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Workshop on Challenges in Information Retrieval and Language Modeling September 11-12, 2002 Amherst, Massachusetts.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on Challenges in Information Retrieval and Language Modeling September 11-12, 2002 Amherst, Massachusetts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on Challenges in Information Retrieval and Language Modeling September 11-12, 2002 Amherst, Massachusetts

2 Goals Identify major open challenges in IR Propose how language modeling techniques can (and cannot) be used to address those challenges

3 Areas represented by workshop Formalisms Cross-language IR Web search Filtering, TDT, and classification User modeling Summarization LM/IR toolkit Question answering Meta-search and distributed retrieval

4 Format of discussion sessions Two short talks to set the stage 5-10 minutes each (preferably 5) Raise major issues in area and identify challenges Final slide identifying points of discussion Discussion Moderated, if needed Take notes! Report chapter written soon Combined into final report from workshop

5 Report teams Team for each area Includes both presenters Plus several others Have you signed up? Someone should be anointed lead for area To get report writing organized

6 Agenda 8:15Breakfast 9:00Background 9:45 Models 10:45Break 11:15 CLIR 12:15 Lunch 1:30Web 2:30Filtering 3:30Break 4:00User models 5:00Adjourn 6:30Dinner 8:15Breakfast 9:00Summarization 10:00 LEMUR 11:00 Break 11:15 Question answering 12:15 Lunch 1:30 Meta-search 2:30Wrap-up 3:30Adjourn 3-5CIIR Poster session

7 Did you get a parking permit? If not, get one from Kate Put it in your car

8 Thanks to… ARDA for funding the workshop CMU/LTI for handling reimbursements Local arrangements André Gauthier Jean Joyce Kate Moruzzi

9 Questions?

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