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Environmental Microbiology Introduction: Overview and History.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Microbiology Introduction: Overview and History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Microbiology Introduction: Overview and History

2 Organisms Included Virus Bacteria Fungi Algae Protozoa

3 Importance of Microbiology Basic Science Applied Science and Engineering –Public Health –Nutrient Cycling –Waste Treatment –Biodegradation –Industrial Microbiology/Fermentation –Biotechnology

4 Perspective Time

5 Relative Time

6 Size

7 Leeuwenhoek

8 Leeuwenhoek’s Microscopes

9 Pasteur

10 Swan-Neck Flask Experiments Spontaneous generation vs. biogenesis Broth in flasks remained sterile -- bacteria could not travel up the curved neck

11 Winogradsky Nitrification Sulfur oxidation Concept of lithotrophy

12 The Delft School Metabolism as a unifying concept in microbiology Major figures –Kluyver –Van Neil –Zobell –Rittenberg

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