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George Blank University Lecturer. CS 602 Java and the Web Object Oriented Software Development Using Java Chapter 11.

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1 George Blank University Lecturer

2 CS 602 Java and the Web Object Oriented Software Development Using Java Chapter 11

3 Concurrent Programming This is a chapter that does a good job of explaining the technology. I want to add a little about the reason for the technology. The initial design purpose for Java was originally aimed at embedded controllers. Quite often, new technology tends to go in unforeseen directions. For Java, it was the World Wide Web that changed things.

4 Controller Multitasking It is easy to understand the need for concurrent programming in a controller. For example, a washing machine will have to monitor water levels and water temperature, time a wash cycle, release detergent, accept water and pump it out, control the agitator, spin the tub, and several other tasks, frequently more than one at a time.

5 Web Multitasking But a Web Server is an even more demanding environment. There may be hundreds (or, for Google and Yahoo, thousands) of people accessing a Web Site at the same time. The need to serve all users efficiently demands threads. Companies are very concerned with efficiency. If a server is twice as fast, you only need half as many.

6 Reactive Systems One class of applications for multithreaded systems is reactive systems that monitor a series of inputs such as sensors and react whenever an input indicates a change that the system needs to respond to. The text gives an autopilot for an airplane and a patient monitoring system in a hospital as examples of reactive systems.

7 Patient monitoring I have often visited patients in a hospital when they were hooked up to a patient monitoring system. The patient had a number of sensors attached such as electrodes on the chest to monitor cardiac functioning and a small cuff on their finger to monitor pulse. Patients on respirators had monitors for carbon dioxide and breathing rates. Whenever the value of an input was abnormal, an alarm was triggered that would bring a nurse to investigate it. This allowed fewer nurses to monitor more patients effectively.

8 GUI Systems Multithreading allows interactive systems such as Windows to respond to user input such as a mouse click even when the CPU is busy with another task that might take a long time to complete.

9 Multiprocessor Systems Another key use for threads is in computers with multiple CPUs. Each CPU can operate on a different thread to efficiently perform many operations at the same time. I have used IBM and NCR computers that had from 8 to 16 CPU chips.

10 Process Overhead One of the main time demands on a server is starting up and shutting down processes. With multithreading, one process can service many users, and process overhead is reduced dramatically. This greatly increases throughput and reduces cost.

11 Cost Centers Most companies treat information technology as a cost center. In a cost center, a manager’s primary concern is reducing costs (as opposed to increasing sales or profits.) Therefore, most companies are extremely interested in getting the most value out of money spent on IT. Smart employees should be very aware of this!

12 Active Object (Thread) Diagrams Extending the Thread class Implementing the Runnable interface ThreadRunnable MyThread run( )

13 Run Methods In both the thread class and the runnable interface, there is an abstract method, run(). This is a hook method or hot spot for you to add functionality to the thread. A hook method is an object oriented device for inheritance that uses an abstract method as a placeholder for a later implementation.

14 Overriding the run method The run() method in the thread class is a hook method that must be overridden in a subclass. public class MyThread extends thread { public void run() { … } … } To start a new thread, you create an instance of the MyThread class and invoke the start method new MyThread().start();

15 Example: extending Thread

16 The Runnable Interface Sometimes you cannot extend thread because you need to inherit functionality from another class and Java does not permit multiple inheritance. In this case, you can implement the runnable interface: public class MyThread extends AnotherClass implements runnable { public void run() { …

17 Example: implementing Runnable

18 java.lang.Thread methods start( ) A New thread enters the Alive state and starts execution sleep( ) A runnable thread enters the blocked state for a timed period join( ) A runnable thread enters the blocked state and waits for another thread to finish yield( ) A runnable thread allows other runnable thread an opportunity to run at the same time

19 java.lang.Thread methods (2) interrupt( ) A runnable thread sets the interrupted flag. A blocked thread is awakened and enters the runnable state, and an InterruptedException is thrown. isAlive( ) Returns true if the thread is in the Alive state isInterrupted( ) Returns true if the Interrupted flag is set

20 Thread Life Cycle (fig. 11.2) Alive BlockedRunnable Not interrupted Wait to be notified Wait for target to finish Sleeping Target Finish wait( ) notify( ) | notifyAll( ) join( ) yield() sleep( ) Time Out interrupt( ) throws interruptedException Dead New start( ) run( ) returns

21 Atomicity An operation that cannot be divided is called an atomic operation. It may be a simple operation like assigning a value to an attribute or a complex one like transferring money from one account to another, where you do not want to add the money to the receiving account if you cannot deduct it from the sending account.

22 Thread Safety An important concern in concurrent systems is preventing activities from interfering with each other. With threads, this is called thread safety. Usually, thread safety requires that only one activity can use a process when it is in a state where an atomic operation is not yet complete, and data may be inconsistent. The Java solution is to provide a synchronization mechanism.

