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C++ Training Datascope Lawrence D’Antonio Lecture 3 An Overview of C++

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1 C++ Training Datascope Lawrence D’Antonio Lecture 3 An Overview of C++

2 Classes/Objects  Basic unit of OOPL  Autonomous entities  State, behavior, identity  Data encapsulation  Encapsulation of responsibilities  Information hiding  Message passing  Exception handling

3 Object Organization  Inheritance (Single and multiple)  Dynamic binding  Generalization/Specialization  Abstraction  Has-a versus is-a relationship  Uses relationship  Polymorphism/ Virtual functions

4 Polymorphism  Virtual functions  Overloading  Type conversions  Templates

5 Generic programming  Templates  STL  Traits  Metaprogramming  Boost library  Programming with concepts

6 Typing  Statically typed. Variables must be declared before used. Exceptions: casts, unions, temporary objects.  Weakly typed (?). Variables are not bound to a specific data type.  Type conversions  Subtyping

7 Code Reuse  Parametric polymorphism  Subtyping polymorphism  Composition  Patterns

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