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Revelation #5 Chapters 17-22
Plan for Today Recap the story so far Go through chapters 17-22 When will it happen? What are the key lessons?
Chapters 1-3 Revelation of Jesus Revelation of us and the church Jesus speaks to the churches Learn lessons from the churches
Chapters 4-7 Throne room of God The scroll with 7 seals – the judgment The rapture – before judgement falls
Chapters 8-12 The breaking of the first seal indicates the start of Daniel’s 70 th week (probably). The Antichrist “confirms a covenant” 7 trumpets herald destruction John eats the little book The gentiles (the huge army?) capture Jerusalem and take control of the temple
Chapters 8-12 contd For 3½ years (first half of Daniel’s 70 th week) –Jews are allowed to visit temple and continue sacrifice –2 witnesses prophesy and more Jews (and others) get saved After the 3½ years (middle of Daniel’s week) –The beast kills the 2 witnesses –Jews flee to a wilderness –2 witnesses resurrected –144,000 called up to heaven
A political leader will rise to power over a group of 10 nations (the G10?) 3 of their leaders will oppose him but he will subdue them At some point he will experience a miraculous healing of a deadly head wound At some point he will be possessed by the spirit of antichrist (5 th trumpet?) He will oppose the 2 witnesses and eventually kill them Revelation 13 – summary
He will have a deputy who does signs and wonders A number of key signs identify the middle of Daniel’s 70 th week –The temple is occupied, the sacrifice stopped and a statue of the antichrist is set up –The statue gains the power to talk and to kill –A new economic system is enforced People idolise the charismatic new leader who seems to bring sense and order in a time of chaos Revelation 13 – summary
Angel carries the gospel (14:6) – it’s not too late to get saved Angel warns not to accept the mark of the beast (14:9-11) 2 Harvests 7 bowls – army gathers at the hill at Meggido (ch 16) Revelation 14 -16
Rev 17-18 - The Fall of Babylon the Great Details of events in Rev 14:8, 16:19 – the second half of Daniel’s 70 th week The prostitute on the beast = a city (v18) She sits on seven hills (v9 - probably Rome) The old city of Babylon was desolate by the time Revelation was written She sits on a beast – represents support from 4 th kingdom of Daniel 7 (from which the Antichrist comes) 10 horns are the same 10 nations who support the Antichrist
Rome/Babylon Is rich (v4) Killed saints (v6) Has/had worldwide influence (v2,15,18) Prostitute/ causes adultery – draws people away from God Some people speculate about the Tower of Babel, the Roman Catholic Church or remnants of the Roman Empire (Daniel 2, Daniel 7) Rev 17-18 - The Fall of Babylon the Great
The destruction of Rome Partly by God (16:18-21) Partly by the Antichrist and 10 nations (17:16) who turn against it May involve ruining the Roman Catholic church as all are forced to worship the beast The earth is surprisingly shocked – economies collapse (18:11-19) Perhaps linked to destruction of other cities and the mark of the beast – luxury goods are no longer so important Rev 17-18 - The Fall of Babylon the Great
Hallelujah! The church is the bride of Christ (Eph 5:23-32) The steps of Jewish Marriage 1.Betrothal - The father pays a dowry/bride price which is delivered by the son 2.Preparing a place - The son returns to his father’s house to prepare a house / extension depending on the size of the land 3.Return to fetch bride – she expects him but doesn’t know the exact time Rev 19 - The marriage and a battle
The steps of Jewish Marriage 4.Preparation - The bride makes herself ready 5.Wedding ceremony – the two become one 6.Marriage supper / wedding feast The marriage of the lamb is a culmination of our relationship with God Rev 19 - The marriage and a battle
After the marriage Jesus and the “armies of heaven” come to earth for a great battle The second coming (third?) Zechariah 14 –V2 all nations fight at Jerusalem –V4 the lord will stand on the mount of Olives (Acts 1:11-12) –A valley opens for those loyal to God to flee (v4-5) –In that day God becomes king over all the Earth (v8-9) –Millennial reign begins (v16-20) Rev 19 - The marriage and a battle
Only soldiers are killed in the battle – most of the people survive (v19,21) The beast and false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire (Gehenna) Gehenna was prepared for the devil and his angels (Matt 25:41) Rev 19 - The marriage and a battle
Satan locked in the Abyss for 1000 years (the Millennium) Christ rules for 1000 years – who rules with him? –Those who didn’t receive the mark (v4) –All with thrones and authority to judge (v4) = the saints (2:11, 26-27, 3:21) Who is in the first resurrection? (v5-6) –The dead in Christ who rose first –Those alive at the rapture –Those saved during tribulation Rev 20 - 1000 years, final judgement
Satan is released and deceives the nations (v7-8) Gog and Magog lead the nations to the last battle (v8, Ezekiel 38-39) – we don’t know who they are – it’s a 1000 years away Fire falls from heaven to destroy everyone But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. (2 Peter 3:10) Rev 20 - 1000 years, final judgement
White throne judgement – the second resurrection All the ‘dead’ judged – anyone not part of the first resurrection Our judgement is for reward (Rev 11:18) This judgement is for ‘destination’ - those not written in the book of life cast into the lake of fire (the second death) Difficult to know if you can get ‘saved’ during the millennium Death and Hades (the grave) thrown into the lake of fire Rev 20 - 1000 years, final judgement
The bride comes from heaven in the city of the New Jerusalem (v2-3) God now lives with men (v3) No more tears, death, mourning, pain (v4) No sea (v1) God provides the light (v23) – no need for sun and moon Gold, precious stones, gates of single pearls – the only way John could describe it Rev 21-22 - New heaven and earth
The city is 1,400 miles wide, long and high More description of heaven – the river It’s coming soon (v6, 7, 10, 12, 17, 20) Whoever is thirsty let him come (v17) Rev 21-22 - New heaven and earth
Summary of Chapters 17-22 The city of Rome/Babylon falls The marriage of the lamb takes place The last battle at Jerusalem – beast and false prophet thrown into lake of fire The reign of 1000 years Satan thrown into lake of fire Earth cleansed by fire The final judgement – unsaved thrown into lake of fire New heaven and earth New Jerusalem
When will it happen? We might be living in the last days Total located Earthquakes 1973-2006
When will it happen? We might be living in the last days The sign of the ‘fig tree’ (Matt 24:32+, Luke 21:25+) is not proof we are in last days Every sign that has to be fulfilled might have happened already It might not be for 1000’s of years
Key Lessons Be ready now Heaven is how it’s meant to be The judgement is partly to do with making the choice clear Jesus is amazing
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