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Synthetic Consortium for Cellulose Hydrolysis and Ethanol Production By: David Pham Supervisors: Wilfred Chen and Shen-Long Tsai.

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Presentation on theme: "Synthetic Consortium for Cellulose Hydrolysis and Ethanol Production By: David Pham Supervisors: Wilfred Chen and Shen-Long Tsai."— Presentation transcript:

1 Synthetic Consortium for Cellulose Hydrolysis and Ethanol Production By: David Pham Supervisors: Wilfred Chen and Shen-Long Tsai

2 Composition of Municipal Solid Waste  Biomass in MSW Paper 32.7% Yard Trimmings 12.8% Wood 5.6%  TOTAL: 51.1%  Conclusion Over 51.1% can be hydrolyzed into ethanol Environmental Protection Agency

3 Benefits  1. Reduce overflow of Municipal Solid Waste  2. Reduce dependence on fossil fuels  3. Increase Living standards

4 Plant Biomass  Lignocellulose makes up 90% of the dry weight of plant matter  Lignocellulose average composition 45% Cellulose 30% Hemicellulose 25% Lignin

5 Cellulose

6 Benefits of a consortium  Reduced Cell Exhaustion  Environmental Resilience  Production Parameters malleable

7 Yeast Consorta to Construct

8 Cost and Efficiency of Consolidated Bioprocessing CBP costs more than three times less than current practices

9 Vector pCEL15 Figure 5. Shuttle vector between E-coli and yeast  Dockerin inserted between XhoI and BglII  EG1 inserted between EcoRI and HindIII

10 The Basics of Molecular Cloning  PCR : Replication target insert (Endoglucanase 1 (EG1) or Dockerin)  Digestion : Cutting of insert and vector (pCEL15) to provide a common conjunction  Gel Purification: Removal of digestion enzymes (Xho1, BglII, EcoR1, and HindIII)

11 The Basics of Molecular Cloning  Ligation: Fusion of insert and vector  Transformation: Delivery of plasmid into the target cell  Inoculation: Replication of the target cell  Mini-prep: Purification of plasmid from cellular components for analysis

12 Agarose Gel after Mini-Prep

13 References  EPA Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling, and Disposal in the United States: Facts and Figures for 2007   TRENDS in Biotechnology  Current Trends in Biotechnology  Microbial Biotechnology: Glazer, Nikaido 2007

14 Acknowledgements  Dr. Wilfred Chen  Shen-Long Tsai  Anjali Mulchandani  Jun Wang  BRITE Personnel  NSF

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