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Higher-level PHP constructs for manipulating image files.

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Presentation on theme: "Higher-level PHP constructs for manipulating image files."— Presentation transcript:

1 Higher-level PHP constructs for manipulating image files

2 A library of tools for manipulating images We have seen that we can create an image file by writing a sequence of bytes to the file But this is very tedious PHP provides a library of tools (functions) for creating and/or editing image files This library is called the GD library GD was actually written in C but "wrappers" are available for PHP, Perl and other languages The GD website

3 A first example program This program uses two tools from the GD library imageCreateTrueColor takes two arguments and produces a variable containing basic data for an image –the arguments specify the width and height of the image –By default, the image created by imageCreateTrueColor has a black background imageGIF takes two arguments –the data for an image and the name of a file –imageGIF puts a copy of the image data into a file with the specified name

4 Drawing a solid rectangle imagecolorallocate is used to add a colour to the palette that will be used in the image it takes four arguments: the image variable and the RGB values it returns an identifier for the specified colour imagefilledrectangle is used to place a solid rectangle of colour in the image it takes six arguments: the image variable, four coordinates for the rectangle and the identifier for the desired colour –the coordinates are X ul, Y ul, X lr, Y lr (ul=upper-left corner; lr=lower right corner)

5 Drawing two rectangles We can use imagecolorallocate several times, to add a range of colours We can use imagefilledrectangle several times, to add several solid rectangles

6 The sequence determines the result Above, we drew the blue rectangle last, so it appears on top of the others

7 Flood fill Use imagefill to flood fill the pixels around a specified coordinate The program above makes the image go through four steps, as shown Since (50,50) is in the middle of the red area, that rectangle is flooded with white

8 Drawing solid ellipses and circles imagefilledellipse ( $image, $cx, $cy, $width, $height, $colour ) $cx and $cy specify the centre of the shape $width and $height specify the width and height of the shape $width=$height produces a circle

9 Drawing polygons imagefilledpolygon ( $image, $arrayOfPoints, $numberOfPoints, $colour ) $arrayOfPoints specifies the X and Y coordinates of the vertices of the polygon $numberOfPoints specifies how many vertices –there must be at least three vertices An example is on the next slide

10 Drawing a triangle The vertices of the triangle are (40,50) (150,100) (40,70) Members of an array are specified like this: $result=array(val1, val2, val3,... );

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