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OpenHUDisplay Ever wanted to have one of those fancy cars with HUD for speed indication? Now you can! Simply download this software and build a fairly.

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Presentation on theme: "OpenHUDisplay Ever wanted to have one of those fancy cars with HUD for speed indication? Now you can! Simply download this software and build a fairly."— Presentation transcript:

1 OpenHUDisplay Ever wanted to have one of those fancy cars with HUD for speed indication? Now you can! Simply download this software and build a fairly simple circuit! Source code and documentation available for free at:

2 Why OpenHUDisplay? Based on off-the-shelf components - Which makes them easy to find The software and it's source code is available - Completely free and easy to download If you want to change it's behavior - You can! - Actually, you're encouraged to do so If anything breaks you easily can fix it at home - No need to wait for tech support to find the issue

3 How it all works You can connect a regular serial GPS through a MAX232 family RS232-to-TTL level converter chip or a GPS module with TTL signal levels directly The PIC then captures and formats the data to suit your needs The formatted data is then sent to the Futaba M12BY02AA VFD driver (or compatible) The driver then mirrors the characters before they're sent to the VFD itself

4 Block diagram (hardware)

5 Additional features Brightness adjustment through hex code switch Optional automatic brightness setting is work in progress Displays time as well as speed DST setting through switch

6 Approximate cost to get started A PicKit2 starter kit is recommended, however for the final circuit only the PIC16F690 will be needed 363 SEK MAX202ECPE RS232 transceiver (if RS232 GPS) 54 SEK Futaba M12BY02AA VFD 167 SEK Various components (switches, capacitors, etc.) ~80 SEK Total cost: ~664 SEK* = ~€72* = ~$95* *Current prices from, currency exchange rates may vary

7 JSP diagram (software)

8 Future of the project Completely open source Anyone with basic electronics skills can build their own Anyone with programming skills can improve the code as they see fit Useful links on next slide keep your cameras and notebooks ready

9 Useful links Source code and documentation: Tutorials on SparkFun: Free documentation on NMEA0183:

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