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What did he find? 200777354 박 지연 Park Ji-yun.

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Presentation on theme: "What did he find? 200777354 박 지연 Park Ji-yun."— Presentation transcript:

1 What did he find? 박 지연 Park Ji-yun

2 Ⅰ. Title : What did he find?
Ⅱ. Target : The 4th grade in elementary school (4-5 students) (This target is for students who have learned for about 6 months.)

3 Ⅲ. Theme: Treasure Hunting
In this unit, students will learn about 'past tense form' There are an irregular verb and regular verb in past tense. A regular verb is easy for students to learn because it is simple. Most students have difficulty memorizing an irregular verb because there are too many irregular verbs. So in this unit, a teacher teaches some irregular verbs.

4 Ⅳ. Language foci (1) past tense ex) am was find found go went
is was do did see saw are were drink drank eat ate (2) past tense wh-question and answer ex) A: What did he find? B: He found a bat. A: Where was it? B; It was under the desk.

5 (3)past tense Yes/No question and
answer ex) A: Did he find a bag? B: No, he didn't. / Yes, he did. A: Was it under the desk? B: No, it wasn't. / Yes, it was.

6 Ⅴ. Objective Students will be able to; . produce the past tense form.
ex) He drinks water. ….He drank water. . ask wh-question and answer using past tense. ex) A: What did he find? B: He found a book. A: Where was it? B: It was under the desk.

7 ask Yes/No question and answer using past tense.
ex) A: Did he find a book? B: No, he didn't. / Yes, he did. A; Was it under the desk? B: No, it wasn't. / Yes, it was. keep a diary using both present tense and past tense.

8 Ⅵ. Prerequisites Students already know;
. present tense ; am, are, is, find, go, eat, drink . how to make present tense wh-question and yes/no question. .how to answer the questions. . preposition ; under, in, on, . some nouns ; bat, book, coin, chair, desk, watch, chocolate, juice

9 Ⅶ. Activities Activity 1 : Transformation
step 1. hold up the word cards 'do' and 'find' and say the verb. step 2. Hold up the word cards 'did' and 'found' and say the verb step 3. Students repeat both words several times. step 4. Show the base forms for both verbs. Students provide the past tense. step 5. Alternate cards rapidly until students can confidently produce the past tense forms. (A teacher teaches the other verbs to the students like this way.) step 6. Show the present tense sentences and make students change the past tense sentences. (In this case, a teacher can use the worksheet or ask and answer)

10 Activity 2 : Treasure Hunting
step 1. A teacher hide objects like book, juice, chocolate, watch in the classroom before the class. step 2. A teacher makes some notes written ' The juice is under the computer.', ' The book is on the TV', ' The chocolate is in the teacher's desk.‘ step 3. Put the notes in the box. step 4. A teacher divides the students into the 4-5groups. step 5. A teacher lets one student of the each group take out a note from the box. step 6. The student reads the note and find the object, and get back his seat. step 7. A teacher asks the other groups "What did he find?" The students answer " He found a book." step 8. A teacher asks the student or group that find a note "Where was it ?" They answer " It was in the desk." (If someone find a juice or chocolate, a teacher lets him drink or eat it. And ask the other students " What did he eat?" or " What did he drink?" Maybe the students will answer "He ate chocolate." or " He drank juice.)

11 Activity 3: Story telling
step 1. Show the picture book though the internet. ( step 2. A teacher lets students listen and repeat the story. step 3. A teacher ask some questions to the students about the story. step 4. A teacher give students a sheet of paper. ( step 5. A teacher lets the students draw a picture what they think after reading the story. step 6. A teacher lets the students write the sentence about the picture using past tense that they learned during the class.

12 Activity 4: Let's sing step 1. A teacher gives the students a sheet of paper which has the lyrics. step 2. Play the cassette. step 3. A teacher let the students read the lyrics. step 4. Play the cassette again. Student listen and repeat the song

13 Ⅷ. Assessment ⅰ) Fill in the blank
A teacher prepare a work sheet, and lets students fill in the blank. Through this assessment, a teacher can check if students know the past tense form.

14 Work sheet present tense past tense am was do did eat ate is find
found drink drank are were go went

15 ⅱ) A teacher give the paper which has some picture .
Students look at the picture and answer the questions ⅲ) Short Journal about their weekend. In this case, most students is not good at writing in English. So, a teacher tell them to use the sentences which they learned during the class.

16 What did they go? What did they eat?
What did they see? What did they drink?

17 Ⅸ. Follow up A teacher tell the students what she did on weekend.
ex) I went to the Lotte Mart. I saw Chistmas tree there. They were on the every floor. They were beautiful. I ate ice-cream and drank a cup of coffee. Then ask some questions to the students. ex) A: Tom, Where did you go? B: I went to my grandparents' A: What did you eat there? B: I ate Bulgogi. Like this way, a teacher ask some questions to the other students

18 Websites (
( (

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