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PI: Edward A. Fox (CS, Co-PIs at VT: English – Evia; Business – Fan, Sheetz, Zobel Co-PIs at partner sites: Carr (NC.

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Presentation on theme: "PI: Edward A. Fox (CS, Co-PIs at VT: English – Evia; Business – Fan, Sheetz, Zobel Co-PIs at partner sites: Carr (NC."— Presentation transcript:

1 PI: Edward A. Fox (CS,, Co-PIs at VT: English – Evia; Business – Fan, Sheetz, Zobel Co-PIs at partner sites: Carr (NC A&T), Chung (UTEP -> SCU), Beck (Villanova) Living In the KnowlEdge Society LIKES University of Arizona - 30 July 2007

2 Outline Awards, Problems, Vision Purpose, Concepts Goals, Objectives, Computing Concepts Course Areas, Modules Approach, Workshops

3 NSF CPATH CCF Awards for LIKES 24 month awards just made Virginia Tech, largest university in Virginia, as lead (public) institution, with PI in CS and co-PIs in English and Business: 0722259 Team including a private university, an HBCU, and other minority communities  Villanova: 0722276  North Carolina A&T: 0722289  UTEP: 0722263 -> Santa Clara University

4 Problems CS enrollments are declining, though demand continues/increases for computing/IT professionals able to help build and improve the Knowledge Society of the 21 st Century. Application of computing methods across the breadth of areas essential for living in the Knowledge Society, is shallow, and sparse in key areas needed in our global environment to ensure security, competitiveness, and quality of life.

5  Shifting toward digital government, including statutes, rules, regulations, and procedures;  Handling attacks, including spam and viruses;  Ensuring quality even with disinformation, through knowledge sourcing, provenance, and sharing of community expertise;  Ensuring changes through education, that is cross-disciplinary, globally contextualized, based on awareness of human development, learning theory, and cognitive psychology

6 Vision Build a (LIKES) community to make systemic changes in how computing concepts are taught in both 1. computing-related disciplines  CS, LIS, information systems (IS), information technology (IT) –  and the 2. disciplines of the broader workforce and society

7 Outline Awards, Problems, Vision Purpose, Concepts Goals, Objectives, Computing Concepts Course Areas, Modules Approach, Workshops

8 Purpose Graduates from US universities (and beyond) should be prepared to live in and contribute to the Knowledge Society emerging in the 21 st century.  Students in non-computing areas can utilize various computing concepts/technologies related. Computing education can be revitalized:  if the LIKES theme spreads in CS programs (so students enjoy solving key real-world problems),  if CS faculty collaborate (both in education and research endeavors) with interdisiplinary colleagues across US universities who are interested in LIKES.

9 Knowledge Society HCI Visualization Knowledge Management Systems Analysis & Design Programming Databases Algorithms Architecture Net-Centricity Modeling Intelligent Systems Social & Ethical Awareness Public Libraries Geography Urban planning Simulation Marketing Theatre WWW Communi- cation Political Science Medicine Law Knowledge society enabled by CS/IS concepts that relate to other discplines. Physics Chemistry Art Edu- cation Law Enforcement Music

10 Knowledge Society HCI Visualization Knowledge Management Systems Analysis & Design Programming Databases Algorithms Architecture Net-Centricity Modeling Intelligent Systems Social & Ethical Awareness Digital Libraries GIS Apps. Simulation Online Shopping Enter- tainment Semantic Web Communi- cation & Collabor- ation Digital Government Healthcare Info Services w. Privacy & Security Knowledge society enabled by CS/IS concepts to provide applications needed by individuals and society. E- Science Preserving Cultural Heritage Personal -ized Edu- cation

11 Computing Applications

12 Computing Concepts (1/2) in Computing Curricular 2001 Discrete Structures (DS) Programming Fundamentals (PF) Algorithms and Complexity (AL) Architecture and Organization (AR) Operating Systems (OS) Net-Centric Computing (NC) Programming Languages (PL)

13 Human-Computer Interaction (HC) Graphics and Visual Computing (GV) Intelligent Systems (IS) Information Management (IM)  Has 10 hours (out of 280) in core, mostly on databases.  Most majors are not required to study this at all !!! Social and Professional Issues (SP) Software Engineering (SE) Computational Science and Numerical Methods (CN) Computing Concepts (2/2) in Computing Curricular 2001

