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1 W’  tb  lnubb: the first read. 2 introduction sample: W’  tb  lnubb generator: PYTHIA number of events: 5000 will only use events in the good run.

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Presentation on theme: "1 W’  tb  lnubb: the first read. 2 introduction sample: W’  tb  lnubb generator: PYTHIA number of events: 5000 will only use events in the good run."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 W’  tb  lnubb: the first read

2 2 introduction sample: W’  tb  lnubb generator: PYTHIA number of events: 5000 will only use events in the good run list

3 3 electrons no trigger (sorry!) object quality cut cluster E T > 20GeV author: 1 or 3 isEM Robust Medium η cut: 0 < |η| < 1.37, 1.52 < |η| < 2.47 after the cuts before the cuts number of passing electrons in each event

4 4 muons no trigger (sorry!) z0 (distance between the place where the muon was created and the nearest primary vertex) < 10mm |η| < 2.4 reconstructed by combining tracks in the muon spectrometer and inner detector P T > 20GeV (|P T,ID – P T, MS |/P T,ID ) < 0.5 author: 6 tracker hits requirement ptCone20ratio < 0.1 number of passing muons in each event

5 5 cutflow: jets (1): original (cone size is 4) (2): P T > 20GeV (3): |eta| < 4.5(4): isGood jets

6 6 remove lepton-jet overlap remove jets that have ΔR < 0.2 with passing electrons and muons before removal after removal

7 7 b-tag require b-tag variable “tag_sv0_w” > 5.85 number of jets before b-tagging number of jets after b-tagging number of b jets in each event tag_sv0_w

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