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Typical Sample Sizes Incidence Rate Calculation.

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5 Typical Sample Sizes


7 Incidence Rate Calculation

8 Sample Size Variance (standard deviation) Magnitude of error Confidence level

9 Sample Size Formula

10 Sample Size Formula - Example Suppose a survey researcher, studying expenditures on lipstick, wishes to have a 95 percent confident level (Z) and a range of error (E) of less than $2.00. The estimate of the standard deviation is $29.00.

11 Sample Size Formula - Example

12 Suppose, in the same example as the one before, the range of error (E) is acceptable at $4.00, sample size is reduced. Sample Size Formula - Example


14 99% Confidence Calculating Sample Size  1389  265.37 2  2 53.74 2        2 )29)(57.2( n 2         347   6325.18 2  4 53.74 2        4 )29)(57.2( n 2       

15 Standard Error of the Proportion

16 Confidence Interval for a Proportion

17 Sample Size for a Proportion

18 2 2 E pqz n  Where: n = Number of items in samples Z 2 = The square of the confidence interval in standard error units. p = Estimated proportion of success q = (1-p) or estimated the proportion of failures E 2 = The square of the maximum allowance for error between the true proportion and sample proportion or zs p squared.

19 Calculating Sample Size at the 95% Confidence Level 753  001225. 922.  001225 )24)(.8416.3(  )035(. )4 )(. 6(.) 96 1. ( n 4.q 6.p 2 2   

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