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Review of Key Terms Nationalism alliances imperialism arms race War Measures Act trench warfare Ypres the Somme Vimy Ridge Passchendaele the “Hundred Days”

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Presentation on theme: "Review of Key Terms Nationalism alliances imperialism arms race War Measures Act trench warfare Ypres the Somme Vimy Ridge Passchendaele the “Hundred Days”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of Key Terms Nationalism alliances imperialism arms race War Measures Act trench warfare Ypres the Somme Vimy Ridge Passchendaele the “Hundred Days” Treaty of Versailles Victory Bonds suffrage propaganda conscription

2 Review of Key Terms Khaki Election Spanish Flu communism capitalism Winnipeg General Strike CBC Group of Seven Automobile Persons Case Great Depression Stock Market Crash pogey prohibition relief camps CCF / Social Credit

3 Review of Key Terms New Deal On To Ottawa Trek Statute of Westminster King-Byng Crisis Nazi Party Holocaust St. Louis appeasement Non-Aggression Pact British Commonwealth Air Training Program National Resources Mobilization Act total war Dieppe

4 Review of Key Terms Battle of the Atlantic corvettes convoys RCAF Ortona D-Day Atomic Bomb Rosie the Riveter Rationing day care repatriation arsenal of democracy internment camps conscription, again 1946-1967 war brides baby boom

5 Review of Key Terms Cold War superpowers Suez Crisis Cuban Missile Crisis Vietnam War Bomarc Missiles Korean War Mega-projects

6 More Key Terms Greenpeace youthquake David Suzuki hippie Feminism Irene Murdoch Rosemary Brown Jeannette Lavell White Paper self-government James Bay Lands Mackenzie Valley Pipeline

7 Key Terms Trudeaumania Just Society Bilingualism Multiculturalism FLQ (October Crisis) FLQ Crisis Constitution referendum Bill 101 sovereignty Charter of Rights and Freedoms

8 More Key Terms Inflation regionalism regional disparity transfer payments CRTC NEP middle power

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