user services within particular Tasks; Flexible schedules - Topic oriented tutorial teams + communication - Broad advertising of the available services Collaboration of many laboratories and individual scientists will be ensured by 1) Joint authorship of papers and the inclusion into mission teams; 2) strict & clear copy right policy; 3) Reimbursement of compu- tational service and software R&D work on a sub-contract basis; Cooperation with other activities in EUROPLANET (NA1, NA2, JRA-IDIS). ● Organizational principles & management :
JRA-3 / EMDAF Milestones and Deliverables 0 361224 48 Web page Interactive Catalog Distributed Data Analysis Lab. Enabling HPC & Codes Stand. Annual reports Coordination T1 T2 Distributed Num.Modeling Lab. T1 T3 T4 T5 M24.1.1 M24.1.2 D24.1.2 M24.1.1 M24.2.1 D24.2.1 M24.3.1 D24.3.1 M24.4.1 D24.4.1 M24.2.2 D24.2.2 M24.1.3 M24.5.1 D24.5.1 M24.5.2 M24.5.3 D24.5.2 M24.4.2 D24.4.2 M24.4.2 D24.4.2 M24.3.2 D24.3.2 D24.1.3 Delivery to IDIS ● Work package time line:
JRA-3 / EMDAF ● Tasks, staff effort, coordinating institutes : (total 95.5) Task № Task package titleType of activity Staff effort Leading Institue(s) 1.EMDAF ManagementMGT 12 p.m. 3 p.m. IWF-OeAW (AT)* UCL (UK)* 2. Interactive Catalogue of Planetary Models & Data Analysis Tools RTD 8 p.m. 6 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 p.m. IWF-OeAW (AT)* UCL (UK) CNRS-LPG (F)* FMI (FI) 3. Distributed Numerical Modelling Laboratory (DNML) RTD + COORD 9 p.m. 4 p.m. 4.5 p.m. 2 p.m. UCL (UK)* OP-LESIA (F) IKI-RAS (RU) FMI (FI)* 4. Distributed Data Analysis Laboratory (DDAL) RTD + COORD 18 p.m. /ls 2 p.m. 4 p.m. NNSU (RU)* IWF-OeAW (AT) IAP (CZ)* 5. Enabling High Performance and Grid Computing Architectures, Codes Standardization & Inter-comparison RTD 12 p.m. 2 p.m. 1 p.m. CINECA (I)* IWF-OeAW (AT)* FMI (FI)
JRA-3 / EMDAF Task1: Task-leader: Robert Stöckler (IWF, Austria) Deputy: Nick Achilleos (UCL, UK) Co-leader: Florian Topf (IWF, Austria) Task2: Task-leader: Florian Topf (IWF, Austria) Deputy: Jean Lilensten (CNRS/LPG, France) Co-leaders: Daniel Heynderickx (DHConsultancy, Belgium) Robert Stöckler (IWF, Austria) Task3: Task-leader: Patrick Guio (UCL, UK) Deputy: Esa Kallio (FMI, Finland) Co-leader: Anatoly Petrukovich (IKI, Russia) Task4: Task-leader: Albert Kislyakov (NNSU, Russia) Deputy: Ondrej Santolik (IAP, Czech Rep.) Task5: Task-leader: Claudio Gheller (CINECA, Italy) Deputy: Maxim L. Khodachenko (IWF, Austria) Co-leaders: Esa Kallio; Walter Schmidt (FMI, Finland) Florian Topf; Robert Stöckler (IWF, Austria) ● JRA-3/EMDAF Team : Coordinator : Maxim L. Khodachenko (IWF, Austria) Deputy-coordinator : Steve Miller (UCL, UK)
JRA-3 / EMDAF Participant Staff in (p.m.) Personnel costs (incl. 60% oh) Additional mod. & analys. (sub-contr.) Workshops and Travel Dissemination (sub-contracts) Costs per institute IWF-OeAW 24179,840 / 134,88016,000 / 12,00040,000 / 30,0002,300 / 1,725238,140 / 178,605 UCL 18150,000 / 112,5000 / 0 150,000 / 112,500 OP-LESIA 430,000 / 22,5000 / 0 30,000 / 22,500 IAP-Czech 430,000 / 22,5000 / 0 30,000 / 22,500 CINECA 1290,000 / 67,5000 / 0 90,000 / 67,500 FMI 430,000 / 22,5000 / 0 30,000 / 22,500 CNRS-UJF Grenoble 750,000 / 37,5000 / 0 50,000 / 37,500 Total at EU institutes 73559,840 / 419,88016,000 / 12,00040,000 / 30,0002,300 / 1,725618,140 / 463,605 NNGU (lump sum) 1831,050 / 23,2870 / 0 31,050 / 23,287 IKI-RAS (20% oh) 4.512,078 / 9,0580 / 0 12,078/ 9,058 Total at ICPC institutes 22.543,128 / 32,3450 / 0 43,128 / 32,345 TOTAL 95.5602,968 / 452,22516,000 / 12,00040,000 / 30,0002,300 / 1,725661,268 / 495,950
