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Legally Required Benefits.  To protect workers from  Injury  Job loss  Health  Dependents  Idea is the level the playing field.

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Presentation on theme: "Legally Required Benefits.  To protect workers from  Injury  Job loss  Health  Dependents  Idea is the level the playing field."— Presentation transcript:

1 Legally Required Benefits

2  To protect workers from  Injury  Job loss  Health  Dependents  Idea is the level the playing field

3  Social Security Act 1935  Three programs with in this act ▪ Medicare ▪ Unemployment insurance  Supplemental unemployment benefits ▪ Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance ▪ Old age benefits ▪ Quarters of coverage ▪ Fully insured ▪ Survivor benefits

4  Thru no fault of ee  State by state  Base period applies  First four quarters of last calendar quarters  Must be actively seeking work  Not refuse offer of reasonable work  Labor disputes do no9t qualify individual.

5  Cyclical layoffs most common ▪ After 9/11…ees given additional 13 weeks ▪ FUTA ▪ Levies taxes on ers *(all but Alaska) ▪ This money is invested by Fed 5.4% ▪ The more you fired the higher you tax ▪ experience rating system

6  Retirement income  Based on how much you have earned  Based on quarters of coverage  Fully insured after 40 quarters of coverage  Survivors insurance ▪ Wives, children under 18, parent who has been dependent on ee  Disability insurance ▪ Conditions must be expected to last 1 year ▪ Must have worked a certain amount of time

7  65 or older  Part A  Part B  Medigap  Part C  Part D

8  Tax based on payroll  Increases with CPI  7.5% er and ee (2007)  15.3 % individual contribution ▪ Pay as you go..younger workers are supporting older workers benefits (takes 5) ▪ After 2020 rapid decline in amounts paid ▪ Thanks alot


10  Cover ee related accidents/illness  State by state  Claims  Occupational disease  Death claims  Death Benefits  Employer non compliance  Dual Capacity

11  Pre exiting conditions  Employee negligence  Employee misconduct  Safety violations

12  Rate making service organizations ▪ Rating manuals  Second injury funds  Er and ee tax obligations

13  Aims to provide job protection  Guarantee leaves  Child birth  Elder care  Sickness  Adoption and foster care  12 unpaid work weeks

14  Who receives it?  Retirees included?  Who to deny benefits to  Financing benefits  Cost containment  Communication

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