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1 Modified Cell Delineation Strategy for Packet Switched Networks Department of Computer Science Bar-Ilan University Department of Communication Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Modified Cell Delineation Strategy for Packet Switched Networks Department of Computer Science Bar-Ilan University Department of Communication Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Modified Cell Delineation Strategy for Packet Switched Networks Department of Computer Science Bar-Ilan University Department of Communication Engineering Holon Academic Institute of Technology Marina Kopeetsky and Avi Lin

2 2 Outline  The Packet Network Computational Model  The Packets’ Errors Handling Problem  The Modified Cell Delineation Strategy  Example: the Three-States Cell Delineation Strategy Realization.

3 3 Talk Key Issues  Presenting a new Cell Delineation (CD) Strategy for any Packet Switching technology of a fixed length Data Units (DUs)  This special strategy offers algorithms for differentiating between synchronization failures and other channel and environment errors with a sufficiently high confidence level  This algorithms ’ family is analyzed and optimized.  A possible implementation of this strategy is illustrated for the ATM network case: –The Cell Delineation cycle implementation time is discussed and analyzed. – Numerical results are presented for the case of the standard CD protocol.

4 4 The Packets’ Errors Handling A new strategy, algorithms and relevant techniques are:  offered for properly recognize and maintain cell or packet's boundaries  designed to tackle and handle general error packets, with the major objectives to differentiate in Real Time between synchronization failures and other noisy environment channel errors  For handling corrections: –The algorithms are properly modified for cell synchronization recovery and other noisy channel errors –corrections are proposed, analyzed and optimized

5 5 Introduction and Packet Network Model  We propose a new Cell Delineation (CD) Strategy for any Packet Switching technology with the fixed length Data Units (DUs). A special strategy that differentiates between synchronization failures and other channel errors with the sufficiently high confidence level is proposed, analyzed and optimized.  The strategy implementation is illustrated on the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) network example. The Cell Delineation cycle implementation time is discussed and analyzed. The numerical results are presented for the case of the standard Cell Delineation (CD) protocol.

6 6 Main Research Conclusions  The expansion of the number of the CD protocol discrete states is necessary in order to construct the Cell Delineation recovery procedure in the optimal/near optimal manner.  The CD protocol parameters should be chosen dynamically based on the traffic transmission conditions.  The presented strategy is appropriated to any fixed cell/packet network technology.  Construction of the distribution function of the CD protocol cycle time in the precise way.

7 7 Fixed Cell Network Protocol Structure Payload Field n bytes n=48 for ATM Header m bytes m=5 for ATM HECHEC HECHEC L=m+n bytes

8 8 Classical Cell Delineation Process Structure SYNCH HUNT PRESYNCH CD process parameters should be allocated in a dynamic fashion! HEC indicates on out of synchronism state

9 9 Synchronization failures and other channel errors are mixed together and treated in the same way leading to cell drop and information transfer lose. Thus Different types of errors must be treated differently! Traffic based Dynamic allocation of the CD process parameters. Critique of the Standard CD Protocol

10 10 Modified Cell Delineation Process Structure 2. recovers and corrects random errors in the cell Header ERROR state: 1.distinguishes between various errors generated by different sources SYNCH HUNT ERROR PRESYNCH

11 11 The General Cell Delineation Process Structure SYNCH HUNT ERROR PRESYNCH FAILURE FAILURE state is relevant for the channel degradation case

12 12 Modified CD Protocol Features 1. The nature of the CD protocol is its rapid execution (comparing to the traffic rate) and its effectiveness 2. There exists a single stable state SYNCH. 3. The parameter should be determined dynamically subject to the following arguments:  The noisy channel error flow model in respect to the current BER;  The accumulated channel errors history;  The traffic type (CBR, VBR, ABR or UBR).

13 13 Modified CD Protocol Features – Cont’d (1) 4. The incoming cells stream is composed of two cells types:  Black (B) type erroneous cells  White (W) type cells that are correct ones 5. The random length of the sequential B- type cells is studied and analyzed within a certain time window T The near-optimal choice of T is critical in order to create the effective and robust delineation strategy The near-optimal choice of T is critical in order to create the effective and robust delineation strategy

14 14 Modified CD Protocol Features – Cont’d (2) 6. Denote by B* and W* the average lengths of B and W- type cells streams received within the T time window respectively, then is very small. is very small.

15 15 The Objective We seek a strategy or a mechanism that will enable to distinguish between non-synchronous and other erroneous packets or cells among sequential B-type cells in a precise fashion, enjoying the above features.

16 16 Main Solution Preliminaries 1. Evaluate the optimal/minimal B-Type sequential cells stream length,, that identifies the synchronization failure occurrence subject to a certain confidence level. 2. The near-optimal real time implementation of the synchronization recovery strategy depends on:  The error flow model of the noisy channel in respect to the current BER (Feature 3)  The synchronization failures model that includes dependencies on the current value of the cell non-synchronous state final probability as well as one the synchronization failures history;  The different traffic types and the Quality of Service (QoS) parameters.

