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Unsupervised Training and Clustering Alexandros Potamianos Dept of ECE, Tech. Univ. of Crete Fall 2004-2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Unsupervised Training and Clustering Alexandros Potamianos Dept of ECE, Tech. Univ. of Crete Fall 2004-2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unsupervised Training and Clustering Alexandros Potamianos Dept of ECE, Tech. Univ. of Crete Fall 2004-2005

2 Unsupervised Training  Definition: The training set samples are unlabelled (unclassified)  Motivation: Labeling is hard/time consuming Fully automatic adaptation of models (in the field)

3 Maximum Likelihood Training  Given: N training examples drawn from c classes, i.e.,D = {x 1, x 2, … x N } (no class assignments are given!)  Estimate: Class priors: p(w i ) Feature PDF parameters θ : p(x| θ i, w i )  Sometimes the number of classes c is not given and has to be also estimated

4 Unsupervised ML estimation  k p(w i |x k,θ)   i log p(x k | w i θ i ) = 0  Compared with supervised ML: additional term P(w i |x k,θ)  P(w i |x k,θ) class membership function for each sample x k  Unsupervised ML is a version of EM  Pseudo-EM: P(w i |x k,θ) is binary 0 or 1

5 Mixture of Gaussians Estimates  Linear combination of Gaussians with weights a i p(x k ) =  i a i N(x k ;  i,  i )  ML estimates: a i = (1/N)  k p(w i |x k )  i = (  k p(w i |x k ) x k ) /  k p(w i |x k )  i = (  k p(w i |x k ) (x k -  i ) (x k -  i ) T ) /  k p(w i |x k )

6 Clustering  Basic Isodata: 1.Select initial partition of data into c classes and compute cluster means 2.Classify training samples using a classification criterion (Euclidean distance) 3.Recompute cluster means based on training set classification decisions 4.If no change in sample means stop else go to step 2

7 Iterative clustering algorithms  Top down algorithms: Start from a single class (all data) Split class (e.g.,   std) Continue splitting the “largest” class until desired number of clusters is reached  Bottom up algorithms Each training sample a different class Start merging classes (e.g., using a NNR criterion) until desired number of classes is reached

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