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Minimally Invasive Pectus Excavatum Repair: The Nuss Procedure

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Presentation on theme: "Minimally Invasive Pectus Excavatum Repair: The Nuss Procedure"— Presentation transcript:

1 Minimally Invasive Pectus Excavatum Repair: The Nuss Procedure
Dr Osama Bawazir FRCSI, FRCS(Ed), FRCS (glas), FRCSC.

2 Overview of Pectus Excavatum
Incidence Associated Anomalies Investigation Methods of Repair Outcome

3 Chest Wall Deformities
Pectus Excavatum Pectus Carinatum Poland’s Syndrome Sternal Defects Thoracic Dysplasia

4 Pectus Excavatum Incidence: 1/1000 children (depending on criteria)
Etiology: Typically idiopathic (80%) Associated MSK defect (20%) Scoliosis (most common) Poland’s syndrome Marfan’s, CP, CDH Cardiac Defects (2%)

5 Pectus Excavatum: Clinical Presentation
Evident at birth (80%) Deformity worsens with URTI Moderate and severe deformities associated with decreased exercise tolerance

6 Pectus Excavatum: Evaluation
History and Physical CT Scan (Index: Transverse/AP) Pulmonary Function Studies Echocardiogram Treatment: Mild: (CT index < 3) exercise and clavicle strap Moderate/severe: (CT index > 3) operate IF: Patient Motivated Functional Impairment

7 Pectus Excavatum: Surgical Options
Open Repair (Ravitch) Repair of cartilaginous portion of ribs, preserving perichondrium Closed Repair (Nuss) Insertion of corrective bar (See Video)

8 Nuss procdure Intrathoracic bar implantation (controlled by thoracoscopy) Correction of sternum and funnel without resection of rips or cartilage Influence on the costo-sternal joints From Nuss - original paper

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