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Tim Scott Jeff Lyon. Automated testing? TDD? BDD?

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Presentation on theme: "Tim Scott Jeff Lyon. Automated testing? TDD? BDD?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tim Scott Jeff Lyon

2 Automated testing? TDD? BDD?

3 “BDD is a second-generation, outside-in, pull- based, multiple-stakeholder, multiple-scale, high- automation, agile methodology. It describes a cycle of interactions with well- defined outputs, resulting in the delivery of working, tested software that matters.” – Dan North Source:

4 Mature and flexible Drives behavioral thinking Structure creates readability

5 Structure & Syntax  Establish, Because, It, Cleanup How It Works  Static Anonymous Delegates Evolution  Test Fixture Per Class to BDD DRY Through (judicious) Inheritance Sugar  Catch, Behaves_like, Tag, Subject

6 As a user I need to see the Ticket Number so that I can identify each ticket. the common display format will be AAAA-BB where AAAA is the number of order that the ticket belongs to and BB is the ticket suffix BB will be at least two digits, zero padded Order number is a string as defined by the external system Ticket suffix is an integer as defined by the external system

7 Runners  TD.Net, Resharper, Console Runner Continuous Integration & Reports

8 MSpec Code MSpec Discussion Tim Scott’s Blog

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