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MICO 9th Aug 2010J.S. GraulichSlide 1 MOM report o Last Week o Run Plan for this Week o Machine Physics Jean-Sebastien Graulich, Geneva.

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Presentation on theme: "MICO 9th Aug 2010J.S. GraulichSlide 1 MOM report o Last Week o Run Plan for this Week o Machine Physics Jean-Sebastien Graulich, Geneva."— Presentation transcript:

1 MICO 9th Aug 2010J.S. GraulichSlide 1 MOM report o Last Week o Run Plan for this Week o Machine Physics Jean-Sebastien Graulich, Geneva

2 MICO 9th Aug 2010J.S. GraulichSlide 2 Last week (1)  Online Optimization Some data taken but mainly code development Some data taken but mainly code development Came to some conclusions: Came to some conclusions: Need “Online” Simulation Need “Online” Simulation Need to asses beam line alignment Need to asses beam line alignment Need access to Beam Line Settings Need access to Beam Line Settings (now entered manually at start of run)  Not from CDB (available only at the end of run)  Not from EPICS (complicate software dependence scheme)  => From data stream (nearly there, need unpacking)

3 MICO 9th Aug 2010J.S. GraulichSlide 3 Last week (2)  Neutral study We do observe neutrals causing Triggers in TOF1 We do observe neutrals causing Triggers in TOF1 Even if all magnets are Off ! (DS at 100 Amp) Only when we dip the target ! Scales with beam loss About 7 triggers per spill at 2V beam loss 3.2 ms spill 2V ISIS beam loss = ~ 1300 mV in target DAQ Only when the beam blocker is open ! About 40% of the triggers in negative polarities are caused by neutrals About 40% of the triggers in negative polarities are caused by neutrals Irreducible Irreducible Main source of reconstruction inefficiency Main source of reconstruction inefficiency Still need TOF efficiency studies Still need TOF efficiency studies

4 MICO 9th Aug 2010J.S. GraulichSlide 4 Last week (3)  ISIS is tired No beam on Thursday Very little on Friday Unstable on Sunday   Target delay scan A few data acquired (4-5 points at 2V BL) Rob Fletcher is doing the analysis

5 MICO 9th Aug 2010J.S. GraulichSlide 5 CDB in Use   We can now reload the magnet configuration from a previous run by a single click ! That really helps Many Thanks to David Forrest and James Leaver   Now also available with tags ReferenceRun (6+200 M0) EndOfShift (all Conventional Magnets at 0A; DS at 400 A) PionScan (200 MeV/c pions, Q789 at 0A)   Please use CDB offline as well   Important Note: All variables not available through EPICS are set to zero Use spread sheet for the time being

6 MICO 9th Aug 2010J.S. GraulichSlide 6 This week   Alignment studies (Chris Rogers) Pion Beam at 240 MeV Narrower momentum distribution Higher statistics Q789 OFF Straight lines between TOF0 and TOF1 Not a strong effect on trigger rate DS at 100 Amp (call it “Collimator Mode”) Narrower momentum distribution   Scan D1, D2, and the Quads If ISIS allows

7 MICO 9th Aug 2010J.S. GraulichSlide 7 Machine Physics   Saturday August the 14 th MOM = Roumen Tsenov   From 16h30 to 24:00   Start with ISIS at 50 Hz scan target Delay at 3 V beam loss (1 hour)   Redo Adam Dobbs’ study with positive Up to 10 V Beam Loss   Arrange for radiation measurement in MICE target area soon after the run

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