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Senior Project 2008 Ultra Wideband Amplifier Sarah Kief Saif Anwar Advisor: Dr. Shastry Bradley University Electrical Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Project 2008 Ultra Wideband Amplifier Sarah Kief Saif Anwar Advisor: Dr. Shastry Bradley University Electrical Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Project 2008 Ultra Wideband Amplifier Sarah Kief Saif Anwar Advisor: Dr. Shastry Bradley University Electrical Engineering

2 Outline Ultra Wideband? Ultra Wideband? Introduction to UWB system Introduction to UWB system Review of previous work Review of previous work Patents and standards Patents and standards Functional Description Functional Description Progress Progress Questions Questions

3 Ultra Wideband What is Ultra Wideband System?

4 Ultra Wideband Overview History History First used in 1901First used in 1901 Gugleilmo Marconi transmitted Morse code using spark-gap radio transmittersGugleilmo Marconi transmitted Morse code using spark-gap radio transmitters 1960s to 1980s restricted to government use1960s to 1980s restricted to government use 1998 FCC legalized for commercial use1998 FCC legalized for commercial use UWB definition UWB definition Large bandwidth, low power, short distancesLarge bandwidth, low power, short distances Uses Gaussian Pulses.Uses Gaussian Pulses.Gaussian PulsesGaussian Pulses Frequency Range – 3.1 to 10.6 GHz Frequency Range – 3.1 to 10.6 GHz Applications Applications Applications

5 Previous Work Senior Project 2007 done by Jarred Cook and Nathan Gove. Senior Project 2007 done by Jarred Cook and Nathan Gove. Goal was to create a scaled down UWB transceiver.Goal was to create a scaled down UWB transceiver. Research done by other members of the scientific community. Research done by other members of the scientific community. Table Table Table

6 Patents and Standards Regulations Regulations The minimum bandwidth must occupy more than 20% of the center frequency.The minimum bandwidth must occupy more than 20% of the center frequency. The minimum bandwidth must exceed 500 MHz.The minimum bandwidth must exceed 500 MHz. Patents Patents 7139454 Ultra-wideband fully synthesized high-resolution receiver and method7139454 Ultra-wideband fully synthesized high-resolution receiver and method 7099422 Synchronization of ultra-wideband communications using a transmitted reference preamble7099422 Synchronization of ultra-wideband communications using a transmitted reference preamble 7061442 Ultra-wideband antenna7061442 Ultra-wideband antenna 7020224 Ultra-wideband correlating receiver7020224 Ultra-wideband correlating receiver 20060165155 System and method for ultra-wideband (UWB) communication transceiver20060165155 System and method for ultra-wideband (UWB) communication transceiver 20060062277 Ultra-wideband signal amplifier20060062277 Ultra-wideband signal amplifier 20060045134 Ultra-wideband synchronization systems and methods20060045134 Ultra-wideband synchronization systems and methods Standards Standards ECMA 368 – High Rate Ultra Wideband PHY and MAC StandardECMA 368 – High Rate Ultra Wideband PHY and MAC Standard ECMA 369 – MAC-PHY Interface for ECMA-368ECMA 369 – MAC-PHY Interface for ECMA-368

7 Project Description Functional Description Functional Description Topology: Distributed Amplifier (DA)Topology: Distributed Amplifier (DA) Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) implemented with a Gas FETs- NE4210S01, Pseudomorphic Hetero-Junction FETLow Noise Amplifier (LNA) implemented with a Gas FETs- NE4210S01, Pseudomorphic Hetero-Junction FET Requirements Requirements External InterferencesExternal InterferencesInterferences Frequency RangeFrequency Range Cutoff Frequency = 20GhzCutoff Frequency = 20Ghz Specifications Specifications Gain: 16 dBGain: 16 dB Noise Figure: 2.5 dBNoise Figure: 2.5 dB Power Dissipated: ≈60 mWPower Dissipated: ≈60 mW System Block Diagram System Block Diagram System Block Diagram System Block Diagram Timeline Timeline Timeline

8 Project Goals Researching Researching Designing Designing SimulationsSimulations Fabricating Fabricating In houseIn house Micro strip Micro strip Testing platform for s-parameters Testing platform for s-parameters CommercialCommercial Testing Testing Compare simulations with measured dataCompare simulations with measured data

9 Progress Brief Design Steps Brief Design Steps Design EquationsDesign EquationsDesign EquationsDesign Equations DC-IV Curves DC-IV Curves DC-IV Curves DC-IV Curves Bias Point SelectionBias Point SelectionBias Point SelectionBias Point Selection Cin and Cout Calculations Cin and Cout Calculations Cin and Cout Calculations Cin and Cout Calculations Lumped Element Schematic Lumped Element Schematic Lumped Element Schematic Lumped Element Schematic S-Parameters S-Parameters

10 Questions?

11 Ultra Wideband System

12 Ultra Widband System

13 Previous Work ReferenceGain (dB)NF (dB)BW (GHz)PD (mW)TopologyTechnology [1] µm CMOS [2]106.43.1-10.65.4Distributed0.35 µm SiGe BiCMOS [3]95.33.1-10.622Distributed0.18 µm CMOS [4]206.51.6-12.140Low Power Distributed0.35 µm SiGe BiCMOS [5]7.34.3-6.10-2253Distributed0.18 µm CMOS [6]10.63.4-5.30-1452Distributed0.18 µm CMOS [7]661-2768.1Distributed0.18 µm CMOS

14 External Interferences StandardFrequency RangeReference IEEE 802.11a5 GHz[8] IEEE 802.11i2.4GHz and 5GHz[8] IEEE 802.16WiMAX2GHz – 11 GHz[9]

15 Block Diagram

16 Timeline Week ofTasks to complete January 25thDesigning the microstrip version of lumped element model. February 7thBoard and inductor selections, continue designing February 14thSimulations February 21stTest scattering parameters and compare them to simulated results. February 28thDesign filtering system to reject outside interference March 6thDesign filtering system to reject outside interference March 13thFabrication March 20thSpring break March 27thTesting of amplifier April 3rdTesting of amplifier April 10thTesting of amplifier April 17thOptimization April 24thOptimization May 1stProject proposal and oral preparations May 8thFinals

17 Design Equations

18 DC-IV Curves

19 Bias Point Selection

20 Distributed Amplifier

21 Cin and Cout

22 The End

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