JRA-3 / EMDAF ● Work package major Deliverables: a set of demonstrators and operational tests of Computational Modelling & Data Analysis service in key areas of European planetary science: 1)Space weather, incl. magnetospheric & atmospheric aspects; 2)Mars in time & space; 3)Environment of airless bodies, Mercury & Moon; 4)Comets Task#1: Coordination Del. No.Deliverable nameLeaderIndicative p.-m. NaturDelivery date (PM) D12.1.1Coordination of overall EMDAF activities IWF-OeAW UCL 6262 O1-48 D12.1.2EMDAF webpageIWF-OeAW4P4, 4-48 D12.1.3Model run outputs commissioned for use in DNML and for HPC enabling IWF-OeAW UCL 2121 O36, 42
JRA-3 / EMDAF ● Work package major Deliverables: Task#2: Interactive Catalogue of Planetary Models Del. No.Deliverable nameLeaderIndicative p.-m. NaturDelivery date (PM) D12.2.1Strategic Workshop on Interactive catalogue of planetary models and data analysis tools IWF-OeAW UCL CNRS-LPG 111111 O7 D12.2.2Interactive Catalogue of planetary models and data analysis tools version IWF-OeAW CNRS-LPG UCL FMI 76517651 P16
JRA-3 / EMDAF ● Work package major Deliverables: Task#3: Distributed Planetary Modelling Laboratory Del. No.Deliverable nameLeaderIndicative p.-m. NaturDelivery date (PM) D12.3.1Strategic Workshop on Distributed Numerical Model- ling Laboratory (DNML) and key project[s] (combined with D12.4.1) UCL1O15 D12.3.2DNML Simulation results and selected model documen- tation (delivered to IDIS) UCL OP-LESIA IKI-RAS FMI 8 4 4.5 2 O42
JRA-3 / EMDAF ● Work package major Deliverables: Task#4: Distributed Data Analysis Laboratory Del. No.Deliverable nameLeaderIndicative p.-m. NaturDelivery date (PM) D12.4.1Strategic Workshop on Distributed Data Analysis Laboratory (DDAL) (combined with D12.3.1) IWF-OeAW1O15 D12.4.2DDAL data analysis results & algorithms documentation (delivered to IDIS) NNGU IWF-OeAW IAP-Czech 18 1 4 O34, 42
JRA-3 / EMDAF ● Work package major Deliverables: Task#5: Enabling High Performance & Grid Computing Architectures, Codes Standardization Del. No.Deliverable nameLeaderIndicative p.-m. NaturDelivery date (PM) D12.5.1Strategic Workshop on High Performance Computing CINECA IWF-OeAW 1111 O25 D12.5.2EMDAF Modelling suite with applications enabled to run on HPC platforms at CINECA/DEISA (linked to IDIS) CINECA IWF-OeAW FMI 11 1 P30
JRA-3 / EMDAF EMDAF within EUROPLANET FP7 will gain and foster the syner- gies of coordinated and coherent use of available computational modelling and data analysis RIs (computational resources and services, data bases). It will serve as a prototype of a new kind of pan-European inter- national Research Infrastructure which will provide the scientific community with the dedicated services in the field of computa- tional modelling and data analysis. ● European/International Perspectives:
TITLE SECTION 1 ITEM 1 List level1 o List level2 List level3 ▫List level4 ITEM 2 ITEM3 EC Grant agreement n° 22831919
TITLE OF SECTION 20EC Grant agreement n° 228319
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