14 Outline Awards, Problems, Vision Purpose, Concepts Goals, Objectives, Computing Concepts Course Areas, Modules Approach, Workshops

15 Broad Goals Knowledge Society of the 21 st Century CS Edu- cation is Enhanced So Graduates Can Help Build the K.S. Interdisci- plinary Students (minors) Help Specify and Learn How to Live in the K.S. Those Wanting a Themed Core Gain a Liberal Arts Back- Ground Supporting LIKES majors minorsall students CPATH focus

16 Themed Core 1 A multi-disciplinary collection of university core courses that provide the concepts, skills, and perspectives necessary for using information for personal, group, organizational, and societal advancement and innovation.

17 Themed Core 2 Courses across all colleges and many departments from the university provide coverage of the breadth of impacts of computing on the future lives of students. This breadth of disciplines involves those that provide the philosophical, conceptual, and technical skills at multiple levels of communication and collaboration that create organizations and society.

18 Themed Core 3 Students emerging from this course series will:  Understand how computing is used in society,  Identify issues associated with managing knowledge,  Be adept with techniques for managing personal information, as well as group collaboration and communication,  Be aware of knowledge management issues in organizations,  Be aware of and prepared for a lifetime of learning new computing concepts, techniques, and tools, &  Be prepared to live in the 21 st Century Knowledge Society.

19 Themed Core: Action Items Community Building  Liaisons at department level  If happy with 1 st course, we can help with 2 nd  Help prepare tailored educational resources, supply modules to enhance/supplement Try to Learn “what is broken”  Survey advisory boards and other stakeholders  Survey students, or conduct focus groups Help students develop their own tailored programs with at least 2 of the new courses

20 LIKES Goals (CPATH) 1. Identify key problems in disciplines 2. Identify key computing concepts that can help with the key problems 3. Define the problem-centered pedagogy most appropriate for the computing concepts 4. Demonstrate LIKES feasibility by developing course modules and tools

21 Chart/matrix to fill-in more … Problems / Computing Concepts Data / Database Visualization … BiologyHierarchical data structures GIS mapping of species to locations Chemistry … Registry of chemicals: name/structure Virtual lab for experimentation

22 Goals and Objectives 1. Identify key problems in disciplines 1. Identifying different approaches to delivering core courses 2. Identifying the most “core” disciplines 3. Recruiting willing faculty from those core disciplines 4. Working with them to identify problems in teaching their key ideas, that computing (tools and methods) could help with

23 Goals and Objectives 1. … 2. Identify key computing concepts that can help with the key problems 1. Bringing together a group with expertise in computing concepts 2. Reviewing model curricula for CS, IS, and IT, to ensure that their concepts are included 3. Filling in the matrix cells

24 Example Concepts Knowledge:  Discovery/data mining  Display/visualization  Integration  Mapping/ transformation  Representation/ views  Search/retrieval  Storage/database HCI Modeling/simulation Networks/telecom Optimization Programming Project management Security Systems analysis/design Systems development/testing

25 Goals and Objectives 1. … 2. … 3. Define the problem-centered pedagogy most appropriate for the computing concepts 1. Bringing together experts in problem-centered learning to advise 2. Using cells in the matrix to drive pedagogy 3. Using problems in the matrix to revise the model curricula for CS, IS, IT

26 Goals and Objectives 1. … 2. … 3. … 4. Demonstrate LIKES feasibility by developing course modules and tools 1. Developing the framework or architecture within which to create tools and modules 2. Developing and testing examples of these, focusing on non-computing disciplines 3. Developing and testing modules for CS/IS/IT classes, using a problem-centered approach

27 Pedagogical Approach (preferred, not required) Problem centered learning Require students to adapt the concepts of the courses to knowledge in their domain Group work. Also makes collaboration inherent Based in the discipline of the student, as well as in their life as a scholar and citizen

