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Modul 7 Features of Australian English

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1 Modul 7 Features of Australian English

2 How Australian – English Developed 1. The First 150 Years. Ä
How Australian – English Developed 1 The First 150 Years Ä The first European Australian born in Australian  English Ä Australian – English grew form the English spoken by working – class Ä  Some Aboriginal words were added Ä  American & Asian enriched Australian – English

3 1. Post - War Changes. Ä. Immigrants gave their impact to
1  Post - War Changes Ä  Immigrants gave their impact to Australian – English in small portion Ä  Television in mid 1950’s helped people to accept American English British American Flat Apartment Film Movie Lift Elevator

4 1. Contemporary. Many languages and dialects have
1 Contemporary Many languages and dialects have contributed to Australian English Among of them are : Ä Cantonese. Ä  Hokkien. Ä   Spanish. Ä  Portuguese Ä   Various dialect of Great Britain. Ä   German & American. Ä   Aborigines eg : Bush, Billabong.

5 The Australian Accent The general characteristics of the Australian accent are : 1 Lazy Lips and Tongues Ä Running words together & leaving out or changing consonant especially middle of the words

6 Eg : ·   Estraya (Australia) ·   Estrayan (Australia) ·   Sinny (Sidney) ·    Cambras (Canberra) ·   Efta (have to) ·   Semmitch (sandwich) ·   G’day (good day) ·    Let stalk Strine (Let’s talk Australian)

7 1. Unsual of the Rising Tone. Ä. Rising tone for Australian English
1 Unsual of the Rising Tone Ä   Rising tone for Australian English indicates the speaker wants a sign like “mm - hm” or nod or smile to show that the listener understands Ä   It doesn’t require any answer Ä   Mostly used by younger people & women Eg : My friend and I were in my dad’s study, and she touched some books

8 1. Shortened Words. Australians like to shorten a long word
1 Shortened Words Australians like to shorten a long word to one or two syllables and then add a vowel sound on the end. Eg : Ä    Australian  aussie Ä   Breakfast  brekkie Ä   Vegetables  vegies Ä   Football  footy

9 1. Making Words Stronger. Ä. Australians like to use “Real”. and
1 Making Words Stronger Ä  Australians like to use “Real” and “Really” Eg : John is a read friend to me   Ä    “Real”  strengthen criticism Eg : He’s a real pain in the neck  He is very boring and annoying person   Ä Heaps  like very much Eg : “I like Indonesian food heaps’  I like Indonesian food very much

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