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GIREP_2003 the model implemented by the FFC-Project: guidelines and preliminary results R.M. Sperandeo-Mineo Department of Physical and Astronomical Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "GIREP_2003 the model implemented by the FFC-Project: guidelines and preliminary results R.M. Sperandeo-Mineo Department of Physical and Astronomical Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 GIREP_2003 the model implemented by the FFC-Project: guidelines and preliminary results R.M. Sperandeo-Mineo Department of Physical and Astronomical Sciences University of Palermo (Italy) GIREP 2003 Seminar: Quality development in Teacher Education and Training (Udine)

2 GIREP_2003 Project: Physics as a Cultural Formation Research Groups 9 Universities Bologna (Tomasini,Gagliardi) Milano (Giordano, Vegni) Napoli (Guidoni, Sassi) Palermo (Sperandeo) Pavia (Borghi, DeAmbrosis) Roma (Vicentini, Tarsitani) Torino (Rinaudo) Udine (Michelini)

3 GIREP_2003 Two specific operative objectives Production of a model-proposal for the preparation at university level of teachers in all areas involving a physics' culture (FORMazione). Production of a model-proposal, for the construction of paths (PERCorsi) of development of the basic culture in physics at all levels of pre- university schooling.

4 GIREP_2003 The FORM Project 1. The background 2. Guidelines and characteristics of our approach 3. Some preliminary results 4. Main conclusions

5 GIREP_2003 The structure of pre-service teacher preparation Specific disciplinary degree SSIS Entrance test (programmed number)

6 GIREP_2003 Problems involving methods and contents relationship between pedagogy and disciplinary didactics They can be set into three categories: teaching methods used in university teaching appropriate knowledge of the discipline (the grey zones)

7 GIREP_2003 The FORM Goals From a theoretical point of view, we aimed to gain a better understanding of factors which either promote or hinder the development of good teaching practice; The purpose of the research was twofold: To contribute to the research-based design of physics teacher education programs and materials.

8 GIREP_2003 FORM: Models for pre-service preparation Models of teachers’ preparation  Teachers who learn in a different way may be oriented to teach in a different way  A well founded change in teachers' didactic activity involves also a conceptual change Methods of Physics to be taught

9 GIREP_2003 The theoretical underpinning

10 GIREP_2003 The Net of Teacher’s Knowledge and Competencies S.M.K P.K P.C.K

11 GIREP_2003 Teacher’s Knowledge and Competencies S.M.K …………………………. The quality of knowledge The procedural knowledge The knowledge about Science The epistemological framework ………………………….

12 GIREP_2003 Teacher’s Knowledge and Competencies P.K Cognitive Models: To know is a building process, It is context dependent, It needs scaffolds (tools), …………………

13 GIREP_2003 Teacher’s Knowledge and Competencies “…representations of ideas, powerful analogies, illustrations, examples, explanations, and demonstrations….. including an understanding of what makes the learning of specific concepts easy or difficult: the conceptions and preconceptions that students of different ages and backgrounds bring with them to the learning.” (Shulman, 1987). P.C.K

14 GIREP_2003 Teacher’s Knowledge and Competencies  ………………………….  Representations of content suitable for teaching;  Teaching strategies coherent with these representations;  Students’ common-sense knowledge;  Students’ learning difficulties;  Teachers’ ideas and models about T/L processes;  …………………………. P.C.K

15 GIREP_2003 The teaching/learning environments for Student Teachers (STs) Hands-on learning Metareflection Experiential Tools T/L Environments

16 GIREP_2003 Operative Tools A self-consistent proposal for a teaching/learning approach in a given field Work-Packages for Teacher Preparation Materials and resource tools as guidelines for teacher trainers

17 GIREP_2003 Physics Content:  Concepts  Underlying constructs  Epistemic accounts  ………………………… Teaching/Learning sequences  Pupil Conceptions  Ways of reasoning  Context dependence  ………………………… Teaching/Learning Scaffolding Tools Learning Knots Critical Teaching Details Transparency Teachers’ common problems in classroom implementation. ………………..

18 GIREP_2003 The explored topics Classical Physics 1. RTEI: Real Time Experiments and Images 2. A first approach to Thermal Processes 3. From Thermal Processes to Entropy 4. The different Forms of Internal Energy 5. Generalised Kinematics

19 GIREP_2003 The explored topics Classical Physics Quantum Physics Quantum Physics 1.Phenomenological and Exhaustive approach 2.From Classical to Quantum Mechanics (Feymann’ paths)

20 GIREP_2003 The explored topics Classical Physics Quantum Physics Quantum Physics 1.Phenomenological and Exhaustive approach 2.From Classical to Quantum Mechanics (Feymann’ paths) 3.From the Field Concept to the Quantum Theory of Fields 4.Approaching Quantum Physics following the Dirac’ path.

21 GIREP_2003 The WP experimentation Local test Local test Cross-test Cross-test Validation Procedures Open answer tests Logbooks of Trainers and Observers STs’ worksheets and other empirical materials STs’ final tasks The Portfolios

22 GIREP_2003 Some Conclusions 1. 1. Exemplary teaching practices necessarily include the interaction of SMK, PK and PCK. 2. A constructivist philosophy is required to fully “appreciate ” the interplay among SMK, PK, and PCK and their role in teaching/learning. 3. Increased emphasis on SMK it is useful but it does not necessarily affect instruction.

23 GIREP_2003 Some Conclusions   PCK construction does not involve only knowledge of pedagogical presentations, strategies and pupils’ preconceptions or learning difficulties;  PCK development is not always a matter of converting any kind of existing SMK directly into PCK;  A fundamental shift in the notion of what to know physics entails (at concept-level as well as at epistemic level), is required;

24 GIREP_2003 Some Conclusions Key ideas in teaching high school physics tend to be centred upon the experiential world and knowledge background of learners; Key ideas in the discipline (learned in the university courses) represent the logical and formal structure; Knowing concepts of a higher level theory does not ensure a sound understanding of concepts, principles analogues and representations belonging to realm of actual objects and commonsense experience.

25 GIREP_2003 Some Conclusions How teacher educators/researchers define SMK for teaching has important implications for how prospective teachers define, analyze, and develop their PCK.

26 GIREP_2003 Some Conclusions T Transformation is not a one-direction process from SMK to PCK conceptions appropriate of pedagogy subject matter Dialectical Interaction

27 GIREP_2003 Some Conclusions PCK construction needs triggers: relevant changes in the knowledge of subject matter itself

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