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Welcome CDes Faculty Meeting August 26, 2008. Overview Introductions College Identity College Profile Compact Process Governance Structure.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome CDes Faculty Meeting August 26, 2008. Overview Introductions College Identity College Profile Compact Process Governance Structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome CDes Faculty Meeting August 26, 2008

2 Overview Introductions College Identity College Profile Compact Process Governance Structure

3 Welcome to new faculty…… Blaine Brownwell, Architecture Lucy Dunne, Clothing Design Benjamin Ibarra, Architecture Hye-Young Kim, Retail Juanjuan Wu, Retail Coming Soon…. Gregory Donofrio, Architecture Ignacio San Martin, Director of the MDC

4 Welcome to new staff….. Brandie Adams, DHA Rachel Bickel, DHA Laura Detzler, CCL Patrick Doble, Arch Bernice Dodor, DHA Inga Hakanson, DCA Daniel Handeen, CSBR David Ingraham, Arch Matt Kegler, HR Clay Kimber, IT Justin Kindlespire, Workshop Anvesh Kumar, IT Daniel Marckel, MDC Shannon Mayer, Finance Jean McElvain, Goldstein Nicole Mumma, Student Services Sandra Symons, Dean’s Office Tiffany Thayer, Student Services Matt Thoen, IT Timothy Walters, Computer Lab

5 Collegiate direction Design for the other 90%. How can we make design available to all? Design for human and environmental health. How can design heal? Design as a competitive advantage. How can design help us prosper? Design as a mode of thought. How can design help us reinvent ourselves?

6 Campaign Themes Sustainability and equity The design economy Digital practices World Heritage Health and well-being

7 Thoughts? Comments?

8 CDes Identity – key concepts “What if” concept attracts and reflects curious minds Transformation—reflected in components of Block M used to form grid and animation on Web site Use of split photography –hands performing action relating to college ’ s academic programs –abstract textures created by cropping tighter

9 CDes Identity – wordmark example

10 CDes identity – brochure example

11 CDes identity – Web page example

12 CDes identity – poster example

13 What is a “what if” question that you would ask about your work? Briefly describe the aspect of your work that answers that question.

14 College Profile Faculty & Staff Students Budget

15 All employees

16 Non-student employees

17 Faculty


19 Staff


21 Employee turnover

22 Student demographics fall 2007 students of color

23 Student demographics


25 CDes enrollment: fall 2007 Total Enrollment: 1406

26 Enrollment trend ProgramFall 2006Fall 2007% change Arch Graduate205174-18% Arch UG2772966% Clothing Design9692-4% Graphic Design2212220 Housing5248-8% Interior Design193188-3% Retail1451482% DHA Graduate607115% Environ Design74796% LA Graduate8776-14% Undecided1412-17% Total14241406-1%

27 Enrollment trend

28 Student Credit Hours 2007-2008 32,094 SCH generated

29 FY09 non-sponsored budget: $26,725,988

30 FY10 Compact Process Full compact year Limited funds will be available from central Open process within the college Focus on ideas that support and strengthen our core Identify CDes Hallmarks


32 Governance Need to implement constitution Faculty representation critical College-wide elections Departmental elections Deans’ working groups appointed after elections completed

33 Governance College-wide elections –Faculty Assembly Chair Vice chair –Faculty Consultative 3 at-large members –Curriculum 2 at-large members –Centers Policy & Advisory 2 at-large members Department Elections –Faculty Consultative 1 per department –Promotion & Tenure 2 per department –Faculty Leave 2 per department –Curriculum 1 per department –Centers Policy & Advisory 1 per department

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