28 Learning Objectives Exposure to basic aspects of computing  Paradigms, Concepts, Content  SE, DB, Hypermedia, Programming, HCI, Human-Information Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, (High Performance) Computing and Communications Knowledge needed to use computing in personal life and to apply computing to one’s discipline, including in the emerging knowledge society: Services Sciences, Semantic Web, Web 2.0 Knowledge that there are “better” ways to use computing, and to increase efficiency and effectiveness – gaining understanding sufficient to allow work in areas as part of a systems team Skills: problem solving, … – with confidence as knowledge creators, and to apply both left and right brain abilities Proficiency with tools: within context, for classes of applications

29 Outline Awards, Problems, Vision Purpose, Concepts Goals, Objectives, Computing Concepts Course Areas, Modules Approach, Workshops

30 Potential Course Areas/Courses Personal Knowledge Management Communication and Collaboration Organization (Living in the Global Knowledge) Society

31 Potential Course Areas/Courses 2 Personal Knowledge Management  Computer Science and Information Systems, e.g., multimedia, process design and evaluation, and Human-Computer / Human- Information interaction.  Psychology, e.g., knowledge organization principles, human cognitive processes.  Industrial Systems Engineering, e.g., Ergonomic factors of knowledge environments.  Ethics, e.g., ethical issues of information disclosure. Communication and Collaboration  Communications, e.g., Communication using digital visualizations, using knowledge access in constructing digital messages.  Information Systems and Computer Science, e.g., computer supported cooperative work and group support systems.  Marketing, e.g., influence of knowledge presentation on on-line customer behavior.

32 Potential Course Areas/Courses 3 Organization  Information Systems, e.g., service innovation and development, system design and development.  Management Science, e.g., decision support systems concepts, capabilities, techniques, and tools.  Management, Marketing, Accounting, and Finance, e.g., business in the information age. Society  Sociology, e.g., impact of knowledge differentials across society and countries.  Political Science, e.g., governmental collection and use of knowledge, impact of technology on elections and government.

33 Themes for Courses/Modules Understanding use of Knowledge at multiple levels including the Global Society, organizations, groups, and personal. Problem-centered learning with team-based focus. Inherent group collaboration integrated in all classes. Software engineering for end-users. How to engineer your spreadsheets and processes, including end-user programming of devices and knowledge tools. Design theme. How to help others have the skills to design their domains. CS knowledge distributed generically, requiring the student to adapt the ideas to their discipline.

34 Outline Awards, Problems, Vision Purpose, Concepts Goals, Objectives, Computing Concepts Course Areas, Modules Approach, Workshops

35 Approach Outcomes  > 20 universities w. LIKES initiative  Collaborative multi-disciplinary efforts 4 workshops  Keynotes/expert panels  Group discussions  Report from/for community Supporting virtual community

36 Workshop 1 Defining (Problems and Applications of) the Knowledge Society -> list of computing problems from a broad range of disciplines October 11-13?, organized by Santa Clara University (near San Jose airport)

37 Workshop 1 Topics 1. Defining: knowledge society, knowledge worker, global society 2. Identifying: non-computing disciplines benefiting from the teaching of computing skills and concepts 3. Identifying: skills/concepts those disciplines require 4. Developing: connections between those computing and non-computing disciplines 5. Identifying: businesses and professions from non- computing disciplines that posses computing skills and knowledge 6. Mapping: needs of non-computing disciplines for the concepts and skills taught by computing and IT disciplines

38 Later Workshops March 2008: NC A&T  Identifying Computing Concepts and Paradigms for the Knowledge Society October 2008: Virginia Tech  Learning for LIKES / Pedagogy March 2009: Villanova  Building the Knowledge Society Methodology, modules, tools

39 Invitation Join the virtual communities Recommend speakers/group members Suggest topics and examples and references for the workshop discussions and reports Help with the unfolding of LIKES, for both computing and non-computing disciplines

40 Related Projects Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations ( Digital Library Curriculum ( CITIDEL (Computing and Information Technology Interactive Digital Educational Library, Digital Library Testbed for Research Related to 4/16/2007 at Virginia Tech (

41 Summary Awards, Problems, Vision Purpose, Concepts Goals, Objectives, Computing Concepts Course Areas, Modules Approach, Workshops

42 Questions? (

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