23 Critical Region A program segment that should not be accessed or interrupted is known as a critical region. An example is an ATM transaction where the machine has to both deduct the money from your account and give you the cash. It cannot do either unless it can do both, so the code is in a critical region from the time it begins the transaction until it is complete and the data is consistent.

24 Race Conditions When two activities compete to use the same resource, that state is known as a race condition. If simultaneous access can lead to inconsistency or other problems, then a mechanism like synchronization or record locking is required.

25 Synchronized Methods The synchronized attribute is listed as a method modifier to create a synchronized method. The entire body of the method is the critical region: class MyClass { synchronized void aMethod() { }

26 Synchronized Statements You can also synchronize a statement in the following form: synchronized (exp) { } In this case the expression exp must be of a reference type.

27 Synchronization Locks Synchronization is implemented by associating objects with locks. A thread must have exclusive possession of the appropriate lock to use the resource. For a synchronized instance method, the lock is associated with the receiving object this. For a synchronized statement, the lock associated with the result of the expression exp is used.

28 How Java Locks Work In Java, specialized code called a monitor provides the locking mechanism, which blocks access to a region of memory. If code is synchronized, after an object reference is decoded to refer to that section of memory, but before executing any code, it locks the lock. After the code is executed, the lock is unlocked. No other code may use the affected memory while it is locked.

29 Shared locks In the following code, it is possible for method m1 to invoke method m2 as part of the same thread because they are in the same class. To prevent conflicts and provide thread safety, m1 and m2 share a common lock so that access to one also locks the other. public class A { synchronized void m1 { … } synchronized void m2 { … } …

30 Textbook Bounded Queue Examples 11.4 and 11.5 in the text show how synchronization can be added with an extended class. class SyncBoundedQueue extends BoundedQueue to add synchronized access to the isEmpty(), isFull(), getCount(), put(object) and get() methods. Each of those classes is synchronized and then simply calls the method of the same name in the superclass. (Example on next slide)

31 Example: Overriding put public class SyncBoundedQueue extends BoundedQueue { public SyncBoundedQueue(int size) { super(size); } … synchronized public void put(object e) { super.put(e); }

32 Guards The commands wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() of class object prevent thrashing of locks with unnecessary locking and unlocking to see if an internal state has changed. Instead the object suspends itself with wait() until another thread wakes it with notify(). This is particularly relevant when threads cooperate with each other in a producer-consumer relationship such as example 11.5 in the text.

33 Text example Before a method is executed, the guard is tested. Execution can only proceed if the guard is true. In example 11.6 in the text, this prevents the producer from trying to add to the queue when it is full and it prevents the consumer from trying to take an object from the queue when it is empty.

34 Figure 11.3 ThreadSyncBoundedQueue ConsumerProducer

35 put() method with guard synchronized public void put(Object obj) { try { while (isFull()) { wait(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { } super.put(obj); notify(); }

36 get() method with Guard synchronized public Object get() { try { while (isEmpty()) { wait(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { } Object result = super.get(); notify(); return result; }

37 Liveness Properties Liveness refers to a desired set of conditions when running code. Some of them include:  A task will eventually complete  A thread will always respond to user input until it is complete  Certain status conditions must be displayed and updated constantly

38 Contention Contention (a.k.a. starvation or indefinite postponement) is a liveness failure that occurs when a runnable thread never gets to run. To avoid contention, threads with higher priorities must periodically invoke a sleep() or yield() method to give other cooperating threads an opportunity to run.

39 Dormancy Dormancy is a liveness failure that occurs when a thread that is blocked never becomes runnable. This typically occurs when a thread that is blocked by wait() never receives a notify() or notifyAll() command. To prevent dormancy, make sure that any thread that can be blocked by wait() will be reawakened by a notify() command. When in doubt, use the notifyAll() command.

40 Deadlock Deadlock is a liveness failure that occurs when two or more threads block each other and none can make progress. Deadlock detection and prevention are difficult and have been the subject of extensive research. As a topic, it is beyond the scope of this course.

41 Premature Termination Premature Termination is another liveness failure that occurs when a thread is terminated before it completes, resulting in blocking the progress of other threads (dormancy). In Example 11.6 in the text, if either the producer or the consumer fails the other thread will be blocked indefinitely.

42 Summary Concurrent or multithreaded programs can run several threads at the same time. A thread is a single sequential flow of control within a program that requires fewer resources and has less protection than a process. Threads either extend the thread class or implement the runnable interface. The life cycle of a thread includes three states– new, alive, or dead.

43 Summary (2) A thread in the alive state can be either runnable or blocked. The JVM assigns an integer priority to each thread. This can be modified for performance tuning. Critical regions are segments of code that should only be accessed by one thread at a time. Race hazards could leave objects in an inconsistent state. A guard is a precondition for the successful execution of an action.

44 Summary (3) Liveness refers to desirable conditions during the execution of a program. Common examples of liveness failures include: –Contention (Starvation or Indefinite Postponement) –Dormancy –Deadlock –Premature Termination

45 Bibliography Jia, Xiaoping, Object Oriented Software Development Using Java. Addison Wesley, 2003

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