17 17 Near-optimal Choice of the Time Window T  T must be large enough so that the large scale statistics will be stable.  T is a function of B* parameter, which depends on the probabilities of the different error types: T=f( traffic model, traffic intensity) T=f( traffic model, traffic intensity)  The value of T must be continuously considered for update each time step t. The updated value of T is based on its current value as well as on the historical values. The updated value of T is based on its current value as well as on the historical values. Ergodic Markov Chain in order to predict the new T value.

18 18 Modified Cell Delineation Strategy 1. The value of with respect to :  SYNCH  ERROR SYNCH  HUNT SYNCH  HUNT  SYNCH  HUNT

19 19 Modified Cell Delineation Strategy 2. : any number of B-Type cells that have been received within next time windows T, pass to the HUNT state. Note: the traffic modeling is needed for error bursts analysis and prediction. 3. Error sensitive network: HUNT->FAILURE, ERROR->FAILURE HUNT->FAILURE, ERROR->FAILURE 4. HUNT ERROR : no definit limitations on CD process time execution ERROR-> HUNT: errors cannot be detected using CRC ERROR-> HUNT: errors cannot be detected using CRC HUNT-> ERROR: HUNT state operations have been failed. HUNT-> ERROR: HUNT state operations have been failed.

20 20 Dynamic Assignment of Parameter Correct value assignment of will influence: 1.The probability of a non-correct decision about synchronization failure or establishment respectively. 2.The robust synchronization recovery after the synchronization failure occurs. 3.Minimization of the cell loss probability. Then the min number of sequential B-Type cells within a specific time window T is equal to Denote CER- Cell Error Rate

21 21 Main Research Conclusions  The expansion of the number of the CD protocol discrete states is necessary in order to construct the Cell Delineation recovery procedure in the optimal/near optimal manner.  The CD protocol parameters should be chosen dynamically based on the traffic transmission conditions.  The presented strategy is appropriated to any fixed cell/packet network technology.  Construction of the distribution function of the CD protocol cycle time in the precise way.

22 22 Statement of the Optimization Problem The problem is to define number required for deciding on the following synchronization failure issues:  Synchronization failure final probability  Probability of non correct decision about the synchronization failure;  Average CD cycle time ;  CD cycle time variance V.

23 23 The Objective Function Definition Subject to: K is a function of synchronization failures model and synchronization failure final probability should be determined based on the real statistical data of the communication channel

24 24 * Analysis of the CD Cycle Average Time The computational strategy is based on the different branches of the CD probabilistic graph execution. Six general possibilities to cover the CD graph: 1.SYNCH->HUNT->PRESYNCH->SYNCH 2.SYNCH->HUNT->PRESYNCH->HUNT->PRESYNCH->SYNCH 3.SYNCH->ERROR->HUNT->PRESYNCH->HUNT-> PRESYNCH->SYNCH 4.SYNCH->ERROR->HUNT->PRESYNCH->SYNCH 5.SYNCH->HUNT->ERROR->PRESYNCH->SYNCH 6.SYNCH->ERROR->PRESYNCH->SYNCH

25 25 * Analysis of the CD Cycle Average Time-Cont’d Denote Note: 40 bit=5 bytes for ATM cell Header

26 26 * Example of the Three-States CD Strategy Realization

27 27 The General Analysis of the Three-States CD Protocol Using the Following Aspects: Different error transmission models (Markov and Bernoulli) of the communication channel Basic and Advanced PRESYNCH protocol Different models of the synchronization failures: Self-recovery and non-self-recovery synchronization failures.

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46 46 Main Research Conclusions  The expansion of the number of the CD protocol discrete states is necessary in order to construct the Cell Delineation recovery procedure in the optimal/near optimal manner.  The CD protocol parameters should be chosen dynamically based on the traffic transmission conditions.  The presented strategy is appropriated to any fixed cell/packet network technology.  Construction of the distribution function of the CD protocol cycle time in the precise way.

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52 52 Main Research Conclusions  The expansion of the number of the CD protocol discrete states is necessary in order to construct the Cell Delineation recovery procedure in the optimal/near optimal manner.  The CD protocol parameters should be chosen dynamically based on the traffic transmission conditions.  The presented strategy is appropriated to any fixed cell/packet network technology.  Construction of the distribution function of the CD protocol cycle time in the precise way.

53 53 Future Perspectives New research issues in High Speed Network Engineering  Optimal/near-optimal choice of the HEC Generating Polynomial  Forward Error Correction Technique in improving the CD process characteristics  Defining of the precise CD strategy model that is based on the real numerous data of the noisy channel

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