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1 Introduction to Policy Processes Dan Laitsch Assistant Professor, SFU Director, CSELP Co-Editor, IJEPL.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Introduction to Policy Processes Dan Laitsch Assistant Professor, SFU Director, CSELP Co-Editor, IJEPL."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Introduction to Policy Processes Dan Laitsch Assistant Professor, SFU Director, CSELP Co-Editor, IJEPL

2 2 Day 1: Introduction Definitions(?) Introductions Course expectations and overview Organizing ourselves

3 3 Overview It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. dialogue questio ns analysis practice history research regulati on theory policy

4 4 Vocabulary Policy: The “invisible” strings that control our practice History: The events that shaped the policies controlling our practice Theory: Explains the history and policy controlling our practice Research: The ways in which we gather data (and observe history) to see the strings that control our practice

5 5 Agenda Introductions (Me) Introductions and course goals (you) Identifying problems Seeking answers

6 6 Introductions (Me) About me –Assistant Professor; Director CSELP; Co- editor, IJEPL; ASCD, AACTE, Teaching About my values –What are my values based on what you’ve seen in the course outline, readings, and web site?

7 7 Introductions (You) Who are you and what are your values? –Why are you in education? What do you want to know more about? Share your name, position, value statement and question

8 8 Course overview Meetings Grading and assignments Expectations

9 9 Identifying problems Identify three-five issue areas / problems / questions in which you are interested Pair share: discuss issues and their context. Combine and eliminate as you see fit. Reduce to one issue each. List on sheets Five-dots (prioritized) -[Dinner Break]- Consolidate groups

10 10 Seeking Answers Group meetings Introduction, initial roles, begin dialogue -[End of Day 1]- Hand out reading

11 11 Day 2: Reading Discussion: What was the point Observation: Writing concisely Thinking about problems

12 12 Mini lecture: About groups Forming, storming, norming, performing Organizing and supporting Problems Break into groups: –Discuss lecture and implications

13 13 Mini lecture: About PBL What is PBL What processes are involved Break into groups: –Discuss lecture and implications Our issue, our problem Taking stock -[Lunch]-

14 14 Program Overview Timeline Action Research Comps Meet Daniel To

15 15 About Research Scientific method Data control Knowledge Use

16 16 Small groups Assignments for next class –Report out: issues, organization, assignments Course assignments for next class -[End of day 2]

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